

《成功職場英語(學生用書)》包括申請工作、寫簡歷、組織會議、演示等普通職場話題及申請國外碩士課程等繼續深造方面的話題。《成功職場英語(學生用書)》由5個單元組成,每單元6課,各單元圍繞一個主題展開,每個單元後有一個Team Project。


叢書名: 職場英語選修教程系列

正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語

開本: 16

ISBN: 9787544610261, 7544610268

條形碼: 9787544610261

尺寸: 27.2 x 20.6 x 1.2 cm

重量: 399 g


作者:(美國) 桑切斯 (Sanchez.H.)




To the Student

Unit 1 Preparing for ochallenges

Lesson 1 The reason I'm applying is

Lesson 2 Just applying for the M.A. is hard

Lesson 3 If tuition weren't so expensive

Lesson 4 There are other options o

Lesson 5 Internet changes distance education

Lesson 6 Being evaluated is rough

Team Project 1

Unit 2 Getting the job

Lesson 1 I'd like to work here because

Lesson 2 Dear Hiring Manager

Lesson 3 This resume is" impressive

Lesson 4 Writing your resume

Lesson 5 If I were you, I would wear

Lesson 6 Interviews make me nervous

Team Project 2

Unit 3 Relocating for work

Lesson 1 Life is less formal here

Lesson 2 Time to choose a roommate

Lesson 3 There's so much to consider

Lesson 4 Dealing with the landlord

Lesson 5 Abbreviations drive me srazy

Lesson B There are cockroaches everywhere

Team Project 3

Unit 4 Doing the job

Lesson 1 Let's find the problem

Lesson 2 We need to set goals

Lesson 3 What's the action plan

Lesson 4 It's time for a decision

Lesson 5 We need time management training

Lesson 6 Who's the new marketing manager

Team Project 4

Unit 5 Solving problems

Lesson 1 Where's the shipment

Lesson 2 When do we get our stuff

Lesson 3 Let's call a meeting



