

吳 微,大連理工大學數學科學學院教授、博士生導師。另有同名人士,安徽師範大學文學院導師。和相關內容,下面分別詳細介紹。




1974-1977  吉林大學數學系本科生1978-1981  吉林大學數學系碩士生

1985-1987  英國牛津大學數學系博士生

1988-1990  英國巴斯大學數學系博士後

1990-1992  吉林大學數學系博士後


1981-1985  吉林大學數學系, 講師

1990-1996  吉林大學數學系, 副教授

1996-1998  吉林大學數學系, 教授,博士生導師

1998-現在  大連理工大學套用數學系,教授,博士生導師

3/91-7/91 英國巴斯大學, 合作研究

1/97-6/97 美國喬治亞理工大學, 合作研究與教學

1/99-6/99 美國北達科達州立大學, 合作研究與教學







國務院學位委員會學科評議組成員 2003-2013

遼寧省人民政府學位委員會學科評議組成員 2005-

全國博士後管委會專家組成員 2009-

大連市學術專著資助出版評審委員會專家評審組成員 2009-

《J. Information & Computational Sciences》編委 2004-2010

《Journal of Signal and Information Processing》編委 2010-

《Signal Processing Research》編委 2012-

《The Scientific World Journal》編委 2013-

《Open Transactions on Information Processing》編委 2013-

《Journal of Applied Mathematics》編委 2014-

《British Journal of Applied Science & Technology》 2015-

《International J. of Applied & Experimental Mathematics》 2015-

《數學研究與評論》編委 2002-

《高校計算數學學報》編委 2003-

《大連理工大學學報》編委 2005-

《套用數學》編委 2013-

中國數學會理事 2002-2007

遼寧省數學會副理事長 2002-2008

中國計算數學學會常務理事 2002-2010

中國計算數學學會副秘書長 2006-2010

科學出版社《信息與計算科學叢書》編委 2003-

高教出版社《信息與計算科學專業系列教材》編委 2004-2014

科學出版社《大學數學選修課叢書》編委 2009-

大連理工大學套用數學系(現數學科學學院)主任 2002-2005


1. 吳微, 解非線性分枝問題的擴展方程方法,科學出版社, 北京, 1993.

2. R. Li, Z. Chen and W. Wu, Generalized Difference Methods forDifferential Equations,(美國)Marcel Dekker Inc., New York, 2000.

3. 吳微, 神經網路計算,高等教育出版社, 北京, 2003. (“十五”規劃國家級教材)


1. 吳微,李榮華, 解一維二階橢圓和拋物型微分方程的廣義差分法,數學年刊, 5A(1984)303-312.

2. 吳微, 係數與時間相關的二階雙曲方程的半離散有限元逼近,吉大自然科學學報報, 1(1985)35-42.

3. 吳微, 與時間相關的二階雙曲方程的全離散有限元逼近,吉大自然科學學報, 2(1985)46-54.

4. 吳微, 與時間相關的非自共軛拋物方程的全離散有限元逼近,高校計算數學, 2(1985)113-120.

5. 倪平,吳微, 廣義 Galerkin 方法的超收斂估計,高校計算數學學報, 2(1986)154-158.

6. 吳微, 解雙調和方程的混合廣義差分法,吉大自然科學學報, 3 (1986)14-22.

7. 吳微, The Calahan method for parabolic equations with time-dependent coefficients,計算數學(英文版), 5(1987)10-20.

8. 包剛,吳微, 二階雙曲方程廣義差分法的誤差估計,吉大自然科學學報, 2(1987)33-42.

9. 吳微, 非線性拋物方程廣義差分法的誤差估計,計算數學(中文版), 2(1987)119-132.

10.吳微, 非線性轉折點計算中的矩陣分裂技巧,高校計算數學學報, 4 (1990)355-369.

11.P.J. Aston, A. Spence and W. WU, Bifurcation to rotating waves inequations with O(2)-symmetry,

SIAM J. Apll. Math., 52(1992)792-809. (SCI)

12.P.J. Aston, A.Spence and W.Wu, Numerical investigation of thebifurcation from travelling waves to modulated travelling waves,Inter. Ser. Numer. Math., 104(1992)35-47.

13.Wei WU, Nondegeneracy of Hopf points emanating from a Z_2 symmetry-breaking Takens-Bogdanov point,Appl. Math. Lett., 6(1993)9-12. (SCI)

14.吳微,吳柏生,李榮華, Singular points near a double fold point inZ_2-symmetric nonlinear equations,高校計算數學學報(英文版), 2(1993)101-115.

15.A. Spence, W. Wu, D. Roose and B. De Dier, Bifurcation analysis ofdouble Takens- Bogdanov points of nonlinear equations with $Z_2$-symmetry,Inter. J. Bifurcation and Chaos, 3(1993)1141-1153.

16.蘇毅,吳微, 從雙重摺疊點分枝出的 Hopf 點的非退化性和穩定性,吉大自然科學學報, 3(1993)1-8.

17.吳微, Galerkin methods for elliptic and parabolic convection-diffusion problems,東北數學, 9(4)(1993)525-538.

18.吳微, A Petrov-Galerkin method based on symmetrization forconvection-defusion problems,東北數學, 10(1)(1994)59-70.

19.W. Wu and A. Spence, A pitchfork/fold interaction in nonlinearequations with Z2-symmetry,東北數學, 10(2)(1994)174-180.

20.W. Wu, Y. Zou and M. Huang, Heteroclinic cycles emanating fromlocal bifurcations,manuscripta mathematika, 85(1994)381-392.(SCI)

21.W. Wu, P.J. Aston and A. Spence,Rotating waves from Hopf bifurcations in equations with O(2)-

symmetry,SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 15(3)(1994)495-510.(SCI)

22.W. Wu, A. Spence and K.A. Cliffe,Steady-state/Hopf interaction at a symmetry-breaking Takens-Bogdanove point,IMA J. Numer. Anal., 14(1994)137-160.(SCI)

23.吳微, Stability of travelling waves,數學研究與評論, 14(3)(1994)1-7.

24.蘇毅,吳微, Singular points near an X0-breaking double singular foldpoint in Z2-symmetric nonlinear equations,東北數學, 10(3)(1994) 385-395.

25.W. Wu and Y. Su, Stability of periodic solutions generated by Hopfpoints emanating from a Z_2-symmetry-breaking Takens-Bogdanovpoint,東北數學, 11(2)(1995)157-168.

26.吳微, Period-doubling bifurcation of travelling waves,非線性動力學學報, 2(增刊)(1995)48-52.

27. 吳微,Bifurcation from steady-state to global dynamics,Bull. Allahabad Math. Soc., 10/11(1995/96)85-94.

28.鄒永魁,吳微, Petrov-Galerkin method with linear trial andquadratic test spaces for parabolic convection-diffusion problems,東北數學, 12(2)(1996)207-216.

29.W.Wu, On nondegeneracy of Hopf bifurcation points emanating fromTB point.Nonlinear Analysis T.M.A., 26(6)(1996) 1161-1168.(SCI)

30.P.J. Aston, A. Spence and W. Wu, Hopf bifurcation near a doublesingular point,J. Computational and Applied Mathemetics, 80(1997)277-297.(SCI)

31.W. Wu and F.Y. Meng, Mode interaction at a triple zero point ofO(2)-symmetric nonlinear systems with two parameters,東北數學, 16(1)(2000)10-20.

32. 吳微,趙衛海,廣義逆矩陣及其在神經網路計算中的套用,大連理工大學學報,40(S1)(2000)9-11。

33. 吳微,陳維強,劉波,用BP神經網路預測股票市場漲跌,大連理工大學學報,41(1)(2001)9-15。

34. 李正學,吳微,張宏偉,Convergence of on-line gradient methods fortwo-layer feedforward neural networks,數學研究與評論, 21(2)(2001)219-228。

35.孔俊,吳微,趙衛海,識別數學符號的神經網路方法,吉大自然科學學報, 3(2001)11-16.

36. 吳微,陳維強,用於股市預測的BP算法的一些改進,大連理工大學學報,41(5)(2001)518-522。

37. 孔俊,吳微,Online gradient methods with a punishing term fornureul networks,東北數學, 17(3)(2001)371-378.

38. Wei Wu and Yi Su, Hopf bifurcation near a singular point with Z2-symmetry and X0-breaking,J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 144(1-2)(2002)335-347.(SCI)

39. Wei Wu and Yuesheng Xu, Deterministic convergence of an onlinegradient method for neural networks,J. Computational and Applied Mathematics, 144(1-2)(2002)335-347(SCI)

40. Wei Wu, Guori Feng and Xin Li, Training multiple perceptrons viaminimization of sum of ridge functions,Advances in Computational Mathematics, 17(2002)331-347.(SCI)

41.Zhengxue Li, Wei Wu and Weidong Gao, Predictions of stock marketby BP neural networks with technical indexes as input,J. Mathematical Research and Exposition, 23(2003)83-97.


43.Wei Wu and Zhiqiong Shao, Convergence of online gradient methodsfor continuous perceptrons with linearly separable trainingpatterns,Applied Mathematics Letters, 16(2003)999-1002.(SCI)

44.Zhengxue Li, Wei Wu and Yuelong Tian, Convergence of an onlinegradient method for feedforward neural networks with stochasticinputs,Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 163(1)(2004)165-176.(SCI)


46. Lijun Liu and Wei Wu, Finite convergence of MR1 neural networksfor linearly separable training patterns,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3147(2004)282-295. (SCI)

47. Wei Wu et al., Recent developments in on convergence of onlinegradient methods for neural network training,Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3147(2004)235-238. (SCI)

48. Liqing Zhang and Wei Wu, Online gradient methods with a penaltyterm for neural networks with large training set,J. of Nonlinear Dynamics in Science and Technology, 11(2004)53-58.

49. Hongmei Shao, Wei Wu and Feng Li, Convergence of online gradientmethod with a penalty term for feedforward neural networks withstochastic inputs, Numerical Mathematics, A journal ChineseUniversities, 14(2004)87-96.

50. Wu, W., Feng, G., Li, Z. and Xu, Y., Deterministic Convergence ofan Online Gradient Method for BP Neural Networks, IEEETransactions on Neural Networks, 16(2005)533- 540. (SCI)

51. Zhengxue Li, Wei Wu, Guorui Feng and Huifang Lu, Convergence of anOnline Gradient Method for BP Neural Networks with StochasticInputs, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3610(2005)720-729.Ei Compedex (05439427415), SCI (BDA22)

52. Yang, J; Wu, W; Shao, ZQ, A new training algorithm for a fuzzyperceptron and its convergence, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,3496(2005) 609-614, Ei Compendex (05399382279), SCI (BCN38)

53. 曲笛,吳微,邵紅梅,帶動量項的線性輸出BP網路收斂性, 高校計算數學學報,27(2005)增刊,368—372.

54. Naimin Zhang; Wei Wu; Gaofeng Zheng, Convergence of gradientmethod with momentum for two-Layer feedforward neural networks,IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.17, no.2, 2006, 522-525, Ei Compendex (06129763934), SCI (026SD)

55. Wei Wu, Feng Li, Jun Kong, Lichang Hou, and Bingdui Zhu,A Bottom-Up OCR System for Mathematical Formulas Recognition,D.-S. Huang,K. Li, and G.W. Irwin (Eds.): ICIC 2006, Lecture Notes in ComputerScience, 4113(2006)274–279, Ei Compendex(064210172616),SCI

56. 吳微,侯利昌, 基於LL(1)文法的印刷體數學公式結構分析方法, 大連理工大學學報,46(2006)454-459

57. SHAO Zhiqiong, WU Wei, YANG Jie, Finite convergence of On-line BPneural networks with linearly separable training patterns, 數學研究與評論,26(2006)451-456

58. Wei Wu, Hongmei Shao, and Zhengxue Li,Convergence of Batch BPAlgorithm with Penalty for FNN Training, I. King et al. (Eds.):ICONIP 2006, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4232, 562–569, 2006. SCI (BFG80)

59. Lichang Hou, Wei Wu, Bingdui Zhu, Feng Li, A Segmentation Methodfor Merged Characters Using Self-Organizing Map Neural Networks,Journal of Information and Computational Science, 3:2(2006)219-226. EI Compendex

61. Hongmei Shao, Wei Wu, Lijun Liu, Convergence and Monotonicity ofan Online Gradient Method with Penalty for Neural Networks, WSEASTRANSACTIONS on MATHEMATICS,6:3(2007)469-476. EI Compendex

62. 陳兵,吳微,基於SOFM和最短路徑法的粘連字元分割,儀器儀表學報, 2006年第6期增刊,2090-2106

63. Lijun Liu and Wei Wu,Dynamical System for Computing LargestGeneralized Eigenvalue,J. Wang et al. (Eds.): ISNN 2006, LectureNotes in Computer Science 3971, 399-404, 2006. SCI

64. Huifang Lu, Wei Wu, Chao Zhang, Yanxiong, Convergence of GradientDescent Algorithm for Pi-Sigma Neural Networks, Journal ofinformation and Computational Science, 3:3(2006)503-509. EICompendex

三. 國際會議論文集

1. Wei Wu, E. Suli and K.W. Morton,Optimal order estimates for linear Galerkin methods for convection-diffusion problems,MAFLAP 87, London, Academic Press, 1988.

2. A. Spence, P.J. Aston and W. Wu,Bifurcation and stability analysis in nonlinear equations usingsymmetry-breaking in extended systems,Numerical Analysis, Dundee, 89, eds. D.F Griffiths at. al.,Longman, 1990, 243-256.

3. W. Wu, K.A. Cliffe and A. Spence,Steady-state/steady-state mode interaction in nonlinear equationswith Z2-symmetry,Continuation and Bifurcation: Numerical Techniques andApplications, eds. D. Roose, De D. Dier and A. Spence, Leuvon,Belgium, 89. Kluwer Academic Press, 1990, Series C: Mathematicaland Physical Science, Vol. 313., 89-104.

4. Wei Wu and A. Spence,Hopf points emanating from a double singular fold point,工程與科學中的非線性問題國際會議文集, 肖竹鐵,胡向忱主編, 科學出版社, 北京,1992, 267-269.

5. Wei Wu,Mode interaction at a triple zero point of O(2)-symmetricnonlinear systems with two parameters,World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts'92, Florida, ed. V.Lakshmikantham, Walter de ruyter, Berlin, New York, 1996,2011-2022.

6. Wei Wu, Heteroclinic and Hopf points bifurcating from localsingular points,Bifurcation Theory and Its Numerical Analysis, eds. Z. Chen, S.Chow, K. LI, Xi’an, China, 1998, Springer, 194-202.

7. Wei Wu,Convergence of an online gradient method,Abstracts of short communications and poster sessions,International Congress of Mathematicians, Beijing, 2002, HigherEducation Press, p353.

8. Wei Wu and Yuesheng Xu, Convergence of online gradient method forneural networks, in Numeriacal Liner Algebra and Optimization,edited by Ya-xiang Yuan, (Proceedings of 2001’ InternationalConference on Numerical Optimization and Numerical Algebra,Dunhuang, China, ) Science Press, Beijing/New York, 2003, 52-67,(Invited lecture)

9. Hongmei Shao, Wei Wu, Feng Li and Gaofeng Zheng, Convergence ofgradient algorithm for feedforward neural network training, TheProceedings of International symposium on ComputingandInformation (ISC&I 2004), Edited by Renhong Wang and Xiaonan Luo,CIC Media Ltd., 2004, pp. 627-631

10. Wei Wu, Hongmei Shao and Di Qu, Strong convergence for gradientmethods for BP networks training, Proceedings of 2005International Conference on Neural Networks & Brains (ICNN&B’05),Edited by Mingsheng Zhao and Zhongzhi Shi, Beijing, China, 2005,IEEE Press. pp. 332-334.

11. 李峰, 吳微, 版面分析中基於可並行化局部操作序列的局部極大成分標記,第六屆全球智慧型控制與自動化大會 (WCICA’06), 大連, 中國, 2006, IEEEPress. pp. 10512-10516. (ISBN:1-4244-0331-6) EI

12. HONGMEI SHAO, WEI WU,LIJUN LIU,Convergence of an Online GradientAlgorithm with Penalty for Two-layer Neural Networks,Proceedingsof the 10th WSEAS International Conference on APPLIED MATHEMATICS,Dallas, Texas, USA, November 1-3, 2006. Edited by G. R.Dattatreya, WSEAS, (ISSN: 1790-5117, ISBN: 960-8457-55-6)

13. Wei Wu, Liqing Zhang and Naimin Zhang, Online gradient method witha penalty term for BP neural networks, in Proceedings of theSeventh China-Japan Seminar on Numerical Mathematics, Zhangjiajie,

2005, Edited by Zhong-Ci Shi and Hisashi Okamoto, pp.179-192,Science Press, Beijing, 2006.


1. 李正學,吳微, 引入技術指標的BP網路在滬市綜合指數漲跌預測中的套用,CCAST-WL Workshops Series, Beijing, Aug. 2001, Vol. 142, 161-176.

2. 吳微,陳維強,劉播,用BP神經網路預測股票市場漲跌,CCAST-WL Workshops Series, Beijing, Aug. 2000, Vol. 127, 1-22.

3. 吳微, Generalized Difference Methods for Partial DifferentialEquations,The Third International Workshop on Scientific Computing andApplications, Hongkong, 2003, 國際會議特邀報告.

4. 吳微,Monotone and deterministic convergence of online gradientmethods for feedforward neural networks,第二屆中韓數值分析及其套用研討會,北京,2003, 國際會議特邀報告.

5. 吳微,Deterministic convergenceof an online gradient method for BPneural networks,The Second International Symposium on Computing Science,Guangzhou, 2002, 國際會議特邀報告.

6. 吳微,Some recent developments on convergence online gradientmethods for neural networks,第七屆中日計算數學研討會,張家界,2004, 國際會議特邀報告.






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2.90-92 國家教委博士後基金 (分支理論與計算)  ¥ 1萬

3.94-95 第三世界科學院研究基金(局部靜態到整體動態分支) $ 1千

4.96-98 國家自然科學基金 (動力系統計算)  ¥ 4萬

5.00-01 教育部青年骨幹教師基金(神經網路計算)  ¥12萬

6.00-02 國家自然科學基金 (線上梯度法)  ¥10萬

7.00-03 國防科工委國防基礎科研(圖象識別形狀特徵研究)  ¥85萬

8. 01-06 遼寧省學科帶頭人基金 ¥7.5萬

9.02-03 “十五”國家級規劃教材匹配基金(神經網路計算)  ¥ 2萬

10.05-07 國家自然科學基金(神經網路學習算法 ) ¥16萬


吉林大學跨世紀人才 (1995)

教育部科技進步三等獎 (1999)

教育部青年骨幹教師 (2000)

遼寧省中青年學科帶頭人 (2001)





