E-Learning is the official academic resources website for UTP students,lecturers and staffs.The website allows students to enroll to their respective courses and get accessed to the resources such as lecture slides,tutorial sheets,course outlines,assignment questions,project statements,quizzes and other related resources that are uploadedby their respective lecturers and tutors.The lecturers and the staffs can make announcements with the announcement board.Besides,the students and lecturers can also collaborate with the built-indiscussion board.
UTPian.NET is the firstand the only unofficialsite of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS which is available online after the merger of UTPian.NET and my UTP.It is managed and maintained by UTP students.
Eventhough UT Pian.NET is opened on August 03,2006,UTPian.NET is officially launched on August 16,2006.The Head of Technology Programme Department,Dr.AhmadKamil Mahmood,officially launched the portalsite after the awardgiving ceremony for the Dean'sList Awardrecipients of ICT and BIS students.
UTP Alumni Association was initiated by UTP as a means to connect the graduates.In July 2001,the responsibilities were the delegated to the trainee lecturers and master students of UTP.In August 2002,High Tea Gathering was held in order to mark the establishment of UTP Alumni Association.Pro tem committee was formed soon after.We are officially registered with the Registrar of Society on the 19th March 2003.Till date UTP Alumni has around 1000 registered members..In August 2002,High Tea Gathering was held in order to mark the establishment of UTP Alumni Association.
Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS The official UTP website.
UTPian.NET The unofficial UTP student community website.
UTP Alumni.com The official UTP Alumni website.
UTP-Open Source Society