

張潤楚1966年畢業於南開大學數學系並留校任教。曾長期擔任南開大學統計學系主任和數學學科學術委員會及學位評議組委員,1989至2005年間應邀訪問University of Waterloo、University of California at Berkeley、 University of Michigan和Simon Fraser University等多所國際著名大學合作研究。1993年任教授並指導博士研究生。曾任中國統計學會天津統計學會副會長,中國機率統計學會、中國現場統計研究會常務理事等職。現任教育部數學與統計學教學指導委員會委員、天津市第七屆科學技術協會委員、天津現場統計研究會理事長、國際統計雜誌“Journal of Satistical Planning and Inference”Associate Editor等學術職務。已主持了七項國家自然科學基金和兩項教育部博士點基金等科研項目。1997年獲國務院科學研究突出貢獻政府津貼,試驗設計研究成果於2001年獲教育部中國高校科學技術獎 (自然科學) 二等獎,2002年獲國家統計局全國統計科學研究優秀課題成果一等獎等科研獎勵。從2008年起並被東北師範大學聘為教授和博士生導師任職。



1961-1966, 南開大學數學繫上大學, 畢業。

1966-現在, 南開大學數學系 (今數學學院) 任教。 其中1966-1992年擔任機率統計信息教研室副主任; 1993年起, 任教授並指導博士生研究生。

2008-現在, 同時任教於東北師範大學, 任教授和博士生導師。


1989.9-1991.11, 作為訪問副教授訪問加拿大滑鐵盧大學(University of Waterloo)統計與精算學系

1990.12-1991.4, 作為訪問學者訪問美國加利福尼亞大學(伯克利)(University of California at Berkeley)統計系

1992.9-1993.7, 應邀訪問香港浸會大學(Hong Kong Baptist University)數學系

1997.9-1998.9, 國家教育部派作為高訪學者訪問美國密西根大學(University of Michigan)統計系

2001.8-2001.9, 應邀訪問加拿大滑鐵盧大學統計與精算學系

2005.8-2005.9, 應邀訪問加拿大西蒙佛雷澤大學(Simon Fraser University)統計與精算學系

2009-, 擔任國際統計雜誌“Journal of Satistical Planning and Inference”Associate Editor.

1998-, 擔任國內“套用機率統計”和“統計教育”等雜誌編委.





2004-2010, 任天津市統計學會副會長

2001-, 中國統計學會理事,天津市統計學會理事


2004-, 受清華大學出版社聘為國外大學優秀教材統計學系列(影印版)編委會委員

2001-, 受國家統計局聘為第四屆、第五屆全國統計教材編審委員會委員

2001-, 聘為山西財經大學客座教授

2010-, 聘為西南交通大學兼職教授


1996-2000, 受聘為天津市統計學會專家諮詢組成員

1994-2002, 任中國機率統計學會理事

1984-1993, 任中國機率統計學會多指標過程研究分會委員


2006- ,任天津市現場統計研究會理事長 2006-2010,

受聘擔任2006-2010教育部高等學校數學與統計學教學指導委員會委員 2001-2005,

受聘擔任2001-2005教育部高等學校數學與統計學教學指導委員會委員 2004- ,

選為天津市統計學會副會長、常務理事 2001- , 中國統計學會理事,天津市統計學會理事 2001- , 中國現場統計研究會 發表文章及著作:


試驗設計;多元統計理論和數據分析;統計理論推斷; 統計與機率套用。


張潤楚 張潤楚

張潤楚從事數學與統計學教學幾十年,講授了本科生和研究生不同課程近20門。科研方面主要從事多指標隨機過程、統計理論推斷、多元統計、試驗設計等領域研究。他在隨機過程領域1985年的文章引進了一類Brown單和推廣的OUP2過程,導出若干寬過去Markov性質,被國際學者引用和進一步推廣到Poisson單等。特別在試驗設計領域獲得多項具有較大影響成果。如1992和1993年他與CFJ Wu的文章用集群理論構造出的系列非對稱正交表、提出的非對稱正規Minimum Aberration 準則和構造等系列成果被國際廣泛引用。尤其是他2006年提出的GMC (General Minimum Lower Order Confounding) 最優設計準則和理論,為試驗設計理論和套用研究開闢了一個新領域,從2006年至今與國際著名統計學家及研究生們合作發表了系列重要理論和構造成果,這些成果已被國際同行公認和矚目。 他至今已在中國科學、Ann. Statist.、Biometrika、Statist. Sinica、J. Statist. Plann. Inference等國際學術刊物發表論文120餘篇,被SCI論文和國際權威著作引用數百次。此外還在科學出版社等出版著作三部,譯著六部 (其中一部為中譯英)。他已培養29名博士研究生和60餘名碩士研究生,其中相當一部分已經成為國際知名學者。


張潤楚主編 (2010). 數理統計學,教育部高等學校統計專業教學指導分委員會推薦用書,科學出版社, 北京,2010.12. 出版.


張潤楚主編 (2010). 數理統計學,教育部高等學校統計專業教學指導分委員會推薦用書,科學出版社, 北京,2010.12. 出版.

2. 張潤楚、程軼等譯 (2010). 多元統計分析導論(T.W. Anderson著),人民郵電出版社,北京,2010.12. 出版.

3. 張潤楚等譯 (2010). 試驗套用統計 (G.E.P. Box, J.S. Hunter and W.G. Hunter 著), 機械工業出版社, 北京,2010.1. 出版.

4. 張潤楚等譯 (2009). 試驗套用統計 (原著: G.E.P. Box, J.S. Hunter and W.G. Hunter (2005, Second Edition). Statistics for Experimenters: Design, Innovation and Discovery, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. (1978, First Edition)), 機械工業出版社(China Machine Press), 北京,, 2009 出版.

5. 張潤楚編著 (2006). 多元統計分析, 科學出版社, 北京,2006.9.出版 (2007, 2008, 2009,2010年重印).

6. 張潤楚等譯(英譯中) (2003). 試驗設計與分析及參數最佳化 ( 原著: C.F.J. Wu and M. Hamada (2000), Experiments: Planning, Analysis and Parameter Design Optimization, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York), 中國統計出版社,北京, 2003.3. 出版.

7. 張潤楚等譯(英譯中) (1993). 經典位勢論與機率位勢論, (原著: J.L. Doob (1984), Classical Potential Theory and Its Probabilistic Counterpart, Springer-Verlag), 科學出版社, 北京, 1993 出版.

8. 張潤楚、張樹東譯 (中譯英) (1992). Birth and Death Processes and Markov Chains (原著:王梓坤、楊向群(1980).生滅過程與馬爾科夫鏈, 科學出版社, 北京), Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Science Press, Beijing, 1992 出版.

9. 胡國定、張潤楚 (1990). 多元數據分析方法-純代數處理, 南開大學出版社, 天津, 1990. 出版.


已發表學術論文120餘篇, 選擇文章如下:


89. Zhang, R.C., Li, P. and Wei, J.L. (2011). Optimal blocking for two-level regular designs with multi block variables, Journal of Statistical Theory and Practice, 5(1), 161-178. (SCI)

88. Li, P.F., Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2011). A theory on constructing designs with general minimum lower-order confounding,Statistica Sinica, (SCI)

87. Zhang, R.C., Phoa, F.K.H., Mukerjee, R. and Xu, H. (2011). A trigonometric approach to quaternary code designs with application to one-eighth and one-sixteenth fractions, The Annals of Statistics, 39 (2), 931-955. (SCI)

86. Hu, J.W. and Zhang, R.C. (2011). Some results on two-level regular designs with general minimum lower order confounding, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, doi:10.1016/j.jspi.2010.11.027. (SCI)


85. Zou, C.L., Liu, Y.K., Wang, Z.J. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). Adaptive Nonparametric Comparison of Regression Curves, Communications in Statistics: Theory and Method, 39, 1299-1320.

84. Cheng, Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). On construction of general minimum lower order confounding designs with N/4+1≤n≤9N/32, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 2384-2394. (SCI)

83. Wei, J.L., Yang, J.F., Li, P. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). Split-plot designs with general minimum lower-order confounding, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 53(4), 939-952. (SCI)

82. Li, P., Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). A cluster analysis selection strategy for supersaturated designs, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 54, 1605-1612. (SCI)

81. Zhang, R.C. and Cheng Y. (2010). General minimum lower order confounding designs: An overview and a construction theory, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 140, 1719-1730. (SCI)

80. Xu, J.J., Tan, X.M. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). A note on Phllips (1991): “A constrained maximum likelihood approach to estimating switching regressions”, Journal of Economitrics, 154, 35-41. (SCI)

79. Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2010). Compromise plans with clear two-factor interactions, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 26, 99-106. (SCI)


78. Yang, J.F., Liu,M.Q. and Zhang R.C. (2009). Some results on fractional factorial split-plot designs with multi-level factors, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 38, 3623-3633. (SCI)

77. Hu, J.W. and Zhang, R.C. (2009). Maximal rank minimum aberration and doubling, Statistics & Probability Letters, 79, 915-919. (SCI)

76. Zhang, R.C. and Mukerjee, R. (2009). General minimum lower order confounding in block designs using complementary sets. Statistica Sinica, 19, 1787-1802. (SCI)

75.Zhang, R.C. and Mukerjee, R. (2009). Characterization of general minimum lower order confounding via complementary sets, Statistica Sinica, 19, 363-375. (SCI)


74. Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). Bound on the maximum number of clear two-factor interactions for designs, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 28B(4), 949-954. (SCI)

73. Liu Y.K., Zou, C.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). Empirical likelihood ratio test for a change-point in linear regression model, Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 37, 2551-2563. (SCI)

72. Zhang, R.C., Li, P. Zhao, S.L. and Ai, M.Y. (2008). A general minimum lower-order confounding criterion for two-level regular designs, Statistica Sinica, 18, 1689-1705. (SCI)

71. Chen, J., Tan, X.M. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). Inference for normal mixture in mean and variance, Statistica Sinica, 18, 443-465. (SCI)

70. Liu, Y.K., Zou, C.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). Empirical likelihood for the two-sample mean problem, Statistics & Probability Letters, 78(5), 548-556. (SCI)

69. Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2008). designs with resolution III or IV containing clear two-factor interaction components, Statistical Papers, 49, 441-454. (SCI).

68. Zhao, S.L. Zhang, R.C. and Liu, M.Q. (2008). Some results on designs with two-factor interaction components, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 51(7), 1297-1314. (SCI).


68. 趙勝利、張潤楚、劉民千 (2007). 含有純淨兩因子互動作用成分的 設計的某些結果, 中國科學, A輯, 37(3): 323-340. (SCI)

67. Tan, X. M., Chen, J. H. and Zhang, R. C., (2007). Consistency of constrained maximum likelihood estimator in finite normal mixture models. 2007 Proceedings of the American Statistical Association, Section on Statistical Education [CD-ROM]}, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association, 2113-2119. (SCI)

66. Zhao, S.L. and Zhang, R.C. (2007). Bound on the Maximum number of clear two- factor interactions for designs, Mathematica Acta Scientia, 27B(3), 1-6. (SCI)

65. Yang, G.J., Lin L. and Zhang, R.C. (2007). Unbiased quasi regressions, Chinese Annals of Mathematics, 28B(2), 177-186. (SCI)

64. Yang, J.F., Zhang, R.C. and Liu, M.Q. (2007). Construction of fractional factorial split-plot designs with weak minimum aberration, Statistics & Probability Letters, 77, 1567-1573. (SCI)

63. Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2007). designs with minimum aberration or weak minimum aberration, Statistical Papers, 48, 235-248. (SCI)

62. Liu, Y.K., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2007). Construction of multi-level supersaturated design via Kronecker product, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 2984-2992. (SCI)

61. Zi, X.M., Liu, M.Q., and Zhang, R.C. (2007). Asymmetrical factorial designs containing clear effects, Metrika, 65, 123-131. (SCI)

60. Wu, C.C. and Zhang, R.C. (2007), The asymptotic distributions of empirical likelihood ratio statistics in the presence of measurement error, Mathematica Acta Scientia, 27B(2), 232-242. (SCI)


59. Zhang, Q.Z., Zhang, R.C. and Liu, M.Q. (2006). A method for screening active effects in supersaturated designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,137, 2068-2079. (SCI)

58. Li, P.F., Chen, B.J., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). A note on minimum aberration and clear criteria, Statistics & Probability Letters, 76, 1007-1011. (SCI)

57. Yang, G.J. Liu, M.Q and Zhang, R.C. (2006). A note on 2^{m-p}_{IV} designs with the maximum number of clear two-factor interactions, Mathematica Acta Scientia, 26A(7), 1153-1158.

56. Chen, B.J., Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). Some results on blocked regular 2-level fractional factorial designs with clear effects. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 4436-4449. (SCI)

55. Wu, C.C. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). Empirical likelihood method under stratified random sampling using auxiliary information and the information in the strata population size, Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 22(4), 401-409.

54. 譚鮮明、張潤楚 (2006). 高維數據判別分析中的特徵選擇,數學物理學報,26A(5), 647-652.

53. Zi, X.M., Zhang, R.C. and Liu, M.Q. (2006). Bounds on the maximum numbers of clear two-factor interactions for fractional factorial split-plot designs, Science in China Series A-Mathematics, 49(1), 1816-1829. (SCI)

53. 訾雪旻、張潤楚、劉民千 (2006). 部分因析裂區設計中純淨兩因子互動效應的最大數目的界, 中國科學, A輯, 36(12): 1389-1403. (SCI)

52. Yang, J.F., Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q., and Zhang R.C. (2006), fractional factorial split-plot designs containing clear effects, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136, 4450-4458. (SCI)

51. Wu, C.C. and Zhang, R.C. (2006), An information-theoretic approach to the effective usage of auxiliary information from survey data, Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 58, 499-509. (SCI)

50. Ai, M.Y., Yang, G.J. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). Minimum aberration blocking of regular mixed factorial designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136(4), 1439- 1511. (SCI)

49. Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2006). Minimum secondary abberation fractional factorial split-plot designs in terms of consulting designs, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 49 (4), 494-512. (SCI)

49. 艾明要、張潤楚 (2006). 用參照設計刻畫最小附加部分因析裂區設計,中國科學,A輯, 36(1), 52-71. (SCI)


48. Wu, C.C. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Empirical likelihood inferences on parameters of interest under stratified random sampling in the presence of measurement error. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica, English Series, 21(3), 429-440. (SCI)

47. Ai, M.Y., Li, P.F. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Optimal criteria and equivalence for nonregular fractional factorial designs. Matrika, 62(1), 73-83. (SCI)

46. Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Choice of optimal initial designs in sequential experiments, Metrika, 61, 127-135. (SCI)

45. Yang, G.J., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Weak minimum aberration and maximum number of clear two-factor interactions in designs, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 48(11), 1479-1487. (SCI)

45. 楊貴軍、劉民千、張潤楚 (2005). 設計的弱最小低階混雜與最多純淨兩因子互動效應, 中國科學, A輯, 35(9), 1071-1080. (SCI)

44. Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2005). Characterization of minimum aberration mixed factorials in terms of consulting designs. Statistical Papers, 46(2), 157-171. (SCI)


43. Tan, X.M. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Genaralized likelihood-ratio test of the number of components in finit mixture models (Chen 1994, Lemma 1): correction, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 32(4), 469-. (SCI)

42. Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Theory of optimal blocking of nonregular factorial designs. The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 32, 57-72. (SCI)

41. Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). designs containing clear main effects or clear two-factor interactions. Statistics & Probability Letters, 69, 151-160. (SCI)

40. Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Multistratum fractional factorial split-plot designs with minimum aberration and maximum estimation capacity. Statistics & Probability Letters, 69, 161-170. (SCI)

39. Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Theory of minimum aberration blocked regular mixed factorial designs. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference , 126, 305-323. (SCI)

38. Ai, M.Y. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Projection justification of generalized minimum aberration for asymmetrical fractional factorial designs. Metrika, 60, 279-285. (SCI)

37. Lin, L. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Bootstrap wavelet in the nonparametric regression model with weakly dependent processes, Mathematica Acta Scientia, 24B, 61-70. (SCI)

36. Li, P.F., Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2004). Some theory and the construction of mixed-level supersaturated designs, Statistics & Probability Letters, 69, 105-116. (SCI)


35. 林路、張潤楚 (2002). 三種兩樣本經驗 Euclidean 似然方法及其比較, 套用機率統計, 18 (4), 393-399.

34. Zhang, R.C. (2002). Optimal Blocking of and Fractional Factorial Designs, ICM 2002, Abstracts of Short Communications and Poster Sessions, 202-.

33. Lin, L. and Zhang, R.C. (2002). Profile Quasi-Likelihood, Statistics & Probability Letters, 56, 147-154. (SCI)


32. 林路、張潤楚 (2001). 假設檢驗的相對穩定性, 套用數學學報, 24(4), 616-622.

31. Lin, L. and Zhang, R.C. (2001). Blockwise Empirical Euclidean Likelihood for Weakly Dependent Processes, Statistics & Probability Letters, 53, 143-152. (SCI)

30. 張潤楚、馬長興 (2001). 正交表型均勻LH設計和抽樣, 套用機率統計, 17(3), 243-254.

29. 馬長興、張潤楚 (2001). 低偏差OALHD的構造, 套用機率統計, 17 (2), 149-155.

28. 劉民千、張潤楚 (2001). 混合水平因子超飽和設計的構造方法, 套用機率統計, 17(4), 367-375.

27. Zhang, R.C. and Shao, Q. (2001). Minimun Aberration Designs, Statistica Sinica, 11(1), 213-223. (SCI)


26. Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2000). Construction of Optimal Supersaturated Designs Using Cyclic BIBDs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 91(1), 139-150. (SCI)

25. Zhang, R.C. and Park, D.K. (2000). Optimal Blocking of Two-Level Fractional Factorial Designs, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 91(1), 107-121. (SCI)

24. 劉民千、張潤楚 (2000). 一種構造三水平因子超飽和設計的準則和算法, 套用數學學報, 23(2), 161-171.

23. 劉民千、張潤楚 (2000). 一種構造 最優超飽和設計的方法, 套用數學學報, 23(1), 1-14.

22. Liu, M.Q. and Zhang, R.C. (2000). Computation of Values of Some E(S^2) Optimal Supersaturated Designs, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 20B(4), 558-562. (SCI)


21. 馬長興、張潤楚 (1999). 抽樣設計偏差的大樣本性質, 數學物理學報, 19(4), 439-447.

20. 劉民千、張潤楚 (1998). 最優超飽和設計與BIB設計的對等關係, 科學通報, 43(19), 2053-2056.


19. Chen, X.R., Fang, K.T., Zhang, R.C. and Zhu, L.X. (1997). Asymptotics in Aaddition of Ppseudo-random Ssequences, Science in China, Series A-Mathematics, 40(6), 612- 621. (SCI)

19. 陳希孺、方開泰、張潤楚、朱力行 (1997). 偽隨機數串疊加的漸近理論, 中國科學 (A 輯), 27(4), 289-297. (SCI)

18. 王兆軍、張潤楚 (1997). 均勻設計抽樣的偏差, 數學物理學報, 17(2), 207-217.

26. Zhang, R.C. and Wang, Z.J. (1997). Constructing Orthogonal Fractional Factorial Design with the Same Confounding Structure, Science Bulletin, 42(7), 545-548.

17. 王兆軍、張潤楚 (1997). 具有相同結構正交表的產生, 科學通報, 42(1), 21-24.


16. 王兆軍、張潤楚 (1996). 迴避多個因子水平組合的正交表存在的充要條件, 科學通報, 41(10), 878-880.

15. 王兆軍、張潤楚 (1996). 關於迴避多個不可實施因子水平組合的正交表的構造, 套用數學學報, 19(4), 498-506.

14. Wang, Z.J. and Zhang, R.C. (1996). A Sufficient and Necessary Condition of Existence of Orthogonal Arrays Debarring Some Combinations, Science Bulletin, 41 (12), 973-975.

13. 張潤楚、王兆軍 (1996). 均勻設計抽樣及其優良性質, 套用機率統計, 12(4), 337-347.

12. Zhang, R.C. (1996). On a Transformation Method in Constructing Multivariate Uniform Designs, Statistica Sinica, 6(2), 455-469. (SCI).


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9. Zhang, R.C. and Wang, Z.J. (1994). Uniform Design Sampling and Its Fine Properties, The Fifth Japan-China Symposium on Statistics, Okayama University of Science, University Education Press, 343-346.

8. 張潤楚、王兆軍 (1994). 關於計算機試驗的設計理論和數據分析, 套用機率統計, 10(4), 420-436.


7. Wu, C.F.J. and Zhang, R.C. (1993). Minimum Aberration Designs with Two-level and Four-level Factors, Biometrika, 80 (1), 203-209. (SCI)

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5. 沈世鎰、張潤楚、肖雲茹 (1992). 熵矩檢驗法和熵矩檢驗表, 套用機率統計, 8(2), 137-145.


4. 張潤楚、莊興無 (1988). 二參數 Harnesses 和對布朗單的表征, 科學通報, 33(22), 1694-1697.

3. Zhang, R.C. (1985). Markov Properties of the Generalized Brownian Sheet and Extended OUP_2, Scientia Sinica, Series A-Mathematics, 28 (8), 814-825. (SCI).

3. 張潤楚 (1985). 廣義 Brownian Sheet 和廣義 OUP_2 的馬氏性, 中國科學, A 輯, 28 (5), 389-398. (SCI)

2. 張潤楚 (1983). 隨機變數組公息信息主元分解, 天津市數學研究成果選編, 天津科學技術出版社, 1983, 81-89.

1. 張潤楚 (1979). 褶積回歸及其一個套用實例, 地震研究, 2(4), 22-32.


1. 1979年, 項目“資訊理論與數據處理方法”獲得天津市科學技術進步二等獎.

2. 1996年, 學術論文“關於避免多個不可實施水平組合的正交表構造”獲第三屆全國統計科學技術進步三等獎.

3. 1997年, 獲中華人民共和國國務院頒發的科學研究突出貢獻政府津貼及獎勵證書. (證書:政府特殊津貼第(97)3600062).

4. 2000年, 學術論文“ 最優超飽和設計與 BIB 設計的對等關係”獲第五屆全國統計科學優秀成果二等獎. (證書編號: B2-17).

5. 2001年, 項目“幾種試驗設計的構造理論和方法”獲得教育部中國高校科學技術獎(自然科學)二等獎. (證書號: 2001-036) (主持和第一完成人).

6. 2002年, 項目“近代工業統計中幾種試驗設計的研究”獲得國家統計局第六屆全國統計科學研究優秀成果一等獎. (證書號: 2002A0103) (主持和第一完成人).

7. 2002年,指導林路的博士學位論文“相依數據的若干統計模型及分析”獲得國家統計局第六屆全國統計科學研究優秀成果二等獎(博士論文). (證書號: 2002BS02).

8. 2003年,獲南開大學“敬業”獎教金一等獎.



