圖•像思維 葉祖堯序

《圖•像思維》易罡 Raymond T. Yeh Forward 葉祖堯序 Forward
Raymond T. Yeh Forward

My first impressions in reading, at the end of 2004, Yi Gang's
e-picture thinking are of both surprise and confusion. I was surprised
that these 108 e-pictures convey such powerful energy, yet I was
confused due to my inability to fully comprehend them. Then I had the
opportunity to meet the author in Beijing at the beginning of 2005 to
discuss e-picture thinking. After many such occasions, I began to get
a glimpse of this powerful new way of expression for the 21st century.


Perhaps a way to describe e-picture thinking is that it contains both
Newtonian and quantum physics. While the Newtonian model effects
change by banging billiard balls into one another, the quantum model
speaks of networks that change because the information flowing through
the networks are meaningful to the participants. Indeed, modern
physics sees the universe as a dynamic web of interrelated processes
with the structure of the entire web determined by an overall
consistency of the interrelationships among these processes. This
world view comes close to Eastern thought, as when Buddha says in the
Hua Yen Sutra that "Everything is created by the mind." The following
phrase from Tao Te Ching is another way to explain it:
Man follows the LAWS of earth;
Earth follows the laws of heaven;
Heaven follows the laws of Tao;
Tao follows the laws of its intrinsic nature.


This convergence of Eastern philosophy and modern physics that
"self-consistency is the essence of all laws of nature" will prove to
be the catalyst for dramatic changes that are happening, and will
continue to occur with increasing magnitude in the years to come.

It is in the context of this new world view of a self-organizing,
participative universe that the book e-picture thinking emerged. This
emergence is a result of Yi Gang's more than 30 years of dedicated
study of traditional Chinese culture, and through the endless cycles
of germination, convergence, and transcendence in this culture. Like
an embryo subjected to the extremes of hard and soft, yang and yin,
this process cultivated in him the Power, the Field, the Resource, the
Spirit, the constancy, and the Consistency in his mind with the Eight
Diagrams and the Five Primary Elements that nurtured the development
of this book. It clearly shatters the conventional belief that Asian
creativity is primarily grounded in pattern recognition and the
creation of new patterns based on its language structures. Indeed,
each e-picture, while it cannot be precisely defined, weaves a set of
relationships, depending on the cultural context of the reader,
through languages, religions, arts, etc. e-picture thinking is indeed
a masterpiece of transdisciplinary work. Perhaps this is why there are
so many disciplinary experts try to explain these e-pictures with the
continuing stream of books such as e-picture and life, e-picture and
philosophy, e-picture and water, and e-picture and Tao. Like in
physics, an e-picture consists of both the quantum (reality) and
mechanical (phenomenon), and each discipline must find a way to
explain the reality in its specific context.

It is my understanding that the author wrote down the 108 e-pictures
within an hour in a state of mental non-attachment. In such a state of
total harmony with nature, the e-picture emerged with an initial
thought, the result of 30 years of dedicated work leading to the
convergence as well as transcendence of the Chinese language, art, and
religious traditions into a synthesized 108 e-pictures, each a
calligraphic diagram with a four Chinese character explanation—a
stunning achievement. Perhaps what Chuang Tzu said in the fourth
century provides a good backdrop context for the e-pictures:

She who wants to have right without wrong,
Order without disorder,
Does not understand the principles
Of heaven and earth.
She does not know how
Things hang together.

It is great to hear that Bao Ching Jewelry in Nanjing would like to
publish e-picture thinking in gold leaf to keep it forever. I joyfully
support such a meaningful act and am happy to write this forward for
this edition of the book. It is a powerful step towards the
development of a T3 (trans-disciplines, trans-cultures, and
trans-geographies) culture, which embraces the whole mind, necessary
for the 21st century. My congratulations to Yi Gang for his pioneering
葉祖堯博士 日本軟體協會榮譽主席
中國台灣資策會(III)發起人 中國機械工程學會榮譽主席中國第一屆計算機領導小組顧問(1982年)
美國知名學者、德克薩斯大學教授 美國國際電機電子工程學會(IEEE)院士


