
retain season season


口袋豆腐皮湯 材料:豆腐皮二張,肉餡100克、香菇一朵、小香蔥適量、油菜心50克、姜 口袋豆腐皮湯
調料:高湯、鹽、醬油、味素、料酒 做法: 1、將豆腐皮切成幾大塊,熱水燙一下,備用; 2、油菜心、小香蔥洗淨備用,取幾根長的香蔥葉,開水燙一下,留用,剩餘的切碎; 3、肉末加鹽、醬油、雞精、料酒調味,再拌入薑末、香蔥碎和切碎的香菇,拌勻; 4、取一張豆腐皮,包入適量肉餡,再用香蔥葉系好; 5、炒鍋置大火上,加入高湯、豆腐袋,開鍋後,加入油菜心,再煮五分鐘; 6、少量鹽和雞精調味即可。


Practice materials pocket tofu skin soup: tofu skin two, 100 grams of meat, mushrooms, a small amount of onion, 50 grams of cardiac rape, ginger Seasoning: broth, salt, soy sauce, MSG, cooking wine Practice: 1, cut into chunks tofu skin, hot hot, spare; 2, rape heart, small shallot wash stand, take a few long chive leaves open Shui Tang look, retained the remaining chopped; 3, minced meat with salt, soy sauce, chicken, wine seasoning, then mix in ginger, chopped scallions and chopped mushrooms, mix well; 4, take a tofu skin, packets into the amount of meat, then onion leaves fastened; 5, wok set on fire, add broth, tofu bags, boil, add rape heart, cook for five minutes; 6, a small amount of salt and chicken seasoning.


