瀏覽地圖開放街道地圖,供離線使用¤下載,編輯地圖(標籤編輯和創建節點),找出你在哪裡,搜尋地址,方向和掃描地圖的tweet與OpenMaps的iPhone,iPad和iPod touch。 特點 - 找準你的地圖上的位置與自來水一個按鈕。 - 使用數字羅盤旋轉螢幕上的地圖匹配你面對的方向。 - 關閉位置服務,備用電池,如果你不需要他們。 - 找出更多關於通過簡單輕敲他們的圖示在地圖上的地方。 - 網上搜尋位置。 - 高級用戶可以添加自定義的地圖類型,他們可以瀏覽。 - 下載地圖以供離線使用¤。註:使用下載工具極力勸阻。你可能會得到抑止,甚至被禁止,如果你下載的地圖瓦片伺服器濫用。 - 找出什麼人在你身邊鳴叫,或在世界任何地方掃描geotweets地圖。 - 登錄到Twitter讀取您的時間表和查看你的朋友的鳴叫,你提到在地圖上。 - 送出簽或注釋關於OSM地方鳴叫內的應用程式,並按照他們最近的Twitter談話。 - 做一些基本的編輯的地圖像編輯標籤,甚至添加新的地方。 - 計算汽車,騎腳踏車或步行路線與方向¤線上路由提供商CloudMade的幫助,和你任何兩個地點之間。 - 設定路線和中轉站書籤航線。 在Twitter上關注@ OpenMapsApp更新。 你的設備必須有一個內置數字羅盤在為了使此功能可用。 YOURS線上路由提供商有一定的局限性,如沒有轉由轉動方向,不支持過境點路由和長期(> 200公里)航線。 ¤功能可通過應用程式內購買。Browse the maps of OpenStreetMap, download them for offline use¤, edit the maps (tag editing and node creation), find out where you are, search for addresses, get directions and scan the map for tweets with OpenMaps for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. Features - Pinpoint your location on the map with a tap of a button. - Use the digital compass to rotate the onscreen map to match the direction you're facing. - Turn off location services to reserve battery if you don't need them. - Find out more info about places by simply tapping on their icons on the map. - Search online for a location. - Advanced users can add custom map types that they can browse. - Download maps for offline use¤. Note: Usage of the Download tool is strongly discouraged. You may get throttled and even banned from the map tile servers if you download abusively. - Find out what people tweet around you or anywhere in the world by scanning the map for geotweets. - Log in to Twitter to read your timelines and view your friends' tweets and mentions of you on the map. - Send out checkin or comment tweets about OSM places and follow the recent Twitter conversation about them within the app. - Do some basic edits to the map like editing tags, or even adding new places. - Calculate the car, bike or pedestrian route with directions¤ between any two locations with the help of online route providers CloudMade and YOURS. - Set transit points for the routes and bookmark the routes. Follow @OpenMapsApp on Twitter for updates. Your device must have a digital compass built in in order for this feature to be available. YOURS online route provider has some limitations, such as no turn-by-turn directions, no support for transit point routing and long (> 200 km) routes. ¤ Feature available via in app purchase.