1) 孢粉分析設備
2) 樹木年輪分析設備(TSAP)
3) 植被數量生態分析軟體
4) 植被遙感分析軟體
5) 動態全球植被模型
1. Xu, C.-Y.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Anenkhonov, O.A., Korolyuk, A.Y, Sandanov, D.V., Balsanova, L.D., Naidanov, B.B., Wu, X.-C., 2017. Long-term forest resilience to climate change indicated by mortality, regeneration and growth in semi-arid southern Siberia.Global Change Biology, in press.
2. Jiang, P.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Wu, X.-C., Wang, H.-Y., 2016. Tree-ring-based SPEI reconstruction in central Tianshan Mountains of China since AD 1820 and links to westerly circulation.Journal of Climatology, doi: 10.1002/joc4884
3. Xu, C.-Y.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Williams, A.P., Yin, Y., Wu, X.-C., 2016. Trends toward an earlier peak of the growing season in Northern Hemisphere mid-latitudes.Global Change Biology, 22: 2852-2860
4. Yang, X., Chi, X.-L., Ji, C.-J.,Liu, H.-Y., Ma, W.-H., Mohhammat, A., Shi,, Z., 2016. Variations of leaf N and P concentrations in shrubland biomes across northern China: phylogeny, climate, and soil.Biogeoscience, 13: 1-10
5. Li, B.-G. Gasser, T., Ciais, P., Piao, S.-L., Tao, S., Balkanski, Y., Hauglustaine, D., Boisier, J.-P., Chen, Z., Huang, M.-T., Li, L.-Z., Li, Y.,Liu, H.-Y., Liu, J.,-F., Peng, S.-S., Shen, Z.-H., Sun, Z.-Z., Wang, R., Wang, T., Yin, G.-D., Yin, Y., Zeng, H., Zeng, Z.-Z., Zhou, F., 2016. The contribution of China’s emissions to global climate forcing.Nature, 531: 357-362
6. Qiu, S.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Zhao, F.-J., Liu, X., 2016. Inconsistent changes of biomass and species richness along a precipitation gradient in temperate steppe.Journal of Arid Environments, 132: 42-48
7. Feng, M.-M., Wang, Q.-Y., Hao, Q., Yin, Y., Song, Z.-L., Wang, H.-Y.,Liu, H.-Y.*, 2016. Determinants of soil erosion during the last 1600 years in the forest–steppe ecotone in Northern China reconstructed from lacustrine sediments.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 449: 79-84
8. Hao, Q.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Liu, X., 2016. Pollen-detected altitudinal migration of forests during the Holocene in the mountainous forest–steppe ecotone in northern China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 446: 70–77
9. Yin, Y.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Hao, Q., 2016. The role of fire in the late Holocene forest decline in semi-arid North China.The Holocene, 26(1): 93-101
10. Wu, X.-C.,Liu, H.-Y., Li, X.-Y., Liang, E.-Y., Beck, P.S.A., Huang,Y.-M., 2016. Seasonal divergence in the interannual responses of Northern Hemisphere vegetation activity to variations in diurnal climate.Scientific Reports, 6:19000
11. Xu, X.-T.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Song, Z.-L., Wang, W., Hu, G.-Z., Qi, Z.-H., 2015. Response of aboveground biomass and diversity to nitrogen addition along a degradation gradient in the Inner Mongolian steppe, China.Scientific Reports, 5:10284, DOI: 10.1038/srep10284
12. Yang, X.-M., Song, Z.-L.,Liu, H.-Y.,Bolan, N.S.,Wang, H.-L., Li, Z.-M., 2015. Plant silicon content in forests of north China and its implications for phytolith carbon sequestration.Ecological Research, 30: 347–355
13. Hu, G.-Z.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Song, Z.-L., 2015. The role of legumes in plant community succession of degraded grasslands in northern China.Land Degradation & Development,27: 366-372
14.Anenkhonova,O.A., Korolyukb,A. Yu, Sandanov,D.V.,Liu, H.-Y.,Zverev,A.A.,Guo, D.-L., 2015.Soil-moisture conditions indicated by field-layer plants help identifyvulnerable forests in the forest-steppe of semi-arid Southern Siberia.Ecological Indicators,57: 196-207
15.Liu, H.-Y.*, Brueheide, H., Elward, J., Chytrý, M., 2015. Temperate forests in continental East Asia.Applied Vegetation Science,18: 3–4
16.Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Wang, Q., He, S., 2015. Climatic effects on plant species distribution within the forest steppe ecotone in northern China.Applied Vegetation Science,18: 43–49
17. Qi, Z.-H.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Wu, X.-C., Hao, Q., 2015. Climate-driven speedup of alpine treeline forest growth in the Tianshan Mountains, Northwestern China.Global Change Biology,21: 816-826
18.Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Hao, Q., Liu, G., 2014. Sensitivity of temperate vegetation to Holocene development of East Asian monsoon.Quaternary Science Reviews, 98: 126-134
19. Hao, Q.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Wang, H.-Y., Feng, M.-M., 2014. Varied responses of forest at its distribution margin to Holocene monsoon development in northern China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 409: 239-248
20. Yang, X., Tang, Z.-Y.*, Ji, C.-J.,Liu, H.-Y.,Ma, W.-H., Mohhamot, A., Shi, Z.-Y., Sun, W., Wang, T., Wang, X.-P., Wu, X., Yu, S.-L., Yue, M., Zheng, C.-Y., 2014. Scaling of nitrogen and phosphorus across plant organs in shrubland biomes across Northern China.Scientific Reports,4: 5448, DOI: 10.1038/srep05448
21. Song, Z.-L.*,Liu, H.-Y.*, Zhao, F.-J., Xu, C.-Y., 2014. Ecological stoichiometry of N:P:Si in China’s grasslands.Plant and Soil, 380: 165-179
22. Wu, X.-C.,Liu, H.-Y.*,He, L.-B., Qi, Z.-H., Anenkhonov, O. A., Korolyuk, A. Yu., Yu, Y., Guo, D.-L., 2014. Stand-total tree-ring measurements and forest inventory documented climate-induced forest dynamics in the semi-arid Altai Mountains.Ecological Indicators,34: 231-241
23.Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y.*, Piao, S.-L., Zhao, F.-J., Engels, M., Ciais, P., 2013. Disappearing lakes in semiarid northern China: drivers and environmental impact.Environmental Science and Technology,47: 12107-12114
24. Liu, G., Yin, Y.,Liu, H.-Y.*,Hao, Q., 2013. Quantifying regional vegetation cover variability in North China during the Holocene: implications for climate feedback.PLOS ONE,8: e71681, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0071681
25. Song, Z.-L.*,Liu, H.-Y.*,Li, B.-B., Yang, X.-M., 2013.The production of phytolith-occluded carbon in China’s forests: implications to biogeochemical carbon sequestration.Global Change Biology,19: 2907-2915
26.Liu, H.-Y.*, Williams, A.P., Allen, C.D.*, Guo, D.-L., Wu, X.-C., Anenkhonov, O.A., Liang, E.-Y., Sandanov, D.V., Yin, Y., Qi, Z.-H., Badmaeva, N.K., 2013. Rapid warming accelerates tree growth decline in semi-arid forests of Inner Asia.Global Change Biology, 19: 2500-2510
27.Liu, H.-Y.*,Yin, Y., 2013. Response of forest distribution to past climate change: An insight into future predictions.Chinese Science Bulletin,58: 4426-4436.
28.Liu, H.-Y.*,Liu, K., Wei, F.-L., 2013.Aretemisiapollen-indicated steppe distribution in southern China during the Last Glacial Maximum.Journal of Palaeogeography,2: 297-305
29.Liu, H.-Y.*, Piao, S.-L., 2013. Drought threatened semi-arid ecosystems in the Inner Asia.Agricultural and Forestry Meteorology, 178-179: 1-2
30. Liu, G,Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., 2013. Global patterns of NDVI-indicated vegetation extremes and their sensitivity to climate extremes.Environmental Research Letters, 025009, doi:10.1088/ 1748-9326/8/2/025009
31. Wu, X.-C.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, Y.-F., Deng, M.-H., 2013.Prolonged limitation of tree growth due to warmer spring in semi-arid mountain forests of Tianshan, northwest China.Environmental Research Letters, 024016, doi:10.1088/1748-9326/8/2/024016
32. Hu, G.-Z.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Anenkhonov, O., Korolyuk, A., Sandanov, D., Guo, D.-L.,2013. Forest buffers soil temperature and postpones soil thaw as indicated by a three-year large-scale soil temperature monitoring in the forest-steppe ecotone in Inner Asia.Global and Planetary Change, 104: 1-6
33. Poulter, B*, Pedersen, N,Liu, H.-Y.,Zhu, Z.-C., D’Arrigo R., Ciais, P., Davi, N., Frank, D., Myneni, R., Piao, S.-L., Wang, T. 2013. Recent trends in Inner Asian forest dynamics to temperature and precipitation indicate high sensitivity to climate change.Agriculture and Forest Meteorology, 178-179: 31-45
34. Yin, Y.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Liu, G., Hao, Q., Wang, H.-Y., 2013.Vegetation responses to mid-Holocene extreme drought events and subsequent long-term drought on the southeastern Inner Mongolian Plateau, China.Agricultural and Forestry Meteorology, 178-179: 3-9
35. Wu X.-C.,Liu, H.-Y.*, 2013. Consistent shifts in spring vegetation green-up date across temperate biomes in China, 1982–2006.Global Change Biology, 19: 870-880
36. Wu, X.-C.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Guo, D.-L., Anenkhonov, O., Badmaeva, N., Sandanov, D., 2012. Growth Decline Linked to Warming-Induced Water Limitation in Hemi-Boreal Forests.PLOS ONE,7(8): e42619. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0042619
37. Song, Z.-L.*,Liu, H.-Y.,Si, Y., Yin, Y., 2012.The Production of Phytoliths in China's Grasslands: Implications to the Biogeochemical Sequestration of Atmospheric CO2.Global Change Biology, 18: 3647-3653
38.Liu, H.-Y.*,He, S.-Y., Anenkhonov, O, Hu, G.-Z., Sandanov, D., Badmaeva, N., 2012. Topography-controlled soil water content and the coexistence of forest and steppe in northern china.Physical Geography,33: 561-573
39. Zhao, Y.*,Liu, H.-Y.,Li, F.-R., Huang, X.-Z., Sun, J.-H., Zhao, W.-W., Herzschuh, U., Tang, Y., 2012. Application and limitations of theArtemisia/Chenopodiaceae pollen ratio in arid and semi-arid China.The Holocene,22: 1385-1392
40. Wang, H.-Y.*,Liu, H.-Y., Zhao, F.-J., Yin, Y., Zhu, J.-L., Snowball, I., 2012. Early- and mid-Holocene palaeoenvironments as revealed by mineral magnetic, geochemical and palynological data of sediments from Bai Nuur and Ulan Nuur, southeastern inner Mongolia Plateau, China.Quaternary International,250: 100-118
41. Yin, Y.,Liu, H.-Y.*, He, S.-Y., Zhao, F.-J., Zhu, J.-L., Wang, H.-Y., Liu, G., Wu, X.-C., 2011.Patterns of local and regional grain size distribution and their application to Holocene climate reconstruction in semi-arid Inner Mongolia, China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology307: 168–176
42. Zhao F.-J.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Hu, G.Z., Wu, X.C., 2011. Vegetation succession prevents dry lake beds from becoming dust sources in the semiarid steppe region of China.Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 36: 864-871
43.Liu, H.-Y.*, Yin, Y., Zhu, J.-L., Zhao, F.-J., Wang, H.-Y., 2010.How did forest respond to Holocene climate drying at the forest-steppe ecotone in northern China?Quaternary International,227: 46-52
44. Zhang, Y.-K.,Liu, H.-Y.*, 2010.How did climate drying reduce ecosystem carbon storage in the forest–steppe ecotone? A case study in Inner Mongolia, China.Journal of Plant Research,123: 543-549
45. Wang, H.-Y.*,Liu, H.-Y., Zhu, J.-L., Yin, Y., 2010.Holocene environmental changes as recorded by mineral magnetism of sediments from Anguli-nuur Lake, southeastern Inner Mongolia Plateau, China.Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 285(1-2): 30-49
46. Wang, H.-Y.*,Liu, H.-Y., Liu, Y.-H., Cui, H.-T., Abrahamsen, N., 2010.Mineral magnetism and other characteristics of sediments from an alpine lake (3,410 m a.s.l.) in central China and implications for late Holocene climate and environment.Journal of Paleolimnology, 43(2): 345-367
47. Herzschuh, U.*, Birks, H.J.B., Ni, J., Zhao, Y.,Liu, H.-Y., Liu, X.-Q., Gross, G., 2010. Holocene land-cover changes on the Tibetan Plateau.Holocene,20 (1): 91-104
48. Li, A., Guo, D.-L.*, Wang, Z.-Q.,Liu, H.-Y., 2010.Nitrogen and phosphorus allocation in leaves, twigs, and fine roots across 49 temperate, subtropical and tropical tree species: a hierarchical pattern.Functional Ecology, 24(1): 224-232
49. Piao, S.-L.*, Ciais, P., Lomas, M., Beer, C.,Liu, H.-Y., Fang, J.-Y., Friedlingstein, F., Huang, Y., Muraoka, H., Son, Y., Woodward, I., 2010. Contribution of climate change and rising CO2 to terrestrial carbon balance in East Asia: A multimodel analysis.Global and Planetary Change, 75(3-4): 133-142.
50.Piao,S.-L.*, Cias,P., Huang,Y., Shen,Z.-H., Peng,S.-S., Li,J.-S., Zhou,L.-P.,Liu,H.-Y., Ma,Y.-C., Ding,Y.-H., Friedlingstein,P., Liu,C.-Z., Tan,K., Yu,Y.-Q., Zhang,T.-Y., Fang,J.-Y., 2010. The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in China.Nature, 467, 43-51
51.Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., 2009.Patterns of plant biodiversity in the woodland-steppe ecotone in southeastern Inner Mongolia.Contemporary Problems of Ecology, 2(4): 322-329
52. Liang, E.-Y.*, Eckstein, D.,Liu, H.-Y.,2009.Assessing the recent grassland greening trend in a long-term context based on tree-ring analysis: A case study in North ChinaEcological Indicators, 9:1280–1283
53. Wu, X.-C.,Liu, H.-Y.*,Ren, J., He, S.-Y., Zhang, Y.-K., 2009.Water-dominated vegetation activity across biomes in mid-latitudinal eastern China.Geophysical Research Letters,36, L04402, doi:10.1029/2008GL036940
54.Liu, H.-Y.*,Ji, Z.-K., Tian, J., 2008. Reconstruction of former halophilous desert vegetation at the present cropland sites using soil conditions analogy.Folia Geobotanica, 43(1): 35-47
55.Liu, H.-Y.*,Wei, F.-L., Liu, K. and Zhu, J.-L., 2008.Determinants of pollen dispersal in the East Asian steppe at different spatial scales.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 149(3-4): 219-228
56.Liu, H.-Y.*,Yin, Y., Ren, J., Tian, Y.-H., Wang, H.-Y., 2008. Climatic and anthropogenic controls of topsoil features in the semi-arid East Asian steppe.Geophysical Research Letters, 35(4): L04401, doi:10.1029/2007GL032980
57. Liang, E.-Y.*, Eckstein, D.,Liu, H.-Y., 2008.Climate-growth relationships of relict Pinus tabulaeformis at the northern limit of its natural distribution in northern China. Journal of Vegetation Science 19: 393-406
58. Liang, E.-Y.*, Shao, X.-M.,Liu, H.-Y., Eckstein, D., 2007, Tree-ring based PDSI reconstruction since AD1842 inthe Ortindag sand land, east Inner Mongolia. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52 (19): 2715-2721
59. Ren, J.,Liu, H.-Y.*,Yin, Y., He, S.-Y., 2007. Drivers of greening trend across vertically distributed biomes in temperate arid Asia.Geophysical Research Letters, 34: L07707, doi:10.1029/2007GL029435
60.Liu, H.-Y.*, Wang, Y., Tian, Y.-H., 2006. Climatic and anthropogenic controls of surface pollen in East Asian steppes.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 138(3-4): 281-289
61. Xu, L.-H.,Liu, H.-Y.*, Chu, X.-Z., Su, K., 2006, Desert vegetation patterns at the northern foot of Tianshan Mountains: The role of soil conditions. Flora, 206(1): 44-50
62. Piao, S.-L.*, Fang, J.-Y.,Liu, H.-Y., Zhu, B., 2005. Dynamics of desertification in China over the past two decades from satellite data.Geophysical Research Letter, 32, L06402, doi:10.1029/2004 GL021764
63. Wang, H.-Y.*,Liu, H.-Y., Liu, Y.-H., Cui, H.-T., 2004.Mineral magnetism of lacustrine sediments and Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes in Dali Nor area, southeast Inner Mongolia Plateau, China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 208(3-4):173-190
64.Liu, H.-Y.* Xing, Q.-R., Ji, Z.-K., Xu, L.-H., Tian, Y.-H., 2003. An outline of Quaternary development of Fagus forest in China: palynological and ecological perspectives.Flora, 198(4): 249-259
65.Liu, H.-Y.*, Tian, Y.-H., Ding, D., 2003. Contribution of different land cover types to the material source of dust stormy weather in Beijing.Chinese Science Bulletin, 48(17):1853-1856
66.Liu, H.-Y.*,Xu, L.-H., Cui, H.-T., 2002, Holocene history of desertification along the woodland-steppe border in northern China.Quaternary Research, 57: 259-270
67.Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., Yu, P.-T., Huang, Y.-M., 2002, The origin of remnant forest stands of Pinus tabulaeformis in southeastern Inner Mongolia, China. Plant Ecology, 158(3): 139-151
68.Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., Tang, Z.-Y., Dai, J.-H., Tang, Y.-X., 2002, Larch timberline and its development in temperate China.Mountain Research and Development, 22(4): 359-367
69.Liu, H.-Y.*, Xu, L.-H., Cui, H.-T., Chen C.-D., Xu, X.-Y., 2002, Vegetation pattern and conservation strategy of the extremely-arid desert of Anxi region, NW China.Journal of Environmental Sciences, 14(3): 380-387
70. Fang, J.-Y.*,Liu, H.-Y., Piao, S.-L., 2002,Vegetation-climate relationship and its application in vegetation regionalization in China.Acta Botanica Sinica,44(9): 1105-1122
71.Liu, H.-Y.*, Xu, L.-H., Tian, Y.-H., Cui, H.-T., 2002, Tempo-spatial variances of Holocene precipitation at the marginal area of the eastern Asia monsoon influences from pollen evidence.Acta Botanica Sinica,44(7): 864-871
72.Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., Huang, Y.-M., 2001, Detecting Holocene movements of the woodland-steppe ecotone in northern China using discriminant analysis.Journal of Quaternary Science, 16(3): 237-244
73. Wang, H.-Y.*,Liu, H.-Y., Cui, H.-T., Abrahamsen, H., 2001, Terminal Pleistocene/Holocene palaeoenvironmental changes revealed by mineral-magnetism measurements of lake sediments for Dali Nor area, southeastern Inner Mongolia Plateau, China.Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology,170: 115-132
74.Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., Pott, R., Speier, M., 2000, Vegetation of the woodland-steppe ecotone in southeastern Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 11(4): 525-532
75.Liu, H.-Y.*, Cui, H.-T., Pott, R., Speier, M., 1999, Surface pollen of the woodland-steppe ecotone in southeastern Inner Mongolia, China.Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 105(3-4): 237-250
76. Cui, H.-T.*,Liu, H.-Y., Yao, X.-S., 1997, The finding of the paleo-spruce timber in the Hunshandak sandy land and its paleoecological significance.Science in China (Series D),40(6): 599-604
1. 劉鴻雁,2002,《第四紀生態學與全球變化》,科學出版社
2. 崔海亭、劉鴻雁、戴君虎,2005,《山地生態學與高山林線研究》,科學出版社