1989.7~1992.7: 山東省濟寧師範專科學校數學系,函授學習,獲專科學歷.
1994.9~1996.7: 山東教育學院數理系,獲本科學歷.
1996.9~1999.7: 山東師範大學數學院基礎數學專業,獲碩士學位.
2005.10 ~2008.6:山東大學控制科學與工程學院博士後流動站,從事科研工作.
2008.9 ~2009.2: 加拿大蒙特婁大學工學院做訪問學者,從事科研工作.
1988.7~1994.9, 山東省汶上縣康驛中學,教學工作.
1. 非線性系統的控制設計.
1. Xianfu Zhang, Hongyan Gao, Chenghui Zhang,“Global Asymptotic Stabilization of Feedforward Nonlinear Systems with a Delay
in the Input,” International Journal of Systems Science, 37(3):141-148, 2006.
2. Xianfu Zhang, Chenghui Zhang, Zhaolin Cheng,“ Asymptotic stabilization via output feedback for nonlinear systems with delayed
output,” International Journal of Systems Science, 37(9): 599-607, 2006.
3. Xianfu Zhang, Chenghui Zhang Qingrong Liu, “Global Stabilization of
Uncertain Nonlinear Time-Delay Systems by Output Feedback,” Proceedings of the 6th World Congress on
Intelligent Control and Automation, June 21-23, 2006, Dalian, P.R.China, 843-847.
4. Xianfu Zhang, Wenbo Zhao, Chenghui Zhang, “Dynamical Hierarchical
Feedback Stabilization of Large-Scale Nonlinear Systems with Delayed State Interconnections,” Proceedings of
the 6th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation, June 21-23, 2006, Dalian, P.R.China, 1246-1250.
5. Xianfu Zhang, Zhaolin Cheng,“Global Stabilization of a Class of Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems,” International Journal of Systems Science, 36(8):461-468, 2005.
6. Xianfu Zhang, Zhaolin Cheng,“Output Feedback Stabilization of Nonlinear Systems with Delays in the Input,”
Applied Mathematics and Computation, 167(2), 1026-1040 ,2005.
7. Zhang Xian-Fu, Cheng Zhao-Lin,“State Feedback Stabilization for a Class of Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems,”Acta Automatica Sinica, 31(2):287-290, 2005.
8. Xianfu Zhang, Zhaolin Cheng, Qingrong Liu,“A Fuzzy Logic Approach to Optimal Control of Nonlinear Time-delay Systems,” Proceedings of the 5th World Congress on Intelligent Control
and Automation, June 15-19, 2004, Hangzhou, P.R.China, 902-906.
9.Zhang Xian-Fu, Cheng Zhao-Lin, “Observer design for nonlinear time-delay systems,”Control Theory & Applications, 21(5):795-799,2004.(in Chinese)
10.Xianfu Zhang, “Periodic Boundary Value Problems for Integro-differential Equations in Banach Space,” Indian Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics, 35(10): 1223-1234, 2004.
1. 主持一項中國博士後科學基金《隨機非線性時滯系統的控制理論和套用》,編號20060390991。
2. 主持一項山東省中青年科學家科研獎勵基金項目名稱《具有三角結構隨機非線性時滯系統的控制理論和套用》,編號2006BSB02117。
3. 主持一項山東省博士後科研項目擇優資助《非線性時滯系統的穩定性分析和控制設計問題》,編號200603009。
4. 參加一項國家自然科學基金《Ito隨機系統不定二次最優控制及在時滯與廣義系統中的套用》, 編號60774004。
1. 獲得山東建築大學2006年校內優秀科研成果獎一等獎《非線性系統的性態分析和控制設計問題》,第一位。
2. 獲得2006年山東高等學校優秀科研成果獎一等獎《微分方程及其套用》。第二位,
3. 獲得2007年山東高等學校優秀科研成果獎三等獎《非線性微分系統的性態分析及其控制設計問題》,第一位。