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•研究方向/ research direction: 計算數學(有限元方法及其快速求解算法)


2002.09 --- 2006.06 四川大學 信息與計算科學 本科 2006.09 --- 2009.06 四川大學 計算數學 碩士 2009.09 --- 2012.06 四川大學 計算數學 博士 2012.06 --- 2014.06 中國工程物理研究院總體工程研究所 博士後


Paper Submitted [1]. Yongke Wu, Yanhong Bai, and Xiaoping Xie. Robust V-Cycle multigrid method for anisotropic linear elasticity problems. Submitted, 2016. [2]. Long Chen, Yongke Wu, Lin Zhong, and Jie Zhou. Multigrid preconditioners for mixed finite element methods of Vector Laplacian. Submitted, 2016. [3]. Long Chen, and Yongke Wu. Convergence of adaptive mixed finite element methods for Hodge Laplacian equation: without harmonic forms. Submitted, 2016. Paper Published/Accepted [1]. Yongke Wu, Long Chen, Xiaoping Xie, and Jinchao Xu. Convergence analysis of V- Cycle multigrid methods for anisotropic elliptic equations. IMA J. Numer. Anal., 2012 (32), 1329 – 1347. [2]. Yongke Wu, Xiaoping Xie, and Long Chen. Hybrid stress finite volume method for linear elasticity problems. Inter. J. Numer. Anal. & Mod., 2013 (10), 634 – 656. [3]. Li Wang, Yongke Wu, and Xiaoping Xie.Uniform stable rectangular elements for fourth order elliptic singular perturbation problems. Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2013 (29), 721 – 737. [4]. Yanhong Bai, Yongke Wu, and Xiaoping Xie.Uniform convergence analysis of a higher order hybrid stress quadrilateral finite element method for linear elasticity problems. Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2016 (8), 399 – 425. [5]. Yanhong Bai, Yongke Wu, and Xiaoping Xie. Superconvergence and recovery type a posteriori error estimation for hybrid stress finite element method. Sci. China Math., 2016 (59), doi: 10.1007/s11425-016-5144-3.


1.各向異性線彈性方程多重格線算法設計與分析,中國博士後科學基金面上項目,資助編號:2013M542293,研究經費:5萬元,時間:2013.09 – 2014.06,主持. 2.磁流體動力學方程的有限元法及多重格線算法,國家自然科學基金青年基金,資助編號:11501088,研究經費:21.12萬元,時間:2016.01 – 2018.12,主持. 3.不可壓縮磁流體動力學方程的有限元法及多重格線法,中央高校基本業務費,資助編號:ZYGX2015J097,研究經費:7萬元,時間:2016.01 – 2017.12,主持.




