英文名:《The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries》

導演:Edward Stratemeyer
類型: 家庭 / 懸疑
製片國家/地區: 美國
語言: 英語
集數: 46
單集片長: 60 分鐘(28 episodes) / 60 分鐘(39 episodes)
上映日期: 1977-01-30
This hour-long young adult series featured the characters from the popular children's books, "The Hardy Boys" and "Nancy Drew," in a weekly mystery. The team of Frank and Joe Hardy alternated with Nancy Drew every other week, with independent storylines. Several episodes featured a larger mystery with a cross-over scheme, involving the investigative talents all three characters. Written by Phil Fernando
Frank and Joe Hardy were the teenage sons of world-renowned private investigator Fenton Hardy. Snooping must have been in the Hardy blood, since Frank and Joe were always stumbling across mysterious goings-on, usually of the non-violent kind. Kidnapping, smuggling, robbery, missing persons and haunted houses were the norm in the Hardy hometown of Bayport, although their adventures often took the boys to other cities or even countries. Frank was the sensible, older brother, while Joe was impulsive and a budding pop singer. Gertrude was Frank & Joe's sometimes nagging aunt, Callie was Frank's cute girlfriend and Harry a government agent the Hardy boys occasionally worked with.
中文名稱: 哈迪男孩:完美犯罪

英文名稱: The Hardy Boys: The Perfect Crime
遊戲類型: AVG 冒險遊戲
資源格式: 光碟鏡像
發行時間: 2009年07月10日
製作發行: 製作廠商:JoWood
在遊戲中,Handy兄弟的愛好者會以全新方式體驗Handy的世界:探索Bayport地區包括Handy家在內的各個場所,幫助兄弟倆收集線索,找出是誰搶劫了Spencer大廈。兄弟倆可以與自己的偵探父親和圖書管理員母親,以及好友Chet Morton互動,如果破案遇到困境,還可以給Nancy Drew打電話請教。