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出版社: 上海外語教育出版社; 第2版 (2008年4月1日)
叢書名: 普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規劃教材,新標準高職高專公共英語系列教材
平裝: 227頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787544607711
條形碼: 9787544607711
尺寸: 25.8 x 18.2 x 1 cm
重量: 399 g




UNIT ONE Greeting Visitors
Part One :starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Excuse me. are you Mr. Johnson from General Motors ?
Section B: How's everything going ?
Section C: Did you have a good trip ?
Part Three: After-class Activities
UNIT TWO Schedules and Appointments
Part One :Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Does that Sound OK So far?
Section B: When do you have in mind?
Section C: Could we change our appointment to 1:00 on Friday?
Part Three: After-class Activities
UNIT THREE Accommodation
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: I"d like to know if you can recommend a hotel
Section B: I'd like to book Some accommodation from tomorrow for five nights
Section C: Excuse me. do you have any accommodation ?
Part Three: After-class Activities
UNIT FOUR Making Invitations
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Can you come round for lunch on Saturday?
Section B: We were wondering if you'd like to come
Section C: That,s' very kind of you, Brian, but 1 don't think 1 can
Part Three: After-class Activities
UNIT FIVE Entertaining
Part One :Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Would you like to join us for lunch tomorrow?
Section B: That was a delicious meal
Section C: Would you like Something to drink/eat?
Part Three: After-class Activities
UNITSIX The Business Pleasure Trip
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Any ideas what I could do?
Section B: Would you mind Showing me around Some of the local Sights? ...
Section C: Would you like to go Shopping with me?
Part Three: After-class Activities
UNITSEVEN Seeing a Doctor
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: [n-class Activities
Section A: What's the problem?
Section B: You Should take a few days off.
Section C: Let me take you to the hospital
Part Three: After-class Activities
UNIT EICHT On the Phone
Part One :Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: I'd like toSpeak to Someone about renting office Space,please
Section B: I'm not in the office at the moment, but I expect to be back Shortly
Section C: l'm in a meeting at the moment, but l'll be back at midday.
Part Three: After-class Activities
Part One :Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: I Saw your advertisement in
Section B: Now, you'd like to join our team
Section C: Now tell me a little bit about the work you're doing at present.
Part Three: After-class Activities
UNIT TEN Our Company
Part One: Starting Out
Part Two: In-class Activities
Section A: Who do you work for?
Section B: Could you tell me a little bit about Canon?
Section C: How long has SOFTBANK been in business?
Part Three: After-class Activities


