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He deals the cards as a meditation 他出牌的樣子如深深冥想 And those he plays never suspect 每一次出手卻從不費思量 He doesn't play for the money he wins 他總是贏家 卻不為謀奪錢財 He doesn't play for the respect 更不是為了贏得敬仰 He deals the cards to find the answer 他在牌局中尋覓答案 The sacred geometry of chance 探索神秘幾何中的偶然 The hidden law of probable outcome 還有那飄忽結局的背後的隱匿之弦 The numbers lead a dance 在數字昂首領舞的背後深深隱藏 I know that the spades are the swords of a soldier 我明白黑桃如士兵手握的利劍 I know that the clubs are weapons of war 我知道梅花似戰場轟鳴的炮槍 I know that diamonds mean money for this art 這藝術般遊戲裡 我知道方塊象徵著財富 But that's not the shape of my heart 但那紅心卻不是我心之形狀 He may play the jack of diamonds 或許 他會出方塊傑克 He may lay the queen of spades 或許 他會下注黑桃皇后 He may conceal a king in his hand 亦或匿藏手中的國王 While the memory of it fades 但這些記憶 終將褪色……


