2000-2003,中國科學院固體物理研究所, 碩士學位
1996-2000,曲阜師範大學物理系, 學士學位
2014-至今,中國科學院固體物理研究所, 研究員
2013-2014,美國西北大學, 副研究員
2009-2013,美國西北大學, 博士後
在Nature,Phys. Rev. Lett., Chem. Mater., Chem. Sci., J. Phys. Chem. C,PhysRev. B等雜誌上發表論文二十餘篇;目前承擔研究課題包括中科院百人計畫,國家自然科學基金面上項目,中心方向項目基金等。
1.Yongsheng Zhang, Vidvuds Ozolins, Donald Morelli, and C. Wolverton;
Prediction of new stable compounds and promising thermoelectrics in the Cu-Sb-Se system;
Chem. Mater.26, 3427 (2014).
2.Li-Dong Zhao, Shih-Han Lo,Yongsheng Zhang, Hui Sun, Gangjian Tan, Ctirad Uher, C. Wolverton, Vinayak Dravid, and Mercouri Kanatzidis; Ultralow thermal conductivity and high thermoelectric figure of merit in SnSe crystals;
Nature508, 373 (2014).
3.Yongsheng Zhang, Georg Kresse and C. Wolverton;
Non-local first-principles calculations in Cu-Au and other intermetallic alloys;
Phys. Rev. Lett.112, 075502 (2014).
4.Xuenian Chen,Yongsheng Zhang, Yongli Wang, Wei Zhou, Douglas A. Knight, Teshome B. Yisgedu, Zhenguo Huang, Hima K. Lingam, Beau Billet, Terrence J. Udovic, Terrence J. Udovic, Gibert M. Brown, Sheldon G. Shore, Christopher M. Wolverton, and Ji-Cheng Zhao;
Structure determination of an amorphous compound AlB4H11;
Chem. Sci.3, 3183 (2012).
5.Yongsheng Zhang, Eric Skoug, Jeffrey Cain, Vidvuds Ozolins, Donald Morelli, and C. Wolverton;
First-principles description of anomalously low lattice thermal conductivity inthermoelectric Cu-Sb-Se ternary semiconductors;
Phys. Rev. B85, 054306 (2012).
[PS: This work has been selected as a research highlight topic for the EFRC (Energy Frontier Research Center) newsletter on the Oct. issue:http://www.energyfrontier.us/newsletter/201210/difference-one-extra-selenium-makes]