

《實用旅遊英語》是智慧財產權出版社出版的圖書,作者是楊紅 。


書 名: 實用旅遊英語

作 者: 楊紅 主編

出 版 社: 智慧財產權出版社

出版時間: 2010-5-1

I S B N : 9787802479098

定 價:   ¥45.00



每個單元分為六個部分,即Warm up、Vocabularies、Convezsattion、Passage、Integrated Exercises of Skills Development、Self study。為便於高等院校教師的授課和學生的學習以及酒店、機場、景區景點、旅行社、外事機構、公司、教育和旅遊局等部門相關人員使用本書,在Passage模組上加註譯文,並在Integrated Exerclses of Skills Development模組上加注了習題答案。


楊紅,語言學與經濟學雙專業碩士,就職于海南大學旅遊學院。主要研究方向為套用語言學、旅遊經濟學、旅遊人類學。 現為國際人類學與民族學聯合會會員、加拿大研究會會員。2007年獲得加拿大專項研究特別獎,2008年受到加拿大駐華大使館的表彰,並得到海南省教育廳、海南省外事僑務辦表揚及海南大學多次報導。任職期間,多次榮獲海南大學旅遊學院的教學先進表彰。 主要學術成就包括:出版著作及發表論文總計35本(篇),完成6個基金課題。其中,發表CSSCI核心期刊論文6篇。


Chapter One Preparation for Traveling

第一章 旅遊手續

UNIT 1 Passport Applications辦理護照

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART ⅣPassage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 2 Visa Affairs辦理簽證

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

Chapter Two Categories of Tourism

第二章 旅遊種類

UNIT 3 Historical&Cultural Relics Tour歷史人文游

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 4 Natural Wonders Tour自然奇觀游

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 5 Red Resorts Tour紅色旅遊

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

Chapter Three Tourist Attractions

第三章 旅遊勝地

UNIT 6 Northeast China東北地區

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PARTⅢ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 7 North China華北地區

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART ⅣPassage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 8 East China華東地區

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 9 Central China華中地區

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 10 Northwest China西北地區

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 11 Southwest China 西南地區

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 12 South China&Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan


PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

Chapter Four Elements of Tourism

第四章 旅遊要素

UNIT 13 Food吃——餐飲服務

PARTⅠWarm up

PARTⅡ Vocabularies

PARTⅢ Conversation


PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 14 Accommodation住——賓館服務

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PARTⅢ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 15 Transportation行——交通服務

PARTⅠ Warm up


PARTⅢ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNⅡ16 Traveling游——旅遊服務

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 17 Entertainment娛——娛樂服務

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅳ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

UNIT 18 Shopping購——購物服務

PART Ⅰ Warm up

PARTⅡ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PART Ⅵ Self Study

Chapter Five LegaJ Systems for Tourism

第五章 旅遊法制

UNIT 19 Legal Systems for Tourism in China and Abroad


PART Ⅰ Warm up

PART Ⅱ Vocabularies

PART Ⅲ Conversation

PART Ⅳ Passage---

PART Ⅴ Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

PARTⅥSelf Study

AppendixⅠ:Translation for Passages

附錄1 段落譯文

Appendix Ⅱ:Key to Integrated Exercises of Skills Development

附錄2 技能擴展習題答案


附錄3 參考文獻



