



1994年獲北京林業大學林產化工專業學士學位,畢業後在中國氣象科學研究院大氣化學所從事實驗室分析工作。1998年9月赴韓國攻讀學位,2000年獲韓國光州科學技術院(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology)環境科學與工程專業碩士學位,2005年獲環境科學與工程專業博士學位 。 現為華中農業大學資環學院副教授,從事環境科學與工程專業的教學與科研工作。






1. 韓國原子能研究所優秀博士論文獎,2005年2月。
2. 第六界國際氣溶膠大會(中國台北,2002年9月)最佳論文獎(牆報),論文題目為 “Performance Evaluation of a Compact Virtual Cyclone”。
3. 1998 , 2005, 韓國科技部獎學金。


1. Xiang, R. B. and Lee, K. W. (2005) Numerical simulation of flow pattern in cyclones of different cone dimensions, Particle and Particle system characterization. In press.
2. Xiang, R. B. and Lee, K. W. (2005) Numerical study of flow field in cyclones of different height, Chemical Engineering and Processing, 44(8),877-883.
3. Jung, C. H., Xiang, R. B., Kim, M. C., Lim, K. S., and Lee, K. W. (2004) Performance evaluation of a cyclone with granular packed beds, Journal of Aerosol Science, 35, 1483-1496.
4. Kim, D. S., Lim, K. S., Xiang, R. B., and Lee, K. W (2002) Design and performance evaluation of an aerosol separator, Journal of Aerosol Science, 33(10), 1405-1415.
5. Xiang, R. B. and Lee, K. W. (2001) Exploratory study on cyclones of modified designs, Particulate Science and Technology, 19(4), 327 ? 338.
6. Xiang, R. B., Park, S. H. and Lee, K. W. (2001) Effects of cone dimension on cyclone performance, Journal of Aerosol Science, 32(4), 549 ? 561.
7. Park, S. H., Xiang, R. B. and Lee, K. W. (2000) Brownian coagulation of fractal agglomerates: Analytical solution using the log ? normal size distribution assumption. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 231, 129 ? 135.
1. Xiang, R. B. and Lee, K. W. (2004) The flow pattern in cyclones with different cone dimensions and its effects on separation efficiency, European Aerosol Conference’ 2004, September 6 ? 10, 2004, Budapest, Hungary, S289 - 290.
2. Xiang, R. B., Jung, C. H., Kim, D. S., and Lee, K. W. (2004) Influence of Granules in the Cone on the Performance of Cyclone. Proceeding of the 3rd Asian Aerosol Conference, January 6 ? 9, 2004, Hong Kong, China.
3. Xiang, R. B., Kim, D. S., and Lee, K. W. (2002) Performance Evaluation of a Compact Virtual Cyclone, 6th International Aerosol Conference, Sept. 8 ?13, 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, pp. 995 ? 996.
4. Park, S.H., Xiang, R. B., and Lee, K. W. (2001) Analytical Solution to Brownian Agglomeration in the Continuum Regime, the 2nd Asian Aerosol Conference, July 1 ? 4, 2001, Pusan, South Korea, pp. 239 ? 240.
5. Xiang, R. B. and Lee, K. W. (2001) Effects of Geometrical Dimensions on Cyclone Performance, the 2nd Asian Aerosol Conference, July 1 ? 4, 2001,Pusan, South Korea, pp. 171 ? 172.
6. Xu, X. B., Xiang, R. B., Ding, G. A., and Li, X. S. (1995) Non - Methane Hydrocarbons Observed at GAW’s Baseline and Regional Stations in China. WMO ? IGAC Conference on the Measurement and Assessment of Atmospheric Composition Change, No. 10783, 1995, Beijing, China.
1. Xiang, R. B. and Lee, K. W. (2004) Effects of cone dimension on the flow field in small cyclones. Proceeding of the 37th Meeting of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, May 13 ? 15, 2004, Incheon, Korea, pp301 ? 302.
2. Kim, D. S., Xiang, R. B. and Lee, K. W. (2004) Experimental study and simulation on the cup impactors, Proceeding of the 37th Meeting of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, May 13 ? 15, 2004, Incheon, Korea, pp299 ? 300.
3. Xiang, R. B., Jung, C. H., Kim, D. S., and Lee, K. W. (2003) Experimental Study on the Performance of Cyclone with Granules in the Cone. Proceeding of the 36th Meeting of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, November 6 - 8, 2003, Jeju, Korea, pp. 390 ? 391.
4. Xiang, R. B., Kim, C. M., and Lee, K. W. (2003) Simulating the Velocity Distribution in a cyclone with CFD. Proceeding of the 4th Korean Conference on Aerosol and Particle Technology, July 3 ? 5, 2003, YongPyung, Korea, pp. 165 ? 166.
5. Kwon, S. B., Seo, C. S., Choi, M. S., Xiang, R. B., and Lee, K. W. (2003) Dilution Ratio Calculation for Absolute Concentration of Nanoparticles during the Flame Synthesis. Proceeding of the 4th Korean Conference on Aerosol and Particle Technology, July 3 ? 5, 2003, YongPyung, Korea, pp. 147 ? 148.
6. Xiang, R. B. and K. W. Lee (2003) Flow Analysis within a Small Reverse Flow Cyclone, Proceeding of the 35th Meeting of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, May 22 ? 24, 2003, Seoul, Korea, pp. 277 ? 278.
7. Kim, D. S., Xiang, R. B., and Lee, K. W. (2002) Experimental Study on Virtual Cyclones as Aerosol Separators, Proceeding of the 33rd Meeting of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, April 26 ? 27, 2002, Seoul, Korea, pp. 301 ? 302.
8. Xiang, R. B., Jung, C. H., Kim, Y. J., Choi, B. C., and Lee, K. W. (2002) Characterization of Particle Losses in a Perma Pure Dryer, Proceeding of the 33rd Meeting of Korean Society for Atmospheric Environment, April 26 ? 27, 2002, Seoul, Korea, pp. 237 ? 238.
9. Park, S. H, Xiang, R. B., and Lee, K. W. (2000) Brownian Coagulation of Fractal Agglomerates, Proceeding of the 2nd Korean Conference on Aerosol and Particle Technology, July 6 ? 8, 2000, YongPyung, South Kore


