
2011-至今, 北京大學國家發展研究院 教授。
2006-至今,國際食物政策研究所 高級研究員。
2003-2005,國際食物政策研究所 研究員。
2000-2002,國際食物政策研究所 博士後研究員。
2000年, 康奈爾大學套用經濟與管理學博士。
1998年, 康奈爾大學套用經濟與管理學碩士。
1990年, 天津財經大學統計系經濟學碩士。
1987年, 南開大學數學系 數學學士。
2010-至今,《China Economic Review》(SSCI, Elsevier), 共同主編。
近五年來先後在《Journal of Political Economy》、《Journal ofDevelopment Economics》、《Journal of International Economics》等權威英文期刊和《管理世界》、《經濟學季刊》等國內權威期刊發表論文數十篇;出版《中國產業集群的演化與發展》、《Narratives of ChineseEconomic Reforms: How Does China Cross the River?》、《Regional Inequality inChina: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses》、《Governing Rapid Growth inChina: Equity and Institutions》等學術專著多部(含合著)。在國際知名經濟學家網站(IDEAS)排在世界所有經濟學家的前5%。原在國際食物政策研究所任高級研究員,2012年作為國家“千人計畫”人才被引進到北京大學國家發展研究院中國經濟研究中心(CCER)任教。
“Challenges of Creating Cities in China: Lessons from a Short-lived County-to-City Upgrading Policy,” (Shenggen Fan, Lixing Li, and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 40: 676-291, 2012。
“Patterns of China's Industrialization: Concentration, Specialization, and Clustering,” (Cheryl Long and Xiaobo Zhang) China Economic Review, 23(3): 593-612, 2012。
“Credit Constraints, Clustering and Profitability among Chinese Firms,” (Jianqing Ruan and Xiaobo Zhang), Strategic Change, 21: 159–179, 2012。
“The Competitive Saving Motive: Evidence from Rising Sex Ratios and Savings in China,” (Shang-jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of Political Economy, 119 (3): 511-564, June 2011。
“Positional Spending and Status Seeking in Rural China,” (Philip H. Brown, Erwin Bulte and Xiaobo Zhang) Journal of Development Economics, 96: 139–149, 2011。
“Cluster-Based Industrialization in China: Financing and Performance,” (Cheryl Long and Xiaobo Zhang), Journal of International Economics, 84 (1): 112-123, 2011。
“Infrastructure and Cluster Development: A Case Study of Handloom Weavers in Ethiopia,” (Xiaobo Zhang, Lisa Mooman, Gezahegn Ayele), Journal of Development Studies, 47:12, 1869-1886, 2011。
“Why Does the Great Chinese Famine Affect the Male and Female Survivors Differently? Mortality Selection versus Son Preference.” (Ren Mu and Xiaobo Zhang) Economics & Human Biology, 9: 92–105, 2011。
“China’s Regional Disparities: Experience and Policy,” (Fan, Shenggen, Ravi Kanbur, and Xiaobo Zhang), Review of Development Finance, 1: 47–56, 2011。
“The Evolution of an Industrial Cluster in China.” (Belton Fleisher, Dinghuan Hu, William McGuire, and Xiaobo Zhang), China Economic Review, 21(3): 456-469, 2010。
"Finance and Cluster-Based Industrial Development in China," (Jianqing Ruan and Xiaobo Zhang), Economic Development and Cultural Change, 58:143–164, October 2009。
“Community Poverty And Inequality In Western China: A Tale of Three Villages in Guizhou Province,” (L. Xing, S. Fan, X. Luo, and X. Zhang), China Economic Review, 20(2): 338-349, 2009。
“The Role of Clustering in Rural Industrialization: A Case Study of Wenzhou's Footwear Industry.” (Zuhui Huang, Xiaobo Zhang, and Yunwei Zhu), China Economic Review, 2008, 19: 409–420。
“Impact of Famine during Pregnancy and Infancy on Health in Adulthood,” (Z. Yang, W. Zhao, X. Zhang, R. Mu, Y. Zhai, L. Kong and C. Chen), Obesity Reviews 9 (Suppl. 1), 95–99, 2008。
“Rural Industrialization in China and India: Role of Policies and Institutions,” (Anit Mukherjee and Xiaobo Zhang), World Development, 35 (10): 1621-1634, 2007。
“Fiscal Decentralization and Political Centralization in China: Implications for Growth and Regional Inequality,” Journal of Comparative Economics, 34 (4): 713-726, December, 2006。
“Famine and Overweight in China,” (Zhehui Luo, Ren Mu, and Xiaobo Zhang), Review of Agricultural Economics, 28 (3): 296-304, 2006。
“飛雁模式”發生了嗎?——對1998-2008中國製造業的分析” (曲鑰、蔡昉、張曉波)《經 濟 學 (季刊)》,2012。
“危機與製造業產業集群的質量升級: 基於浙江產業集群的研究” (阮建青、 張曉波、 衛龍寶), 《管理世界》,2010年2月。
“中國西部地區農村不平等狀況研究, 基於貴州住戶調查數據的分析” (邢鸝、樊勝根、羅小朋、張曉波)《經 濟 學 (季刊)》,第8卷第1期 (總第31期): 325-346, 2008年10月。
“基於產業集群的包商制與企業家才能。”(阮建青、張曉波、 衛龍寶)《管理世界》, 總第182期): 119-128, 2008年11月。
“資本壁壘與產業集群——基於浙江濮院羊毛衫產業的案例研究,” (阮建青、張曉波、 衛龍寶) 《經 濟 學 (季刊)》,第7卷第1期(總第27期), 2007年10月。
張曉波、阮建青,《中國產業集群的演化與發展》,浙江大學出版社, 2011年。
Dillon, Andrew, Manohar Sharma, and Xiaobo Zhang, Estimating the Impact of Access to Infrastructure and Extension Services in Rural Nepal. IFPRI Research Monograph series, 2011。
Zhang, Xiaobo, Arjan de Haan and Shenggen Fan, Narratives of Chinese Economic Reforms: How Does China Cross the River? World Scientific Publishing, 2010。
Fan, Shenggen, Ravi Kanbur and Xiaobo Zhang, Regional Inequality in China: Trends, Explanations and Policy Responses. Routledge, 2009。
Kanbur, Ravi and Xiaobo Zhang, Governing Rapid Growth in China: Equity and Institutions. Routledge, 2009。
Fan, Shenggen, Linxliu Zhang, and Xiaobo Zhang, Growth, Inequality, and Poverty in Rural China: the Role of Public Investments. IFPRI Research 125. 2002 [ 中文版《經濟改革,公共投資及農村貧困》 由中國農業出版社出版]。
2015年6月,魏尚進、張曉波合著的《競爭性儲蓄動機:中國持續增長的性別比例與儲蓄率》(The Competitive Saving Motive: Evidence from Rising Sex Rations and Savings Rates in China)獲得第十六屆(2014年度)孫冶方經濟科學獎。
2008-2011,中國國家自然科學基金會海外合作基金 (20萬人民幣)。
1994-1995, 世界銀行研究生獎學金。