後現代主義的先鋒詩人:約翰·阿什貝利的早期詩歌研究 目錄Abbreviations
Introduction John Ashbery and His Influence
Chapter One Under the Postmodern Condition
Chapter Two The Theories of Literary Games
Chapter Three The Survey of Ashbery's Poetry Volumes
Chapter Four Ashbery's Language Style and the U.S. AvantGarde Painting
Chapter Five Ashbery's Language Game and Behavioral Reading
Chapter Six Ashbery's Imagery and the French Surrealism
Chapter Seven Ashbery's Prose Poems and His Talking Poetics
Conclusion Ashbery and Postmodernism
Appendix I Selected Texts of Ashbery
Appendix II 約翰·阿什貝利早期詩歌的先鋒藝術特點
Appendix III 個性消失與平淡之美.