已發表論文:8.X. Shi, Y. Wu, Y. Liu. A note on the asymptotic approximation of the inverse moments, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2010, Vol. 80, Issue 15: 1260-1264.
7.X. Shi, Y. Wu, B. Miao. A note on the convergence rate of the kernel density estimator of the mode, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2009, Vol. 79, Issue 17: 1866-1871.
6.T. Wu, X. Shi, B. Miao. Asymptotic approximation of inverse moments of nonnegative random variables, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2009, Vol. 79, Issue 11: 1366-1371.
5.X. Shi, Y. Wu, B. Miao. Strong convergence rate of estimators of change point and its application, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 2009, Vol. 53, Issue 4: 990-998.
4.X. Shi, B. Miao, C. Ge. Consistency of change point estimators for symmetrical stable distribution with parameters shift, Science in China, Ser. A, 2008, Vol. 51, No. 5: 1-10. 中文:中國科學A輯, 2008, Vol. 38, No. 2: 207-215.
3.史曉平, 繆柏其, 葛春蕾. 均值變點估計的強相合性, 中國科技大學學報, 2008, Vol. 38, No. 9: 1089-1093.
2.史曉平, 戴儉華, 繆柏其. 維修記錄數據的可靠性分析, 中國科技大學學報, 2008, Vol. 38, No. 9: 1094-1098.
1.王衛寧, 汪秉宏, 史曉平. 股票價格波動的混沌行為分析, 數量經濟技術經濟研究,2004, Vol. 21, No.4: 141-147.