Oida,you know
Scio,I know
Science,we know
Kexue, to know, to know
對世界充滿幻想(Fantasizing about the world)
對美好無限嚮往(Striving to solve all the puzzles)
我們勇敢探索(Bravely we discover)
科學給人類無窮力量(Science empowers all the people)
Oida,為心靈帶來陽光(Oida, sunshine for the mind and soul)
Scio,給明天新的希望(Scio creates hopes for tomorrow)
Science,驅散心中迷茫(Science clears up mysteries)
Kexue, 為夢想插上翅膀(Kexue, wings of dreams, reaching our goal)
讓智慧盡情翱翔(Wisdom like a river it flows)
讓文明永續成長(Civilizations never cease to grow)
我們不懈追求(On and on we discover)
科學讓未來更加輝煌(Science inspires all the people)
Oida,為心靈帶來陽光(Oida, sunshine for the mind and soul)
Scio,給明天新的希望(Scio creates hopes for tomorrow)
Science,驅散心中迷茫(Science clears up mysteries)
Kexue, 為夢想插上翅膀(Kexue, wings of dreams, reaching our goal)
Oida,為心靈帶來陽光(Oida, sunshine for the mind and soul)
Scio,給明天新的希望(Scio creates hopes for tomorrow)
Science,驅散心中迷茫(Science clears up mysteries)
Kexue, 為夢想插上翅膀(Kexue, wings of dreams, reaching our goal)
Oida,you know
Scio,I know
Science,we know
Kexue, to know
You know, I know
They know, We know
Science, to know
Kexue, to know
To know, to know
To know…
歌詞採用中、英文雙語,使歌曲能夠在世界範圍傳播。歌曲還採用了多種語言形象化地表述科學的內涵,簡明易懂、形象生動。其中“科學”一詞分別採用希臘語( oida[oyda])、拉丁語( scio[skee-aw])、英語( Science)和漢語(拼音 Kexue)進行表達,體現了科學的國際化。另外,漢語“科學”一詞在歌曲中多次出現,在通過音樂頌揚科學的同時,形象地宣揚中國的悠久文化和科技文明,以及中國對科學的推動和貢獻。
關於“科學”多國文字的詞源:希臘語“ oida[oyda]”和拉丁語“ scio[skee-aw]”都表示“我知道(I know)”;英文單詞“ Science”來源於拉丁語“ scio”。漢語“ 科學[Kexue]”一詞在中國宋代之前已經使用,其中“科”有分類、條理、項目之意,“學”則為知識、學問,意為不同類型的知識和學問。