
張林琦博士現任清華大學愛滋病綜合研究中心常務副主任、教授,中國醫學科學院/北京協和醫學院病愛滋病研究中心主任,美國艾倫.戴蒙德愛滋病研究中心(Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center)研究員。
張林琦博士二十多年來主要從事AIDS的基礎和臨床研究,先後獲得美國國立衛生研究院(NIH)等科研機構的研究資助8項, 973 項目首席科學家, 科技重大專項 “ 愛滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大傳染病防治 - 創新型黏膜疫苗 ” 首席科學家。作為第一和第二申請人獲得的資助經費達1047萬美元。
1993年起在何大一教授領導的美國艾倫.戴蒙德愛滋病研究中心(Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center),主要從事 "HIV感染者治療前後體內病毒學基因變異、宿主基因多態性和免疫學特徵"等課題的研究。首先報導了人體不同細胞中HIV-1協同受體CCR5和CXCR4的分布特點,發現T淋巴細胞群表面協同受體的表達水平最高。同時指出HIV-1病毒亞型與協同受體CCR5和CXCR4之間相互結合的關係,提出了是病毒表型而不是病毒基因型決定了病毒與協同受體CCR5或CXCR4結合。
此外他在何大一教授指導下,通過長期觀察抗病毒治療的愛滋病患者體內的靜止細胞中儲藏的殘留HIV的動態過程,提出了病毒複製及其動態變化的模型,為徹底改進抗愛滋病的藥物治療的方針策略提供了科學的依據。 研究論文分別發表在臨床醫學權威雜誌 "New England J. Medicine" 、 "Nature" 等,連續五年被 SCI 檢索為引用頻次為國際上最高的前五名論文之列。
更重要的他發明了多種病毒學及免疫學定量指標和方法,特別是通過胸腺細胞中RTEs基因產物的研究,提出了RTEs基因產物減少與愛滋病患者CD4 T細胞降低的速率相關的學說。
這些成果為目前廣泛推廣的愛滋病抗病毒治療後的免疫重建模式奠定了可靠的定量依據。同時對進一步的開展藥物治療與免疫治療相結合的治療方案提供了科學的線索。這些病毒學及免疫學定量方法,對於HIV/AIDS臨床治療有著直接的指導意義。近年來他分別在國際上最著名的雜誌(如:Nature Medicine、Nature、J Clin Invest、Lancet、New England J Med, Science和J.Exp.Med)發表論文,被SCI收錄83篇。檢索其中的31篇在近五年來被引用1891次。影響因子高達293目前,張林琦教授多次被國際會議和國內大學邀請作學術報告和合作研究,是愛滋病領域年富力強的實力派科學家。
Sun, C., Z. Chen, X. Tang, Y. Zhang, L. Feng, Y. Du, L. Xiao, L. Liu, W. Zhu, L. Chen, and L. Zhang. 2013. Mucosal Prime with a Replicating Vaccinia-based Vaccine Elicits Protective Immunity against SIV Challenge in Rhesus Monkeys. J Virol in press.
Shang, H., J. Xu, X. Han, J. Spero Li, K. C. Arledge, and L. Zhang. 2012. HIV prevention: Bring safe sex to China. Nature 485:576-577.
Guo, D., X. Shi, K. C. Arledge, D. Song, L. Jiang, L. Fu, X. Gong, S. Zhang, X. Wang, and L. Zhang. 2012. A single residue within the V5 region of HIV-1 envelope facilitates viral escape from the broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibody VRC01. J Biol Chem.
Zuo, T., X. Shi, Z. Liu, L. Guo, Q. Zhao, T. Guan, X. Pan, N. Jia, W. Cao, B. Zhou, M. Goldin, and L. Zhang. 2011. Comprehensive analysis of pathogen-specific antibody response in vivo based on an antigen library displayed on surface of yeast. J Biol Chem 286:33511-33519.
Zhu, W., Y. Jiao, R. Lei, W. Hua, R. Wang, Y. Ji, Z. Liu, F. Wei, T. Zhang, X. Shi, H. Wu, and L. Zhang. 2011. Rapid turnover of 2-LTR HIV-1 DNA during early stage of highly active antiretroviral therapy. PLoS One 6:e21081.
Meng, S., Z. Liu, L. Xu, L. Li, S. Mei, L. Bao, W. Deng, R. Lei, L. Xie, C. Qin, and L. Zhang. 2011. Intranasal immunization with recombinant HA and mast cell activator C48/80 elicits protective immunity against 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza in mice. PLoS One 6:e19863.
H Shang, X Han, X Shi, and L Zhang. Genetic and Neutralization Sensitivity of Diverse HIV-1 env Clones from Chronically Infected Patients in China. J Biol Chem. 2011 286,14531-14541 .
Liu Z, Shan M, Li L, Lu L, Meng S, Chen C, He Y, Jiang S, L Zhang. In vitro selection and characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 variants with increased resistance to sifuvirtide, a novel HIV-1 fusion inhibitor. J Biol Chem. 2010 1074, 10.
Lu, L., M. Jia, Y. Ma, L. Yang, Z. Chen, D.D. HO, Y. Jiang, and L. Zhang, The Changing face of HIV in China. Nature, 2008. 455: p. 607-609.
He, Y., Y. Xiao, H. Song, Q. Liang, D. Ju, X. Chen, H. Lu, W. Jing, S. Jiang, and L. Zhang, Design and evaluation of sifuvirtide: a novel HIV-1 fusion inhibitor. J Biol Chem, 2008.
Chen, H.Y., M. Di Mascio, A.S. Perelson, D.D. Ho, and L. Zhang, Determination of virus burst size in vivo using a single-cycle SIV in rhesus macaques. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 2007. 104(48): p. 19079-84.
Arron, S.T., R.M. Ribeiro, A. Gettie, R. Bohm, J. Blanchard, J. Yu, A.S. Perelson, D.D. Ho, and L. Zhang, Impact of thymectomy on the peripheral T cell pool in rhesus macaques before and after infection with simian immunodeficiency virus. Eur J Immunol, 2005. 35(1): p. 46-55.
Zhang, L., Z. Chen, Y. Cao, J. Yu, G. Li, W. Yu, N. Yin, S. Mei, L. Li, P. Balfe, T. He, L. Ba, F. Zhang, H.H. Lin, M.F. Yuen, C.L. Lai, and D.D. Ho, Molecular characterization of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 and hepatitis C virus in paid blood donors and injection drug users in china. J Virol, 2004. 78(24): p. 13591-9.
Zhang, L., C. Chung, B.S. Hu, T. He, Y. Guo, A.J. Kim, E. Skulsky, X. Jin, A. Hurley, B. Ramratnam, M. Markowitz, and D.D. Ho, Genetic characterization of rebounding HIV-1 after cessation of highly active antiretroviral therapy. J Clin Invest, 2000. 106(7): p. 839-45.
Zhang, L., B. Ramratnam, K. Tenner-Racz, Y. He, M. Vesanen, S. Lewin, A. Talal, P. Racz, A.S. Perelson, B.T. Korber, M. Markowitz, and D.D. Ho, Quantifying residual HIV-1 replication in patients receiving combination antiretroviral therapy. N Engl J Med, 1999. 340(21): p. 1605-13.
Zhang, L., S.R. Lewin, M. Markowitz, H.H. Lin, E. Skulsky, R. Karanicolas, Y. He, X. Jin, S. Tuttleton, M. Vesanen, H. Spiegel, R. Kost, J. van Lunzen, H.J. Stellbrink, S. Wolinsky, W. Borkowsky, P. Palumbo, L.G. Kostrikis, and D.D. Ho, Measuring recent thymic emigrants in blood of normal and HIV-1-infected individuals before and after effective therapy. J Exp Med, 1999. 190(5): p. 725-32.
Zhang, L., T. He, Y. Huang, Z. Chen, Y. Guo, S. Wu, K.J. Kunstman, R.C. Brown, J.P. Phair, A.U. Neumann, D.D. Ho, and S.M. Wolinsky, Chemokine coreceptor usage by diverse primary isolates of human immunodeficiency virus type 1. J Virol, 1998. 72(11): p. 9307-12.
Zhang, L., Y. Huang, T. He, Y. Cao, and D.D. Ho, HIV-1 subtype and second-receptor use. Nature, 1996. 383(6603): p. 768.
Zhang, L., P. MacKenzie, A. Cleland, E.C. Holmes, A.J. Brown, and P. Simmonds, Selection for specific sequences in the external envelope protein of human immunodeficiency virus type 1 upon primary infection. J Virol, 1993. 67(6): p. 3345-56.
2003年,獲“ 海外傑出青年基金”;
2006年,在國家“十一五” 中長期規劃中榮獲國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(“973”計畫)“ 人類免疫缺陷病毒生物學和免疫學應答機制研究”任首席科學家。
2007年,先後被評為“ 新世紀百千萬人才工程”國家級人選,獲國家“ 傑出青年科學基金”資助;
2007年,受聘為教育部“ 長江學者”特聘教授;
2009年,國家“十一五”科技重大專項“ 愛滋病和病毒性肝炎等重大傳染病防治”項目中“ 創新性愛滋病黏膜疫苗的研究”的首席科學家。