

伊桑·霍克 Vincent Freeman
裘德·洛 Jerome Eugene Morrow
烏瑪·瑟曼 Irene Cassini
阿蘭·阿金 Det. Hugo
歐內斯特·博格寧 Caesar
勞恩·迪恩 Anton Freeman
埃利亞斯·考蒂斯 Antonio Freeman
Gore Vidal Director Josef
Mason Gamble Younger Vincent
托尼·謝爾博 German
威廉·李·斯科特 Young Anton
布萊爾·安德伍德 Geneticist
Carlton Bembry Gattaca Hoover
山德·貝克利 Dr. Lamar
Steve Bessen Blood-test detective
Jayne Brook Marie Freeman
Chad Christ Young Vincent
Una Damon Head nurse
Elizabeth Dennehy Preschool teacher
Ryan Dorin Twelve-fingered pianist
Lindsey Ginter Mission Commander
Clarence Graham Personnel officer
David LeBell Invalid (uncredited)
肯·馬里諾 Sequencing technician
Cynthia Martells Cavendish
Russell Milton Gattaca detective
Vincent Nielson Younger Anton
Dean Norris Cop on the beat
Gabrielle Reece Gattaca trainer
Maya Rudolph Delivery nurse
George Marshall Ruge Beaten detective
Grace Sullivan Sequencing customer
Beverly Griffith Anatomy teacher (uncredited)
【編劇】安德魯·尼科 (written by)
丹尼·迪維圖 producer
Georgia Kacandes associate producer
Joshua Levinson associate producer
Michael Shamberg producer
Stacey Sher producer
Franz Schubert (from "Impromptu in G-flat major, Op. 90, No. 3") (adapted)
Charlie Haden (song "First Song (for Ruth)")
Django Reinhardt (song "Nuages")
【攝像師】Slawomir Idziak
【電影剪輯】Lisa Zeno Churgin
【協調劇組人員】Francine Maisler
【造型設計】Jan Roelfs
【藝術指導】Sarah Knowles
【布景師】Nancy Nye
【服裝設計】Colleen Atwood
Bette Iverson key hair stylist
Ve Neill makeup supervisor
Brian Penikas prosthetic makeup artist
Jill Rockow makeup artist
Alicia M. Tripi department head hair stylist: second unit
Toni-Ann Walker hair stylist
Lizbeth Williamson makeup artist
Bradley Cramp production supervisor
Georgia Kacandes unit production manager
Tim Swan unit manager
Otie Brown second assistant director
Michael Greenwood second second assistant director
Daniel Silverberg second assistant director
約翰·德沃德 first assistant director
Emily Ferry property master
Stephen Alesch set designer
Scott Doran lead man
Don Elliott swing gang
Otniel Gonzalez assistant property master
Jim Ondrejko construction coordinator
Natalie Richards assistant art director (uncredited)
Joy Taylor assistant property master
Randall D. Wilkins set designer
Cliff Latimer adr supervisor
Bunny K. Andrews music editor
Noah Blough dialogue editor
Catherine Calleson assistant sound editor
Lawrence L. Commans boom operator
Nerses Gezalyan foley mixer
Cynthia Haagens assistant sound editor
Dick Hansen cable person
Gary A. Hecker foley artist
Doug Hemphill sound re-recording mixer
Richard King supervising sound editor
Paul Massey sound re-recording mixer
James Matheny dialogue editor
Jeffrey R. Payne foley editor
Steven Ticknor sound effects editor
Scott A. Tinsley foley editor
Stephan von Hase production sound mixer
Jeffrey Wilhoit foley artist
Carole Cowley special effects associate producer
Philip Bartko special effects foreman
Gary D'Amico special effects coordinator
Ian O'Connor miniature pyrotechnics supervisor (uncredited)
Travis Baumann digital compositor (uncredited)
Carole Cowley visual effects production coordinator: Cine site
Matti Asgarian digital effects production assistant (uncredited)
Cheryl Bainum computer graphics/design producer: Buzz F/X (uncredited)
Daniele Colajacomo visual effects supervisor: 3DSite
Ken Dackermann digital effects
Steve Dellerson visual effects coordinator
Scott Dougherty digital effects producer: Cinesite
Joe Dubs digital paint supervisor
Deak Ferrand digital artist/designer: Buzz F/X (uncredited)
Gil Gagnon digital effects
Dan Levitan compositor
Mario Peixoto digital effects
Jerry Pooler visual effects supervisor
Anne Putnam visual effects producer: post production (uncredited)
Janek Sirrs visual effects
Chris Watts visual effects supervisor
Hubie Kerns Jr. stunts (uncredited)
Michael Cassidy stunt coordinator
Norman Howell stunt coordinator
Mike Smith stunts
Tyson Dexter stunt double
Columbia Pictures Corporation
Jersey Films
Columbia Pictures
Columbia TriStar Home Video
Columbia TriStar
Sony Pictures Entertainment
LK-TEL [ar]
Columbia TriStar Film Distributors International
Ízaro Films S.A. [es]
Threat Theatre
Columbia TriStar Film GmbH [de]
Sony Pictures Entertainment Inc. [jp]
The Computer Film Company [gb]
Cinesite (Hollywood)
Hunter/Gratzner Industries Inc.
Sony Pictures Entertainment
Cinema Research Corporation
Video Image Associates
Webster Kolich & Co.
Beau Bonneau Casting
Loop Troop
Entertainment Motion Picture Catering
Imaginary Forces
Prop'er Effects Inc.
Barstow, California, USA
California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, California, USA
KJC Solar Farm, Los Angeles, California, USA
Los Angeles City Hall, Los Angeles, California, USA
Marin County Civic Center, San Rafael, California, USA
Marin County, California, USA
The Forum, Inglewood, California, USA
Aspect ratio 2.35 : 1
Camera Arriflex s Moviecam s
Cinematographic process Super 35
Film length (metres) 2918 m (6 reels)
Film negative format (mm/video inches) 35 mm
Laboratory Technicolor
Printed film format 35 mm (anamorphic)
Nancy Nye / Jan Roelfs
1.Continuity: In the scene at the piano recital, there's a bouquet of flowers to the right of the piano (shot from overhead), but when the pianist is finished, and takes a bow, the vase (and flowers) have vanished.
2.Continuity: Jerome rips his jacket sleeve seam while punching out the police officer, yet soon after it is intact.

3.Continuity: When Irene and Vincent get up to dance, Irene's pil
lbox is nowhere in sight. Although they don't return to the table before fleeing, Anton finds it just sitting there, in plain sight.
4.Continuity: When the two men are swimming at night, they are sometimes shown to be naked, and other times (underwater shots) shown to be wearing boxers or swimming trunks.
5.Crew or equipment visible: As Vincent gets ready for his first day at work as Jerome, he pulls out his shirt from the closet and you can see fingers of someone holding the closet door open.
1. Antonio: Son, the only time you're going to see the inside of a space shuttle is if you're cleaning it.
2. Dr. Lamar: ...He wants to apply here...
3. Dr. Lamar: ...I still haven't told you about my son have I. He's a big fan of yours...
4. Dr. Lamar: ...unfortunately my son's not all that they promised. But then again, who knows what he could do.
5. Dr. Lamar: For future reference, right handed men don't hold it with their left... just one of those things...
6. Dr. Lamar: Jermone Jerome, the metronome.
7. Dr. Lamar: Jerome, never shy, pisses on command. Beautiful piece of equipment you've got there Jerome. I ever told you that䲁
8. Dr. Lamar: New Policy, what's the matter䲁 Flight got you nervous.
9. Dr. Lamar: Occupational hazard. I see a great many on the course of any given day. Your's just happens to be an exceptional example. Don't know why my folks didn't order one like that for me.
10. Dr. Lamar: That was it.
11. Dr. Lamar: You're gonna miss your flight Vincent.
12. German: There's still the matter of your height.
13. Irene: Not so long. Just once around the sun.
14. Jerome: 4'6"
15. Jerome: Ah well it could be worse. They could have found it in your eye.
16. Jerome: Do you want some of this䲁 I could keep it for you in case you ever need it... I'm sorry. Sorry.
17. Jerome: I don't recognize you.
18. Jerome: I got the better end of the deal. I only lent you my body - you lent me your dream.
19. Jerome: I've been able to walk this whole time, I was just faking it.
20. Jerome: If at first you dont succeed... try, try again.
21. Jerome: They won't recognize you.
22. Jerome: We have to get drunk immediately.
23. Jerome: What makes you think that䲁
24. Jerome: What's your number䲁 That's harassment. What's your number䲁
25. Jerome: Where䲁
26. Vincent: ...I could've gone up and back and nobody would've been the wiser...
27. Vincent: A year is a long time.
28. Vincent: Blood has no nationality
29. Vincent: For someone who was never meant for this world, I must admit I am having a hard time leaving it. Although they say every atom in our bodies was once part of a star. Maybe I'm not leaving... maybe I'm going home.
30. Vincent: He had everything except desire.
31. Vincent: How tall are you䲁
32. Vincent: How'd you get up here䲁
33. Vincent: I can't go anywhere without seeing my own face. They'll recognize me.
34. Vincent: I meant before your accident.
35. Vincent: I was never more certain of how far away I was from my goal than when I was standing right beside it.
36. Vincent: I'll never understand what possessed my mother to put her faith in God's hands, rather than her local geneticist.
37. Vincent: In the corridor.
38. Vincent: Is the only way you can succeed is to see me fail䲁
39. Vincent: It's funny, you work so hard, you do everything you can to get away from a place, and when you finally get your chance to leave, you find a reason to stay.
40. Vincent: Just remember. I was as good as any, and better than most...
41. Vincent: Nope, there's a problem Lamar...
42. Vincent: Only every time I'm in here.
43. Vincent: There's more vodka in this piss than there is piss.
44. Vincent: There's no gene for fate.
45. Vincent: They found my eye lash.
46. Vincent: They think I killed the mission director.
47. Vincent: They used to say that a child conceived in love has a greater chance of happiness. They don't say that anymore.
48. Vincent: They'll recognize me.
49. Vincent: We now have discrimination down to a science.
50. Vincent: We shed 500 million cells a day.
51. Vincent: What about the interview䲁
52. Vincent: What's this䲁
53. Vincent: You are the authority on what is not possible, aren't yo u Irene䲁 They've got you looking for any flaw, that after a while that's all you see. For what it's worth, I'm here to tell you that it is possible. It is possible.
54. Vincent: You want to know how I did it䲁 This is how I did it, Anton: I never saved anything for the swim back.
55. Vincent: [Vincent stares into Lamar eyes, hesitating]
56. Younger Vincent: Don't eat that, it's Pluto.
57. [After vomiting]
58. [During his transformation into "Jerome"]
59. [Lamar hits button revealing Jerome's valid i.d]
60. [test reveals Vincent as invalid]