學名:confuciusornis suniae hou, 1997時代:晚侏羅世義縣組下部
這一與聖賢孔子鳥產於同一地點的原始鳥類,與聖賢孔子鳥不同的主要特徵有:前上頜吻端具有一特殊的豁口,前上頜骨鼻突長,額骨短,頂骨發育。最後三個腰椎突癒合,薦椎橫突與髂骨內壁貼連,薦椎神經棘相聯合。尾椎已基本癒合等。另外,孫氏孔子鳥的形態特徵有許多比較進步的方面。age: lower part of yixian formation, late jurassic
locality: sihetun, shangyuan, beipiao city, liaoning province, china
etymology: species name after the late wife of mr.shikuan liang who donated the specimen for scientific research.
preservation: a complete individual.
diagnosis: a primitive bird from the sanme locality of confuciusornis sanctus. different from c.sanctus by: a special fenestra at the anterior premaxilla, nasal process of premaxilla long, frontal short, parietal well-developed, last three lumbar vertebrae fused, transverse processes of sacrals in contact with inner wall of ilium, nevral spine of sacrals fused, caudals fused. more advanced than c.anctus.