

1998年7月於武漢大學獲博士學位,01年10月至03年5月日本京都大學(Kyoto University)博士後。2001年10月至2002年4月日本基礎化學研究所外國人特別研究員。2003年3月至4月訪問美國羅切斯特大學、新澤西州立大學。2004年7月至8月日本京都大學福井謙一研究中心客座研究員。2005年10月應邀訪問香港浸會大學。已發表論文近80篇,其中SCI源刊論文50篇(含IF3.0以上論文8篇),論文被他人引用200餘次。現任無機化學研究所副主任。



彭天右 無機化學研究方向:材料化學,納米功能材料,光催化材料。1998年7月於武漢大學獲博士學位並留校任教,04年破格晉升教授。01年10月至03年5月Kyoto University博士後,其間兼任日本基礎化學研究所外國人特別研究員。03年3-4月訪問Rochestor University、New Jersey State University。04年7月至8月京都大學福井謙一研究中心客座研究員。05年10月應邀訪問香港浸會大學。07年7月訪問新加坡國立大學和南洋理工大學。08年11月訪問Wisconsin-Madison和Delaware大學。






2003年3月 教育部自然科學二等獎(第三完成人);2000年9月 湖北省優秀博士學位論文;2004年 省級成果鑑定1項(國際先進水平);2004,2006年優秀研究生指導教師獎和研究生教學獎。



1、Junnian Chen, TianyouPeng,*Ke Fan, Renjie Li, Jiangbin Xia,* Optimization of plastic crystal ionic liquid electrolyte for solid-state DSSC, Electrochimica Acta, 2013, 94: 1-6.
2、Kan Li, Bo Chai, Tianyou Peng,* Jin Mao, Preparation of AgIn5S8/TiO2 hetero- junction and its enhanced photocatalytic H2 production property, ACS Catalysis, 2013, 3: 170-177.
3、Kan Li, Bo Chai,*Tianyou Peng,*Jing Mao, Ling Zan, Synthesis of Ag2ZnSnS4 as an efficient photocatalyst for H2 production under visible light, RSC Advances, 2013, 3: 253-258.
4、Ke Fan, Tianyou Peng,* Junnian Chen, Xiaohu Zhang, Renjie Li, A simple preparation method for quasi-solid-state flexible dye-sensitized solar cells by using sea urchin-like anatase TiO2 microspheres, Journal of Power Sources, 2013, 222: 38-44.
5、Liqun Ye, Jinyan Liu, Lihong Tian, Tianyou Peng, Ling Zan,*The replacement of {101} by {010} facets inhibits the photocatalytic activity of anatase TiO2, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2013,134-135, 60-65.
6、Lijuan Yu, Xiaole Zhou, Yinghui Yin, Yuwen Liu, Renjie Li,* Tianyou Peng,* Highly asymmetric tribenzonaphtho-condensed porphyrazinatozinc complex: an efficient near-infrared sensitizer for dye-sensitized solar cells, ChemPlusChem, 2012, 77(11): 1022–1027.
7、Xiaohu Zhang, Uahengo Veikko, Jin Mao, Ping Cai*, Tianyou Peng*,Visible light induced photocatalytic hydrogen production over binuclear RuII–bipyridyl dye-sensitized TiO2 without noble metal loading, Chemistry - A European Journal, 2012, 18(38): 12103-12111.
8、Jin Mao, Tianyou Peng,* Xiaohu Zhang, Kan Li, Ling Zan, Selective methanol production from photocatalytic reduction of CO2 on BiVO4 under visible light irradiation, Catalysis Communications, 2012, 28: 38-41.
9、Ke Fan, Tianyou Peng,* Junnian Chen, Low-cost, quasi-solid-state and TCO- free highly bendable DSSCs on paper substrate, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22: 16121-16126.
10、Bo Chai, Peng Zeng, Xiaohu Zhang, Jing Mao, Ling Zan Tianyou Peng*, Walnut-like In2S3 microspheres: ionic liquid-assisted solvothermal synthesis, characterization and formation mechanism,Nanoscale, 2012, 4: 2372-2377.
11、Ke Fan, Junnian Chen, Fan Yang, Tianyou Peng*, Self-organized film of ultra-fine TiO2 nanotubes and its application to dye-sensitized solar cell on flexible Ti-foil substrate, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2012, 22: 4681-4686.
12、Xiaojing Liu, Peng Zeng, Tianyou Peng*, Xiaohu Zhang,Kejian Deng, Preparation of multiwalled carbon nanotubes/Cd0.8Zn0.2S nanocomposite and its photocatalytic H2 production under visible light, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37: 1375-1384.
13、Bo Chai, Tianyou Peng*, Peng Zeng, Jin Mao, Synthesis of floriated In2S3 decorated with TiO2 nanoparticles for efficient photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible light, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21: 14587-14593.
14、Junnian Chen, Tianyou Peng*, Ke Fan, Jiangbin Xia*, Iodine-free quasi solid-state DSSCs based on ionic liquid and alkali salt, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21: 16448-16452.
15、Ke Fan, Chuqing Gong, Tianyou Peng*, Junnian Chen and Jiangbin Xia, A novel preparation of small TiO2 nanoparticle and its application to dye-sensitized solar cells with binder-free paste at low temperature, Nanoscale, 2011, 3: 3900-3906.
16、Junnian Chen, Jiangbin Xia*, Ke Fan, Tianyou Peng*, A novel CuI-based iodine-free gel electrolyte for dye-sensitized solar cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2011, 56: 5554–5560.
17、Bo Chai, Tianyou Peng*, Peng Zeng, Xiaohu Zhang, Template-free hydrothermal synthesis of ZnIn2S4 floriated microsphere as an efficient phototcatalyst for H2 production under visible-light irradiation, Journal of Physical ChemistryC, 2011,115(13):6149-6155.
18、Ke Fan, Tianyou Peng*, Junnian Chen, Ke Dai, Effects of tetrabutoxytitanium on photoelectrochemical properties of plastic-based TiO2 film electrodes for flexible dye-sensitized solar cells,Journal of Power Sources, 2011, 196: 2939-2944.
19、Liqun Ye, Ling Zan*, Lihong Tian, Tianyou Peng, Jiujun Zhang, The {001} facets-dependent high photoactivity of BiOCl nanosheets,Chemical Communications, 2011, 47: 6951-6953.
20、Hongjin Lv, Liang Ma, Peng Zeng, Dingning Ke, Tianyou Peng*, Synthesis of floriated ZnFe2O4 with porous nanorod structures and its photocatalytic hydrogen production under visible light, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2010, 20: 3665-3672.
21、Ke Fan, Tianyou Peng*, Bo Chai, Junnian Chen, Ke Dai, Fabrication and photoelectrochemical properties of TiO2 films on Ti substrate for flexible dye-sensitized solar cells, Electrochimica Acta, 2010, 55: 5239-5244.
22、Dingning Ke, Tianyou Peng*,Liang Ma,Ping Cai, Ke Dai, Effects of hydrothermal temperature on the microstructures of BiVO4 and its photocatalytic O2 evolution activity under visible light, Inorganic Chemistry, 2009, 48(11): 4685-4691.
23、Ke Dai, Tianyou Peng*,Dingning Ke, Bingqing Wei*, Photocatalytic H2 generation using nanocomposite of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and TiO2 under visible light, Nanotechnology, 2009, 20: 125603-1-125603-6.
24、Ke Dai, Tianyou Peng*, Hao Chen*, Juan Liu, Ling Zan, Photocatalytic Degradation of commercial phoxim over La-doped TiO2 nanoparticles in aqueous suspension, Environmental Science Technology, 2009, 43(5): 1540-1545.
25、Qianqian Li, Lanlan Lu, Cheng Zhong, Jing Huang, Qing Huang, Jie Shi, Xianbo Jin, Tianyou Peng*, Jingui Qin,* Zhen Li*, New pyrrole-based organic dyes for DSSCs: Convenient syntheses and high efficiency,Chemistry-A European Journal, 2009, 15: 9664-9668.
26、Tianyou Peng*,Dingning Ke,Ping Cai,Ke Dai, Liang Ma, Ling Zan, Influence of different ruthenium(II) bipyridyl complex on the photocatalytic H2 evolution over TiO2 nanoparticles with mesostructures, Journal of Power Source, 2008, 180(1): 498-505.
27、Ke Dai, Tianyou Peng*,Hao Chen*, Ruixue Zhang,Youxiang Zhang,Photocatalytic degradation and mineralization of commercial methamidophos in aqueous titania suspension, Environmental Science Technology, 2008, 42: 1505-1510.
28、Huabing Yi,Tianyou Peng*,Dingning Ke, Dai Ke, Ling Zan, Chunhua Yan,Photocatalytic H2 production from methanol aqueous solution over titania nanoparticles with mesostructures, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33: 672-678.
29、Tianyou Peng*, De Zhao, Ke Dai, Wei Shi, Kazuyuki Hirao, Synthesis of TiO2 nanoparticles with mesoporous anatase wall and high photocatalytic activity, Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2005, 109: 4947-4752.
30、Tianyou Peng*, Akira Hasegawa, Jianrong Qiu, Kazuyuki Hirao, Fabrication of titania tubules with high surface area and well-developed mesostructural walls by surfactant-mediated templating method, Chemistry of Materials, 2003, 15(10): 2011-2016.



