
1986.7-1989.9: 淮南礦院化工系,教師
1989.9-1992.3: 北京理工大學化工與材料學院, 碩士
1992.3-1994.12: 北京理工大學化工與材料學院,博士
1995.1-1996.12: 山東大學晶體材料研究所,晶體材料國家重點實驗室,博士後
1997.1-現在: 安徽大學化學化工學院(教授),“高分子化學和物理”碩士學位點學科帶頭人,碩士生導師,任安徽大學化學化工學院院長。
1997.9-1999.3: 香港科技大學化學系,訪問學者
2000.11-2002.4: 台灣大學化學系/台灣交大應化系, 高級訪問學者
2001.06-2002.04 台灣國立交通大學套用化學系,訪問教授
2000.09-2001.06 台灣國立大學化學系訪問學者
1997.09-1999.02 香港科技大學化學系,博士後
1. 聚合物光電功能高分子的分子設計、合成、性能及套用研究;
2. 納米高分子功能材料的分子設計、合成、性能及套用研究;
(1) 發表學術期刊論文
[49] Hongyao Xu, Shiao-Wei Kuo, Juh-Shyong Lee, Feng-Chih Chang, "Glass transition temperatures of poly(hydroxystyrene-co-vinylpyrrolidone-co-iobutylstyryl Polyhedral Oligomeric Silsesquioxanes (POSS) ", Polymers, 2002, 43: 5117-5124
[48]Shiao-wei Kuo, Hongyao XU, Chih-Feng Huang, Feng-chih Chang, “ Significant glass-transition temperature increase through hydrogen-bonding copolymers” , J. of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics, 2002, 40:2313-2323
[47] Sun Q.; Lam J. W. Y.; Xu K.; Xu H.; Cha J. A. P.; Wong P. C. L.; Wen G.; Zhang X. X.; Jing X.; Wang F.; Tang B. Z.; "Nanocluster-containing Mesoporous Magnetoceramics from Hyperbranched Organometallic Polymer Procursors", Chemistry of Materials, 2000, 12(9), 2617-2624 [46] Tang, B. Z.; Xu, HY.; Lam, J. W. Y.; Xu, K.; Sun, Q.; Lee, P. P. S.; Cheuk, K. K. L. "C60-Containing Poly(1-phenyl-1-alkynes)": Synthesis, Light Emission, and Optical Power Limiting, Chem. Mater. , 2000, 12:1446-1455
[45] Xu K.; Peng H.; Lam J. W. Y.; Poon T. W. H.; Dong Y.; Xu HY.; Sun Q.; Cheuk K. K. L.; Salhi F.; Lee P. P. S.; Tang B. Z.; "Transition Metal Carbonyl Catalysis for Polymerizations of Substituted Acetylenes", Macromolecules, 2000, 33: 6918-6924
[44] Ben Zhong Tang, Hongyao Xu, "Preparation, Alignment, and Optical Properties of Soluble Polyphenylacetylene-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes", Macromolecules, 1999,32: 2569-2576.
[43] Hongyao Xu, Shiao-Wei Kuo, Juh-Shyong Lee and Feng-Chih Chang﹐"Significantly Reinforced Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Poly(hydroxystyrene-co-vinylpyrrolidone-co-isobutylstyryl polyhedral oligosilsesquioxanes) Copolymers: Preparation and Mechanism"﹐ Macromolecules, 2002, (待發表論文) [42] Xu Hongyao, Kuo Shiao-Wei, Chang Feng-Chi﹐Syntheses, polymerization kinetics and properties of inorganic/organic hybrid polymers based on polyhedral oligomeric silsesquioxanes (POSS) ", J. Polym. Sci., Polym Phys. 2002, (待發表論文)
[41] Hongyao Xu, Shiao-Wei Kuo, Chih-Feng Huang, Feng-Chih Chang, "Polymeric Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Nanocpmposites Investigated by Solid State NMR Spectra"﹐ Polymers, 2002, (待發表論文) [40] Hongyao Xu,Shanyi Guang,Ben Zhong Tang, "ynthesis and Optical Limiting properties of the Copolymers of C60 and 1-phenyl-1-butyne", Chin.Chem.Lett.,11(1):21-22(2000)
[39] XU HONG-yao, GUANG Shan-yi, LI Cun, YI You-min, TANG Ben-zhong, "Preparation and Novel Optical Properties of Fullerene-based Polymer Materials", Journal of Anhui University Natural Science Edition, 24(3):104-109(2000)
[38] Hongyao Xu; Qunhui Sun; Lee, P. P. S.; Kwok, H. S.; Tang, B. Z., "Synthesis and Light Emitting Properties of the Copolymers of C60 and 1-Phenyl-1-Butyne", Thin Solid Films, 2000, Vol. 363(1-2): 143-145.
[37] Xu, HY.; Sun, Q.; Tang, B. Z. "Synthesis of and Optical Limiting in the Copolymers of C60 and 1-Phenyl-1-Butyne", Polym. Prepr. , 1999, 40(2): 818-819.
[36] Hongyao Xu, Ben Zhong Tang, "Synthesis and Optical Properites of Poly(C60-co- Phenylacetylene)s", J. Macromol. Sci. Pure Appl. Chem., 1999, 36: 1197-1207.
[35] Hongyao Xu, Ben Zhong Tang, "Preparation and Characterization of Soluble Polyphenylacetylene-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes", Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 80:215-216 (1999). [34] Hongyao Xu, Ben Zhong Tang, "Optical Properties of Soluble Polyphenylacetylene-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes ", Polym. Mater. Sci. Eng., 80:411-412 (1999).
[33] Hongyao Xu, Ben Zhong Tang, "Synthesis, Characterization and Optical Properties of the Copolymers of C60 and 1-Phenyl-1-Propyne", Chin. J. Polym. Sci., 17: 391-395(1999)
[32] Hongyao Xu,Ben Zhong Tang, "Preparation and Characterization of Soluble Polyphenylacetylene-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes", Polym.Mater,Sci.Eng., 80: 408-409 (1999). [31] Hongyao Xu,Ben zhong Tang, "Optical Properties of Soluble Polyphenylacetylene-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes", Polym.Mater.Sci.Eng., 80:411-412(1999).
[30] Hongyao Xu,Ben Zhong Tang, "Synthesis and Optical Properties of C60-Phenylacetylene Copolymer", Polym.Mater.Sci.Eng.,80:215-216(1999).
[29] Bing Yonghong, D.Xu, D.R.Yuan, M.G.Liu, W.B.Hou, X.Yin, S.Y.Sun, H.J.Sun, H.J.Zhang, Hongyao Xu,Q.Zhang,S.Y.Guo,M.J.Jiang, "Study on thermal Characterization of Zn-doped KN03 Crystals", Mater.Lett.,30: 31-319(1997)
[28] Hongyao Xu,Shanyi Guang,Dong Xu,Duoyong Yuan,Yonghong Bing,Minhua Jiang, "All-optical Switching of A new Substituted polydiacetylene", Mat.Res.Bull.,31(4): 351-355(1996)
[27] Hongyao Xu,Minhua Jiang, Yinglin Song,Chunfei Li, "Optical Limiting of A New Substituted polydiacetylene",Mat.Lett.,27: 91-94(1996)
[26] Hongyao Xu,Dong Xu,Minhua Jiang,Duoyoug Yuan,Yinglin Song, "Characterization of nonliner optical properties of novel heterocycle Substituted Polydiacetylene Films", SPIE Vol.2896:3-8(1996)
[25] Hongyao Xu,Congxua Yu,Yunan Sun,Fang Cui, "Fabrication and Measurement of Composite Waveguide in Polymer", High Tech.Lett.2(1): 81-83(1996)
[24] Hongyao Xu,Dong Xu,Minhua Jiang, "All-optical Switching By Excited State Absorption Molecules", Polym.Mat.Sci.Eng.,Vol75: 245(1996)
[23] Hongyao Xu,Jianghong Wang,Peiwang Zhu,Congxuan Yu, "A Novel Synthesis Method, Nonlinear Optical Properties of 4-n-butory carbonyl-methyl-urethane Polydiacetylene", SPIE Vol.2321:10-14(1994)
[22] Zhou Song,Xu Hongyao,Ji Siming,Congxuan Yu, "The Syntheses of Some Novel Pyrimidine Compounds", Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (英文版),2(2):141-145(1993) ( 已被EI收錄) [21] 宮曉梅, 嚴睿文, 徐洪耀*, 李村, 光善儀, 方敏, “魔芋葡甘露糖提純及性能研究”, 精細化工, 19:486-488 (2002)
[20] 徐洪耀,光善儀,張勝義,童保雲,唐本忠,“聚苯乙烯立體結構與光致發光性能的研究”,高分子學報,2:186-189(2001)( 已被SCI收錄)
[19] 徐洪耀,嚴睿文,李玉成,光善儀,“不同地區魔芋粉中微量元素含量的測定”,微量元素與健康研究,18(1):53-55(2001)
[18] 光善儀,徐洪耀,唐本忠,蔣民華, "WCl6/-BuPh3Sn催化聚合苯乙炔的製備和螢光性能的研究”,功能材料,32(1):105-107(2001)
[17]光善儀,徐洪耀,余芹,李村,唐本忠,"富勒烯高分子聚合物的製備及發光性能”, 安徽大學學報(自然科學版),25(1):68-72(2001)
[16] 光善儀,徐洪耀,張勝義,童保雲,尹守春,余芹,"六羰基鎢催化劑製備聚苯乙烯及其螢光性能”,精細化工,17(8):467-469(2000)
[14] 光善儀,徐洪耀,李村,唐本忠,蔣民華, "C6O和苯乙快聚合物螢光性能的研究”,功能材料,31(6),642-643,648(2000)( 已被EI收錄)
[13] 徐洪耀,“有機非線性光學材料的研究焦點”,國際學術動態,5:57-60(1997)
[12] 陳光巨,黃元河,徐洪耀,余叢煊,“二乙炔衍生物的聚合及光學性能的量子化學研究”,化學學報,54(10):94-954(1996) ( 已被SCI收錄)
[11] 徐洪耀,光善儀,余叢煊,宋瑛林,李淳飛,“尿烷取代二乙炔反飽和吸收光限特性的研究”,功能材料, 27(1):37-40(1996) ( 已被EI收錄)
[10] 徐洪耀,余叢煊,光善儀,孫雨南,崔芳,“尿烷取代聚二乙炔薄膜通道波導特性的研究”,薄膜科學和技術,8(4):376-380(1996)
[9] 徐洪耀,光善儀,蔣民華,宋瑛林,李淳飛, "嘧啶環取代聚二乙炔光開關材料的研究”,量子電子學,13(3):216-219(1996)
[8] 徐洪耀,余叢煊,孫雨南,崔芳,“聚合物通道波導的理論分析和製備”,高技術通訊,6(6):37-40(1996)
[7] 徐洪耀,光善儀,蔣民華,王江洪,余叢煊,“聚合物波導的製備和測試”,功能材料,Vol26:84-89(1995)
[6] 徐洪耀,光善儀,周馨我,"塑膠透鏡多層減反射膜的性能研究”,薄膜科學和技術,8(4):382-386(1995)
[5] 徐洪耀,光善儀,余叢煊,宋瑛林,李淳飛, "尿烷取代聚二乙炔PDA薄膜製備及其開關特性的研究”,高技術通訊,6(2):46-50(1996)
[4] 徐洪耀,光善儀,周馨我,"塑膠透鏡耐磨膜”,工程塑膠套用,22(5):47-49(1994)
[3] 周馨我,徐洪耀, "熱塑性塑膠透鏡的耐磨減反射膜的研究",北京理工大學學報,14(3):240-244(1994)
[2] 余叢煊,劉敬鏞,徐洪耀,王江洪,朱培旺, "取代二苯多烯和取代聚二乙炔的三階非線性光學性質”,高技術通訊,4(5):15-20(1994)
[1] 宋瑛林,李淳飛,朱培旺,徐洪耀, "嘧啶環取代二乙炔的光限幅特性",高技術通訊,1995,N0.8:39-40
(2)發表學術會議論文: [18] Xu hongyao,Ben Zhong Tang, “Synthesis and Properties of Poly(C60-co-phenylacetylene)s”,Priprints of Second East Asian polymer Conference,(12-16,January,1999,Hong Kong),p208-209
[17] Guang Shanyi,Xu Hongyao, “Synthesis and Nonlinear Optical Properties of Substituted Conjugated Polydiacetylenes”, Priprints of Second East Asian Polymer Conference,(12-16,January,1999,Hong Kong),p172-173
[16] Tang Ben Zhong,Xu Hongyao, “Preparation,Aligm1e,and Optical Properties of Soluble Polyphenylacetylene-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes”,Priprints of Second East Asian Polymer Conference,(12-16,January,1999,Hong Kong),p141-148
[15] Xu Hongyao,Tang Ben zhong, “Synthesis and Optical Limiting of Fullerence Polymers”,1999年全國高分子會議文集,(上海,五月9-14日)ppd195-196
[14] Xu Hongyao,Guang Shanyi,Tang Benzhong,Li Cun, “Syntheis of and Optical limiting in Copolymers of C60 and 1-phenyl-Butyne”,6TH Pacific polymer Coference,(Guangzhou,Dec.7-11,1999) [13] Zhang Yucuan,Xu Hongyao,Tang Benzhong, “synthesis and Fluoresence Properties of Fulluerene Phenylacetylene Copolymer”, 6TH Pacific polymer Coference(Guangzhou,Dec.7-11,1999)
[12] Tang Ben Zhong,Xu Hongyao, “Preparation, Alignment, and Optical Properties of Soluble Polyphenylacetylene-Wrapped Carbon Nanotubes”,1999年全國高分子會議論文集,(上海,五月9-14日)ppd9-14
[11] Hongyao Xu,Ben Zhong Tang,“Synthesis and Optical Properties of C60-Containing Po1yacetylene”,Fifth Symposium on Chemistry Postgraduate Research in Hong Kong (25 April 1998,HKPU) pp84 [10] Xu Hongyao,Mu Xiaodong,Xu Dong,Shao Zongshu,Jiang Minhua, “The Study on Novel Conjugated Photorefractive Polymers”,1996年全國材料科學會議論文集,(北京,11月15-18日)
[9] Hongyao Xu,Dong Xu,Duoyong Yuan,Minhua Jiang,Yingli Song, “Characterization of Nonlinear Optical Properties of Novel Heterocycle Substituted Polydiacetylenes Film”,Photonic China'96,pp1-8(November,1996,Beijing,China)
[8] Xu Hongyao,Zhang Yuchuan,Li Cun, Mu Xiaodong,Shao Zongshu,Jiang Minhua, “Design, Synthesis and Characterization of a Nove1 Conjugated photorefractive Polymer”,The National Symposium of Polymers(Oct.1997,Hefei,China) pb83-84
[7] 徐洪耀等, “高聚物透鏡”,科技成果鑑定書,1-6(1992)
[6] Hongyao Xu,et al., “All—optical switching by excited state absorption”,
[5] 徐洪耀,許東,蔣民華,鄒英華,張松賓,“聚合物的超快特性”第八屆全國凝聚態光學特性會議論文集,(1996),杭州
[4] 徐洪耀,余叢煊,張軍良,“聚吡咯環取代二炔的非線性光學特性”,第三屆全國有機光電子材料和國家攀登計畫有機光折變材料學術研討會論文集,p17(1994),青島
[3] 徐洪耀,丁世昌,馮金生,“真空蒸度取向膜的研究”,第二屆全國有機非線性光學材料學術研討會論文集,p97(1992),北京
[2] 孫雨南,徐志剛,方偉,崔芳,徐洪耀, “PDA非線性折射率的波導測量”, 第三屆全國有機光電子材料和國家攀登計畫有機光折變材料學術研討會論文集,p64(1994),青島
[1] 馮金生,王勝華,徐洪耀,劉敬鏞,孫雨南,張存林,“PPMA摻雜PTS波導薄膜的研究”, 第二屆全國有機非線性光學材料學術研討會論文集,p85(1992),北京