

2002-2007 物理學 博士 劍橋大學
1999-2002 光學 碩士 吉林大學
1995-1999 凝聚態物理 學士 吉林大學


研究成果主要集中在鐵電體領域,在研究鐵電薄膜器件的疲勞(polarization fatigue),極化保持(polarization retention),短路(breakdown),翻轉動力學(switching kinetics)和尺寸效應(size effect)等重要方向取得如下研究成果:
1. 從實驗和理論兩個方面成功解釋了困擾鐵電領域科學家和研究人員達半個多世紀之久的鐵電極化疲勞現象。
2. 成功地用自己創立的新的極化疲勞理論解釋了反鐵電體與鐵電體中的疲勞現象的異同;發表了鐵電領域50年來第一篇討論各種類型鐵電及反鐵電疲勞的長篇綜述文章,並提出解決鐵電疲勞的幾種有效途徑。
3. 創立了隨機統計的鐵電體翻轉動力理論,彌補了傳統KAI模型的不足,並成功解釋了鐵電陶瓷薄膜中的翻轉延遲現象,及單晶與陶瓷,薄膜和塊體中不同的翻轉驅動力等一系列的問題。
4. 提出了關於鐵電薄膜中的所謂“死層”(dead layer)可能是一種由占主導地位的近似燒綠石相和占次要地位的鐵電鈣鈦礦相組成的混合相的觀點。


1. 入選第一批國家“青年千人計畫”, 2011年
2. 李光耀博士後研究員(Lee Kuan Yew Postdoctoral Fellowship), 2007-2010年,新加坡
3. 劍橋大學海外基金會獎學金(Cambridge Overseas Trust), 2003-2006年,劍橋大學


1. B. Li, J.B. Wang*, X.L. Zhong*, F. Wang, B.L. Liu, Xiaojie Lou, and Y.C. Zhou, Enhancing the electrocaloric effect of PbZr0.4Ti0.6O3/PbTiO3 superlattices via composition tuning, Europhysics Letters, 95, 67004 (2011)
2. X. Zhang, J.B. Wang*, B. Li, X.L. Zhong*, Xiaojie Lou, and Y.C. Zhou, Sizable electrocaloric effect in a wide temperature range tuned by tensile misfit strain in BaTiO3 thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 109, 162102 (2011)
3. Xiaojie Lou*, J. Wang, Bipolar and unipolar electrical fatigue in ferroelectric lead zirconate titanate thin films: an experimental comparison study, Journal of Applied Physics, 108, 034104 (2010)
4. Qingqing Ke, Xiaojie Lou, Yang Wang, J. Wang*, Oxgyen-vacancy-related relaxation and scaling behaviour of Bi0.9La0.1Fe0.98Mg0.02O3 ferroelectric thin films, Physical Review B, 82, 024102 (2010)
5. Xiaojie Lou*, J. Wang, Unipolar and bipolar fatigue in antiferroelectric lead zirconate thin films and evidences for switching-induced charge injection inducing fatigue, Applied Physics Letters, 96, 102906 (2010)
6. Xiaojie Lou*, J. Wang, Effect of manganese doping on the size effect of lead zirconate titanate thin films and the extrinsic nature of “dead layers”, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 22, 055901 (2010)
7. Jiagang Wu*, Xiaojie Lou, Y. Wang and J. Wang*, Resistive hysteresis and diodelike behavior of BiFeO3/ZnO heterostructure, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, 13(2) G9-G12 (2010)
8. Xiaojie Lou*, Four switching categories of ferroelectrics, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 094112 (2009)
9. Xiaojie Lou*, Polarization retention on short, intermediate and long time scales in ferroelectric thin films, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 094107 (2009)
10. Xiaojie Lou*, Why do antiferroelectrics show higher fatigue resistance than ferroelectrics under bipolar electrical cycling, Applied Physics Letters, 94, 072901 (2009)
11. Xiaojie Lou*, Polarization fatigue in ferroelectric thin films and related materials, Journal of Applied Physics, 105, 024101 (2009). [Top 20 Most Downloaded Articles in Feb 2009]
12. Xiaojie Lou*, Statistical switching kinetics of ferroelectrics, Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter (Fast Track Communication, IOP Select), 21, 012207 (2009)
13. Masato Miyake, James F. Scott*, Xiaojie Lou, Finlay D. Morrison, T. Nonaka, S. Motoyama, T. Tatsuta and O. Tsuji, Submicron [3D] Trenched Electrodes and Capacitors for DRAMs and FRAMs: Fabrication and Electrical Testing, Journal of Applied Physics, 104, 064112 (2008)
14. Xiaojie Lou*, Caixia Yang, Tingao Tang, Yinyin Lin, Ming Zhang and James F. Scott, Formation of magnetite in bismuth ferrite under voltage stressing, Applied Physics Letters, 90, 262908 (2007)
15. Xiaojie Lou*, Ming Zhang, Simon A.T. Redfern and James F. Scott, Fatigue as a local phase decomposition: A switching-induced charge-injection model, Physical Review B, 75, 224104 (2007)
16. Xiaojie Lou*, Ming Zhang, Simon A. T. Redfern and James F. Scott, Local phase decomposition as a cause of polarization fatigue in ferroelectric thin films, Physical Review Letters, 97, 177601 (2006)
17. Xiaojie Lou*, Xiaobing Hu, Ming Zhang, Finlay D. Morrison, Simon A. T. Redfern, and James F. Scott, Phase Separation in Lead Zirconate-Titanate (PZT) and Bismuth Titanate during Electrical Shorting and Fatigue, Journal of Applied Physics, 99, 044101 (2006)
18. Ming Zhang*, Qun Hui, Xiaojie Lou, Simon A.T. Redfern, Ekhard K.H. Salje and Serena C. Tarantino, Dehydroxylation, proton migration and structural changes in heated talc: An infrared spectroscopic study, American Mineralogist, 91, 816-825 (2006)
19. Xiaojie Lou*, Xiaobing Hu, Ming Zhang, Simon A. T. Redfern, E. A. Kafadaryan and James F. Scott, Nano-shorts, Reviews on Advanced Materials Science, 10, 197-204 (2005)
20. Xiaojie Lou*, Xiaobing Hu, Ming Zhang, Simon A. T. Redfern, and James F. Scott, Mechanisms of nano-shorts in the electrical breakdown of ferroelectric thin films, Integrated Ferroelectrics, 73, 93-98 (2005)


1. 物理評論快報(Physical Review Letters)
2. 物理評論B(Physical Review B)
3. 套用物理快報(Applied Physics Letters)
4. 套用物理雜誌(Journal of Applied Physics)
5. 物理雜誌凝聚態物理(Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter)
6. 固體物理(Physica Status Solidi)
7. 物理評論(Physica Scripta)
8. IEEE電子器件彙刊(IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices)
9. 納米技術(Nanotechnology)
10. 高級材料(Advanced Materials)
11. 材料科學雜誌(Journal of Materials Science)
12. 光學材料 (Optical Materials)
13. 高分子工程雜誌(Journal of Polymer Engineering)
14. 國際納米科學雜誌(International Journal of Nanoscience)


