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出版社: 外文出版社; 第1版 (2003年1月1日)
外文書名: Good Deeds & Gunboats
叢書名: 中國之光
精裝: 290頁
正文語種: 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 7119034669
條形碼: 9787119034669
尺寸: 23.6 x 15.8 x 2.8 cm
重量: 621 g


作者:(美國)迪恩(Hugh Deane)


《善行與炮艦(英文版)》內容簡介:The China Society for People's Friendship Studies (PFS) in coopera-tion with the Foreign Languages Press (FLP) in Beijing has arrangedfor re-publication, in the series entitled Light on China, of some fifty bookswritten in English between the 1860s and the founding years of the People'sRepublic, by journalistic and other sympathetic eyewitnesses of the revo-lutionary events described. Most of these books have long been out of print,but are now being brought back to life for the benefit of readers in Chinaand abroad.


Author's Preface.
The U.S.-China Relationship in Perspective
1 Ginseng to Opium: Samuel Shaw:Warren Delano and the Early China Trade
2 The Young Olmsted in Canton
3 Pioneering Counterinsurgency:Frederick Townsend Ward and the Taiping Revolution.
4 Bayard Taylor: genteel poetaster, China Baiter
5 Mark Twain 'S Chinese Education
6 Herbert Hoover and the Kaiping Mines Swindle
7 Ezra Pound's Chinese Translucencies
8 Frank Meyer: Plant Hunter
9 Joseph Stilwell, RoadBuilder
10 Gunboats on the Yangtze
11 Agnes Smedley and Lu Xun:Friends in a Dark Time
12 China Crisis, American Journals
13 When Americans Learned Gung Ho
14 Serving Counterrevolution:Mary Miles and SA CO.
15 Guerrillas Rescue a B-29 Bomber Crew
16 Remembering Koji A riyoshi:An American G1 in Yanan
17 Captain George S. Wuchinich:An OSS Encounter with the Chinese Reds.
18 The U.S. Aids Counterrevolution in China:A 1946 Appraisal
19 China and the ruination of MacArthur
20 The Powell-Schuman Case:Truth Was the Defense
21 Paul Robeson:"Voice of the People of All Lands"
22 Howard Adams:The Korean War GI with a China Home
23 The CIA's "Contra" Campaign in Tibet
24 China in American Poetry
25 The Long Intervention Continues:The Taiwan Relations Act
26 China Friendship Has a Rich History
1 Reporting from China in 1940s.
2 Remembering Lingnan, Notes on Zhongshan
3 A Visit to the Taiping Beginnings
4 Chongqing Then and Now
5 Three Visions of the Yangtze
A General Chronology
A Taiwan Chronology


