

孟頌東 博士 研究員,中科院“百人計畫”入選者· 1998年博士畢業於中科院瀋陽套用生態所,畢業後在中科院微生物所分子病毒室做博士後,2002-2007年在美國西南醫學中心腫瘤免疫中心做博士後,2007年入選中科院“百人計畫”,在微生物所病原微生物與免疫學院重點實驗室工作。先後在Lancet、PNAS、Clinical Cancer Research等發表論文十餘篇。



孟頌東 孟頌東

病毒、腫瘤免疫及疫苗研製 。病毒與腫瘤免疫及靶向治療。研究熱休克蛋白在抗B型肝炎病毒感染的作用機制,研製治療慢性B肝感染的綜合性治療方案;分析乳腺癌和慢性B肝感染的肝癌腫瘤細胞的特異腫瘤抗原表達和基因突變,研究機體免疫系統對腫瘤細胞生長的免疫調控機制,為個體免疫治療提供依據,並為腫瘤靶向藥物開發提供新靶點。


1998年 博士畢業於中科院瀋陽套用生態所,畢業後在中科院微生物所分子病毒室 博士後;

2002-2006年 在美國西南醫學中心腫瘤免疫中心 博士後;

2007年 入選中科院“百人計畫”,在微生物所分子病毒中心工作,研究員、博士生導師。


973 項目(2007CB512802),863 項目(2006AA02A241),科技重大專項(2009ZX09503-007)等。


1、Zhen Liu, Xinghui Li, Lipeng Qiu, Xiaojun Zhang, Lizhao Chen, Sheng Cao, Fusheng Wang, Songdong Meng. 2009. Treg suppress CTL responses upon immunization with HSP gp96. European Journal of Immunology, 39:1-11;

2、Sheng Cao, Yang Li,Jin Li, Changfei Li, Zhang Wei, Zhengqi Yang, Songdong Meng. 2009. Quantitative determination of HER2 expression by confocal microscopy assay in CTCs of breast cancer. Oncology Reports (accepted);

3、 Songdong Meng, Debu Tripathy, Sanjay Shete, Raheela Ashfaq, Hossein Saboorian, Barbara Haley, Eugene Frenkel, David Euhus, Marilyn Leitch, Cynthia Osborne, Edward Clifford, Steve Perkins, Peter Beitsch, Amanullah Khan, Larry Morrison, Dorothee Herlyn, Leon WMM Terstappen, Nancy Lane, Jianqiang Wang, and Jonathan Uhr. 2006. uPAR and HER-2 gene status in individual breast cancer cells from blood and tissues. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America,103(46): 17361-17365;

4、 Songdong Meng, Debasish Tripathy, Eugene P Frenkel, Sanjay Shete, Elizabeth Z Naftalis, James F Huth, Peter D Beitsch, Marilyn Leitch, Susan Hoover, David Euhus, Barbara Haley, Larry Morrison, Timothy P Fleming, Dorothee Herylyn, Leon WMM Terstappen, Tanja Fehm, Thomas F Tucker, Nancy Lane, Jianqiang Wang, Jonathan W Uhr. 2004. Circulating tumor cells in patients with breast cancer dormancy. Clinical Cancer Research, 10(24):8152-8162;

5、 Meng S, Tripathy D, Shete S, Ashfaq R, Haley B, Perkins S, Beitsch P, Khan A, Euhus D, Osborne C, Frenkel E, Hoover S, Leitch M, Clifford E, Vitetta E, Morrison L, Herlyn D, Terstappen LW, Fleming T, Fehm T, Tucker T, Lane N, Wang J, Uhr J. 2004. HER-2 gene amplification can be acquired as breast cancer progresses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 101(25):9393-9398;

6、Fehm T, Sagalowsky A, Clifford E, Beitsch P, Saboorian H, Euhus D, Meng S, Morrison L, Tucker T, Lane N, Ghadimi BM, Heselmeyer-Haddad K, Ried T, Rao C, Uhr J. 2002. Cytogenetic evidence that circulating epithelial cells in patients with carcinoma are malignant. Clinical Cancer Research. 8(7): 2073-2084;

7、 Meng S, Song J, Rao Z, Tien P, Gao G. 2002. Three-step purification of gp96 from human liver tumor tissues suitable for isolation of gp96-bound peptides. Journal of Immunological Methods, 264(1-2): 29-35;

8、Huang GC, Meng SD, Wang R, Yang HY, Tian B. 2002. Cloning of glutamate dehydrogenase cDNA from Chlorella sorokiniana and analysis of transgenic tobacco plants. Acta Botanic Sinica, 44(3): 318-324;

9、 Songdong Meng, Tong Gao, George F. Gao, Po Tien. 2001. HBV-specific peptide associated with heat shock protein gp96. Lancet, 357(17): 528-529.



