2005.05-2006.07 長沙理工大學材料科學與工程學院教師;
2006.07-2007.07 中南大學粉末冶金國家重點實驗室博士後;
2007.07-2012.10 郴州市北湖區政府副區長;
2012.10 常德市政府副市長候選人人選;
2012.12 常德市人民政府副市長。
主持(完成)國家(國土資源部)公益性科研重大專項子課題1項(No.201011031)、湖南省自然科學基金重點項目1項(No.08JJ3100)、國家博士後基金項目1項(No.20060400881)、湖南省國土資源廳科技攻關重點項目1項(No.2011-02)、湖南省博士後基金項目1項(2006FJ4239)、湖南省科技廳科技攻關項目3項(No.06CK3017、No.07CK3048和No.2010GK3166)、長沙市科技攻關項目1項(No.K071010–11)和湖南省建設廳科技攻關項目1項;參與國家自然科學基金項目3項和國防預研計畫項目1項等科研項目十餘項。已申請國家發明專利3項,其中授權國家發明專利1項。獲2010年度湖南省自然科學獎三等獎1項(No.20102001),在國際及國內專業學術刊物如J. Crystal Growth, Mater.Res.Bull, J. Mater. Sci., Advanced Materials Research , Rare Metal Mtaterials and Engineering , Solid State Phenomena ,Mater. Letts., 無機材料學報以及矽酸鹽學報等發表研究論文26餘篇,被SCI、EI、ISTP國際三大檢索系統檢索論文15餘篇次。
1. Kuang Jiacai Wang H.L. et al., Fracture Toughness of CNTs/AlN Ceramics Tested by Indentation, Advanced Materials Research ,2011 (177): 151~153.
2. 龍穎, 匡加才等, 高熔點複合氧化物陶瓷的相可控低溫燒成, 矽酸鹽學報, 2010,38(5):55 ~60.
3. JiaCai Kuang, Li Yiming, et al, Hot-Pressed Sintering of AlN Ceramics, Rare Metal Mtaterials and Engineering , 2008, 37(z1): 236 ~239.
4. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Influence of carbon content on microstructure and wear resistance of Si-Mn-B bainitic cast steel, Transactions of Materials and Heat Treatment ,2007(6): 78-81.
5. JiaCai Kuang, et al, A New Technique for Synthesizing Nanoporous Silica Films, Solid State Phenomena, 2007,6(121-123):81~84.
6. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Formation and characterization of cubic AlN crystalline in a carbothermal reduction reaction. Mater. Letts., 2005,59(16):2006~2010.
7. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Influence of processing parameters on synthesis of nanosize AlN powder prepared from a low temperature combustion precursor. J. Crystal Growth, 2004, 263:12~20.
8. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline aluminum nitride from a low temperature combustion precursor. J. Mater. Sci., 2004, 39:3167~3169.
9. JiaCai Kuang et al, Preferential orientation of bulk textured AlN by hot pressing. Mater.Res.Bull., 2004,39:923~931.
10. JiaCai Kuang, et al, Synthesis of high thermal conductivity nano-scale aluminum nitride by a new carbothermal reduction method from combustion precursor. J. Crystal Growth, 2003, 256:288~291.