
國際供應鏈與生產運營協會International Supply Chain and Production Operation Association(ISOA)是全球最具權威的供應鏈與生產運營管理領域的培訓認證專業組織之一,在全球採購與供應鏈及生產運營領域享有極高的專業權威和聲譽。國際供應鏈與生產運營協會(ISOA)以它完善的系統和課程體系及認證流程而全球著稱,是供應鏈與生產運營管理領域的培訓、教育以及職業發展等方面的重要資源和權威機構。ISOA的目標是成為世界級水平的供應鏈與生產運營管理髮展和推廣方面的公認領袖。

2009年,國際供應鏈與生產運營協會(ISOA)正式授權木星(中國)教育科技集團JUPITER(CHINA)EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY GROUP (JEC)在中國設立ISOA中國認證總部,全面引進國際供應鏈經理、國際採購經理、國際生產運營經理等系列世界級的供應鏈與生產運營職業培訓和認證體系, 為中國供應鏈經理人、生產運營專業人才和企業指導教授國際化的供應鏈與生產運營課程。
International Supply Chain and Production Operation Association(ISOA), is one of the most authoritative global organizations of professional training certification, which enjoys extremely high authority and reputation in the field of supply chain and production operation management. ISOA, famed for its perfect and systematic Curriculum system and certification process, is a important resource and an authoritative institution of supply chain and production operations management training,education and career development. ISOA's goal is to become a well-known world-class leader of development and promotion of supply chain and production operation and management。
In 2009, in order to provide the Chinese supply chain managers, production operation professionals and enterprises with guidance on the international supply chain and production operation Curriculum, ISOA duly authorized JUPITER (CHINA) EDUCATION TECHNOLOGY GROUP (JEC) to establish the ISOA Certification headquarter of china, and to introduce Series of world-class supply chain and production operations career training and certification system, such as the training and certification of international supply chain manager, international purchasing manager, international production operation manager training, etc。


