2003年3月:斯洛維尼亞Jo?ef Stefan研究所,參加環境樣品中各種形態汞分析的培訓交流;
[1]. 湖泊/水庫富營養化與汞的生物地球化學循環[2]. 微生物對汞的生物地球化學循環的作用
[3]. 自然汞源向大氣的排汞研究
[4]. 汞同位素示蹤流域土壤中汞的遷移和轉化的研究
[1]. 國家自然科學基金委青年項目“典型植被對西南汞礦化帶土壤向大氣釋汞通量的制約”,項目負責人,批准號:40173037,2008-2010,經費:19萬元[2]. 國家自然科學基金委面上項目“西南高汞區湖泊/水庫富營養化對甲基汞產率的影響”,項目負責人,批准號:40273041,2003-2005,經費:48萬元
[3]. 貴州省省基金項目,“利用汞同位素加入測定沉積物中汞甲基化速率”,2007.7-2009.7,3.6萬元
[1].Shang, L., X. Feng, W. Zheng,H. Yan. Preliminary study of the distribution of gaseous mercury species in the air of Guiyang city, China. Journal De Physique Iv. 2003. 107: 1219-1222.[2].商立海, 馮新斌, 鄭偉,閻海魚. 貴陽市大氣中氣態汞形態分布特徵的初步研究. 礦物岩石地球化學通報. 2003. 22(2): 156-158.
[3].商立海, 馮新斌, 閻海魚,仇廣樂. 環境樣品中甲基汞的分析方法綜述. 地球與環境. 2004. 32(1): 17-22.
[4].Shang L, Feng X, Qiu G et al. Comparison of the effects of two sediments processing ways on the determination of methylmercury in sediments. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2006, 25(suppl.):200.
[5].Shang L, Munthe J., Haraldsson C. et al. Climate Change and Mobilisation of Mercury in Forest Soil - Effects of Artificially Increased Precipitation on Mercury Methylation and Mobility in Soils. Eighth International Conference on Mercury as a Global Pollutant. 2006, Aug 6-11, Madison, Wisconsin.
[6].Shang L,. Feng X, Yan H. et al. Methylmerury and total mercury distribution in the sediments of Baihua Reservoir, Guizhou Province, China. Chinese Journal of Geochemistry, 2006, 25(suppl.):241.
[7].商立海, 馮新斌, 仇廣樂, 閻海魚,李廣輝. 厭氧和非厭氧氛圍處理沉積物樣品中對甲基汞測定的影響. 礦物岩石地球化學通報. 2007. 26(增刊): 573.
[8].Feng, X. B., P. Li, G. L. Qiu, S. Wang, G. H. Li, L. H. Shang, B. Meng, H. M. Jiang, W. Y. Bai, Z. G. Li,X. W. Fu. Human exposure to methylmercury through rice intake in mercury mining areas, guizhou province, china. Environmental Science & Technology. 2008. 42: 326-332.