

張振南,上海交通大學土木工程系副教授、博士生導師 ,兼任中國岩石力學與工程學會理事 。



1997年畢業於黑龍江科技大學,獲土木工程專業學士學位。2002年畢業於中國礦業大學,獲工程力學專業碩士學位。2005年畢業於上海交通大學船舶海洋與建築工程學院,獲固體力學專業博士學位。在上海交通大學攻讀博士學位期間,曾獲吳紹璘獎學金、楊裕球專項獎學金,並被評為上海交通大學優秀博士畢業生。2005-2007年在上海市套用數學和力學研究所從事博士後研究 。2007-2010年任上海大學土木工程系副研究員,其中2008-2010年在Texas A&M University, Department of Petroleum Engineering從事博士後研究 。現為上海交通大學土木工程系副教授、博士生導師 ,兼任中國岩石力學與工程學會理事 。






2011.01— 2015.12 國家自然科學基金項目“岩石細觀斷裂機理與多尺度本構模型研究” 項目負責人
2007.01— 2007.12 國家自然科學基金項目 “基於VMIB的脆性材料多尺度數值模型研究” 項目負責人
2013.01— 2014.12 中國礦業大學深部岩土力學與地下工程國家重點實驗室開放基金 “岩體三維曲面裂紋力學模型與數值模擬研究” 項目負責人
2011.01— 2012.12 中科院武漢岩土所岩土力學與工程國家重點實驗室 開放課題 “岩石三維斷裂力學模型與數值模擬” 項目負責人
2007.01— 2008.12 上海市教育委員會項目“基於VMIB模型的混合型裂紋數值模擬方法” 項目負責人
2006.01— 2007.12 中科院武漢岩土所岩土力學與工程國家重點實驗室 開放課題 “圍壓條件下岩石破壞的多尺度數值模型”項目負責人


1.Zhang ZN, Ding JF, Ghassemi A, Ge XR. A hyperelastic-bilinear potential for lattice model with fracture energy conservation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2015, 142:220-235.
2.Zhang ZN, Chen YX. A constrained intrinsic cohesive finite element method with little stiffness reduction for fracture simulation. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2015, 136: 213-225.
3.Zhang ZN, Chen YX. Modeling nonlinear elastic solid with correlated lattice bond cell for dynamic fracture simulation. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2014, 279:325-347.
4.Zhang ZN, Chen YX, Zheng H. A modified Stillinger-Weber potential-based hyperelastic constitutive model for nonlinear elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2014, 51(7-8): 1542-1554.
5.Zhang ZN. Discretized virtual internal bond model for nonlinear elasticity. International Journal of Solids and Structures. 2013, 50(22-23):3618-3625.
6.Zhang ZN, Zheng H, Ge XR. Triangular element partition method with consideration of crack tip. Sci China Tech Sci, 2013, 56(8):2081-2088. (張振南, 鄭宏, 葛修潤. 考慮裂尖點的三角單元劈裂法.中國科學E輯:技術科學, 2013,43(10):1136-1143.)
7.Zhang ZN, Wang DY, Ge XR. A novel triangular finite element partition method for fracture simulation without enrichment of interpolation. International Journal of Computational Methods,2013,10(4):1350015.
8.Zhang ZN, Gao HJ. Simulating fracture propagation in rock and concrete by an augmented virtual internal bond method. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2012, 36(4): 459–482.
9.Zhang ZN, Huang K. A simple J-integral governed bilinear constitutive relation for simulating fracture propagation in quasi-brittle material. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2011, 48(2): 294-304.
10.Zhang ZN, Ghassemi A. Simulation of hydraulic fracture propagation near a natural fracture using virtual multidimensional internal bonds. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2011, 35(4): 480-495.
11.Zhang ZN, Chen YQ. Simulation of fracture propagation subjected to compressive and shear stress field using virtual multidimensional internal bonds. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 2009, 46(6):1010-1022.
12.Zhang ZN. Numerical simulation of crack propagation with equivalent cohesive zone method based on virtual internal bond theory. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2009, 46(2): 307-314.
13.Zhang ZN, Ge XR. Micromechanical modeling of elastic continuum with virtual multi-dimensional internal bonds, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2006. 65(1): 135-146.
14.Zhang ZN, Ge XR. Micromechanical consideration of tensile crack behavior based on virtual internal bond in contrast to cohesive stress. Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics, 2005, 43(3):342-359.
15.Zhang ZN, Ge XR. A new quasi-continuum constitutive model for crack growth in an isotropic solid.European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids,2005, 24(2):243-252.


