
孫桂芳 ,女,1982年生,工學博士,江蘇大學機械工程學院講師。



孫桂芳 ,女,1982年生,工學博士,江蘇大學機械工程學院講師。

2000-2004年: 東北大學尖子班,材料科學與工程,工學學士。


2007.10 - 2008.10: 美國密西根大學工學院機械系雷射輔助智慧型製造中心(CLAIM),師從 Jyoti Mazumder教授,訪問學者。




主持中國博士後科學基金面上項目,中國博士後科學基金特別資助計畫、江蘇省“企業博士集聚計畫”企業創新項目、“高等學校博士學科點專項科研基金”新教師類聯合資助課題,江蘇大學高級人才科研啟動基金;參與完成美國密西根大學先進技術項目(Advanced Technology Program) 、美國密西根大學Army項目;參與完成國家自然科學基金和江蘇省自然科學基金。


在Scripta Materialia、Surface & Coatings Technology、Materials Science and Engineering: A、Metallurgy and Materials Transactions: A、Materials & Design等國內外期刊上發表學術論文19篇,其中SCI 檢索11篇、EI檢索6篇。申請國家發明專利12項,授權4項。

1. Sun Guifang,Sudip Bhattacharya, Guru P. Dinda, Ashish Dasgupta, Jyotirmoy Mazumder.Microstructure Evolution during Laser Aided Direct Metal Deposition of Alloy Tool Steel,Scripta Materialia, 2011, 64: 454-457.

2. Sun Guifang, Zhou Rui, Li Peng, Feng Aixin, Zhang Yongkang. Laser surface alloying of C-B-W-Cr powders on nodular cast iron rolls. Surface & Coatings Technology, 2011, 205: 2747-2754.

3. Sun Guifang, Sudip Bhattacharya, Guru P. Dinda, Ashish Dasgupta, Jyotirmoy Mazumder. Influence of processing parameters on lattice parameters in laser deposited tool alloy steel.

4. Sun Guifang, Zhang Yongkang, Liu Changsheng, Luo Kaiyu, Tao Xingqi, Li Peng. Microstructure and Wear Properties of Laser Surface Alloying Coatings of NiCr-Cr3C2 on cast steel roll. Materials & Design, 2010,31(6): 2737-2744.

5. Sun Guifan, Liu Changsheng, Song Lijun, Jyoti Mazumder. Microstructure Evolution and Wear Behavior of Laser-Aided Direct Metal Deposited Co-285 and Co-285 +WC coatings. Metallurgy and Materials Transactions: A,2010,41: 1592-1603.

6. Sun Guifang, Zhang Yongkang, Liu Changsheng, Li Peng, Tao Xingqi. Microstructure and Wear Resistance Enhancement of Semi-steel Rolls by Laser Surface Alloying NiCr-Cr3C2. Lasers in Engineering, 2010, 19: 347-361.

7. Sun Guifang, Zhang Yongkang, Liu Changsheng. Effects of Laser Surface Remelting on the Microstructure and Hardness of Laser Deposited Co-285+WC Coatings.Lasers in Engineering, 2010, 19: 347-361.

8. Sun Guifang, Zhou Rui , Li Peng, Zhang Yongkang. Effects of processing parameters on the laser deposited Co-285 + WC coatings. Key Engineering Materials, 2011, 464: 568-571.

9. Sun Guifang, Liu Changsheng, Liang Jing, Zhou Junhua, Tao Xingqi. Laser surface alloying of NiCr-Cr3C2 and C-B-W-Cr powders on nodular cast iron rolls.Advanced Materials Research, 2009, 79-82: 1459-1462.

10. Sun Guifang,Liu Changsheng, Guru P Dinda, Jyoti Mazumder. Laser-AidedDirect Metal Deposition of Co-285. ICALEO, 27International Congress on Application of Lasers & Electro-Optics, October 20-23, 2008. Pechanga Resort & Casino, Temecula, CA, USA.

11. Lu jinzhong, Luo Kaiyu, Zhang Yongkang, Sun Guifang, Gu Yongyu, Zhou Jianzhong, Ren Xudong, Zhang Xiancheng, Zhang Lingfeng, Chen Kangmin, Cui Chengyun, Jiang Yinfang, Feng Aixin, Zhang Lei. Grain refinement mechanism of multiple laser shock processing impacts on ANSI 304 stainless steel. Acta materialia, 2010, 58(16): 5354-5362.

12. Wang Hongyu, Zuo Dunwen, Chen Gang, Sun Guifang, Li Xiangfeng, Cheng Xu. Hot corrosion behaviour of low Al NiCoCrAlY cladded coatings reinforced by nano-particles on a Ni-base super alloy. Corrosion science, 2010, 52: 3561-3567.

13. Lu jinzhong, Luo Kaiyu, Zhang Yongkang, Cui Chengyun,Sun Guifang, Zhou Jianzhong, Zhang Lei, You Jian, Chen Kangmin, Zhong Junwei. Grain refinement of LY2 aluminum alloy induced by ultra-high plastic strain during multiple laser shock processing impacts.Acta materialia, 2010, 58: 3984-3994.





美國雷射學會會員。國際期刊《Journal of Alloys and Compounds》、《Metallurgical and Materials Transactions: A》、《Materials Research Innovations》、《Lasers in Engineering》審稿人。



