

周蕭明,男,1978年10月出生,博士,北京理工大學宇航學院教授,博士生導師,固體力學學科 。2016年獲得國家優秀青年科學基金資助。



周蕭明 周蕭明

1997年09月---- 2001年07月 北京理工大學工程力學專業本科學歷。
2001年09月---- 2004年03月 北京理工大學固體力學專業碩士學歷

2004年04月---- 2007年03月 北京理工大學固體力學專業博士學歷 。


2007年04月至今 北京理工大學宇航學院力學系。

中國力學學會會員 。


1. 本科生《數學物理方法》;
2. 碩士生《連續介質力學》、《波動力學》。


聲波超材料與複合材料的波動力學; 2. 聲波成像與聲波隱身 。



聲波超材料與複合材料的波動力學; 2. 聲波成像與聲波隱身 。






1 Xing Chen, Xianchen Xu, Shigang Ai, Haosen Chen, Yongmao Pei and Xiaoming Zhou*, Active acoustic metamaterials with tunable effective mass density by gradient magnetic fields, Applied Physics Letters, 105, 071913, 2014.
2 Yangyang Chen, Guoliang Huang, Xiaoming Zhou, Gengkai Hu, and Chin-Teh Sun, Analytical coupled vibroacoustic modeling of membrane-type acoustic metamaterials: Membrane model, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 136, 969, 2014.
3 Pei Li, Shanshan Yao, Xiaoming Zhou*, Guoliang Huang, and Gengkai Hu, Effective medium theory of thin-plate acoustic metamaterials, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135, 1844, 2014.
4 Haijing Su, Xiaoming Zhou*, Xianchen Xu, and Gengkai Hu, Experimental study on acoustic subwavelength imaging of holey-structured metamaterials by resonant tunneling, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 135, 1686, 2014.
5 Xiaoming Zhou* and Gengkai Hu, Dynamic effective models of two-dimensional acoustic metamaterials with cylindrical inclusions, Acta Mechanica, 224, 1233, 2013.
6 Aiping Liu, Xiaoming Zhou*, Guoliang Huang, and Gengkai Hu, Super-resolution imaging by resonant tunneling in anisotropic acoustic metamaterials, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132, 2800, 2012.
7 Xiaoming Zhou* and Gengkai Hu, Superlensing effect of an anisotropic metamaterial slab with near-zero dynamic mass, Applied Physics Letters, 98, 263510, 2011.
8 Shanshan Yao, Xiaoming Zhou and Gengkai Hu, Investigation of negative-mass behaviors occurring below a cut-off frequency, New Journal of Physics, 12, 103025, 2010.
9 Zheng Chang, Xiaoming Zhou, Jin Hu, and Gengkai Hu, Design method for quasi-isotropic transformation materials based on inverse Laplace's equation with sliding boundaries, Optics Express, 18, 6089, 2010.
10 Xiaoming Zhou and Gengkai Hu, Analytic model of elastic metamaterials with local resonances, Physical Review B, 79, 195109, 2009.
11 Jin Hu, Xiaoming Zhou and Gengkai Hu, Nonsingular two dimensional cloak of arbitrary shape, Applied Physics Letters, 95, 011107, 2009.
12 Jin Hu, Xiaoming Zhou and Gengkai Hu, A numerical method for designing acoustic cloak with arbitrary shapes, Computational Materials Science, 46, 708, 2009.
13 Jin Hu, Xiaoming Zhou and Gengkai Hu, Design method for electromagnetic cloak with arbitrary shapes based on Laplace's equation, Optics Express, 17, 1308-1320, 2009.
14 Xiaoming Zhou, Gengkai Hu and Tianjian Lu, Elastic wave transparency of a sphere coated with metamaterials, Physical Review B 77, 024101, 2008.
15 Shanshan Yao, Xiaoming Zhou and Gengkai Hu, Experimental study on negative effective mass in a 1D mass-spring system, New Journal of Physics, 10, 043020, 2008.
16 Xiaoming Zhou and Gengkai Hu, Acoustic wave transparency for a multilayered sphere with acoustic metamaterials, Physical Review E, 75, 046606, 2007.
17 Xiaoming Zhou and Gengkai Hu, Total transmission condition for photon tunnelling in a layered structure with metamaterials, Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics, 9: 60~65, 2007.
18 Xiaoming Zhou and Gengkai Hu, Design for electromagnetic wave transparency with metamaterials, Physical Review E, 74, 026607, 2006.


