
姓名 : 張智松
性別 :男
職稱 :講師
1. Zhang Zhisong,Wang Liang, Mei Mei, et al. Both nongenomic and genomic effects are involved in estradiol’s enhancing the phenotype of smooth muscle cells in cultured prostate stromal cells. The Prostate, 2009, Accepted.
2. Zhisong Zhang, Ju Zhang, Liang Wang, et al. Both nongenomic and genomic effects are involved in estradiol's enhancing the phenotype of smooth muscle cells in cultured prostate stromal cells. The Journal of Urology, 2009 181: 508 (Abstract).
3. Zhisong Zhang, Lei Duan, Xiaoling Du, et al. The proliferative effect of estradiol on human prostate stromal cells is mediated through activation of ERK. The Prostate, 2008, 68:508-516
4. Zhisong Zhang, Jiandang Shi, Xiaoling Du, et al. Estrogen promotes prostate stromal cells proliferation through rapid activation of erk mediated by Erα. The Journal of Urology, 2008 179: 449 (Abstract).
5. 張智松,劉傑,杜小玲等。雌激素快速激活MAPK途徑促進前列腺間質細胞的增殖。中國生物化學與分子生物學報,2008, 24(2):153-159
6. 吳荃, 張智松,周穎等。TGFβ1介導雌二醇對前列腺間質細胞smoothelin表達的促進作用。南開大學學報(自然科學版),2007, 40 (2):57-61
7. 王春雨,周穎, 張智松等。採用SM22啟動子調節螢光蛋白的策略分選和鑑定人前列腺平滑肌細胞與成纖維細胞。中國生物化學與分子生物學報,2007,23 (1) :74-79
8. 石建黨, 張智松, 吳荃等。P15在TGF beta1調節前列腺間質細胞增殖和分化中的作用。中華中西醫雜誌,2004, 5(19):2177-2178