
教育簡歷 1981-1985 曲阜師大 學士學位,1985-1988 延邊大學 碩士學位 1998-2001 山東大學 博士學位 2001-2004 加拿大Simon Fraser University 博士後


1988-2004 曲阜師大工作,先後晉升為講師(1992)、副教授(1995)、教授(1998)

2004.10-至今 山東大學化學與化工學院教授









11)QM/MM Study on the Reaction Mechanism of O -Alkylguanine DNA Alkyltransferase

Qianqian Hou, Likai Du, Jun Gao, Yongjun Liu,* and Chengbu Liu

J. Phys. Chem. B 2010, 114, 15296–15300

10)3D-QSAR Studies on C24-Monoalkylated Vitamin D3 26,23-Lactones and their C2a-Modified Derivatives with Inhibitory Activity to Vitamin D Receptor

Jinhu Wang,Ke Tang,Qianqian Hou,Yongjun Liu,* and Chengbu Liu

Molecular Informatics, 2010,29,621-632

9)Theoretical Investigations towards the Staudinger Reaction Catalyzed by N-Heterocyclic Carbene: Mechanism and Stereoselectivity

Ke Tang,Jinhu Wang,Xueli Cheng,Qianqian Hou and Yongjun Liu*

Eur. J. Org. Chem. 2010, 6249–6255

8)Docking and molecular dynamics studies toward the binding of new natural phenolic marine inhibitors and aldose reductase

Zhiguo Wang,Baoping Ling, Rui Zhang,Yourui Suo and Yongjun Liu*

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 28 (2009) 162–169

7) Theoretical studies on the interaction of modified pyrimidines and

purines with purine riboswitch

Baoping Ling, Zhiguo Wang, Rui Zhang, Xianghua Meng, Yongjun Liu*

Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 28 (2009) 37–45

6) Docking and molecular dynamics study on the inhibitory activity of coumarin on aldose reductase

Zhiguo Wang, Baoping Ling, Rui Zhang, Yongjun Liu*

J. Phys. Chem. B, 2008, 112, 10033-10040

5) Addition Reaction of Nitrones on the Reconstructed Si(100)-2x1 Surface

Liu, Y. J.*; Wang, Z. G.

J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111,4673

4) Theoretical study on Adsorption of Na+(H2O)n(n=1-6) on clean Si(111) surface

Liu, Y. J.*; Wang, Z.G.; Suo, Y. R.

J. Phys. Chem. C 2007, 111, 3427

3) Theoretical Study on Adsorption of Hydrated Au+ Cations on Clean Si(111) Surface

Liu, Y. J.*; Liu, Y.; Wang, H. L.; Suo, Y. R.

Surface Science, 2007, 601, 1265

2) Theoretical Study on the Mechanism for the Addition Reaction of SiH3 with Propylene and Acetic Acid

Liu, Y. J.*; Wang, Z.G.; Suo, Y. R.

J. Phys. Chem. A 2006, 110, 12439-12442

1) Theoretical Study of Interaction between Atoms of Au, Ag, Cu and clean Si(111) surface

Liu, Y. J.*; Li, M. H.; Suo, Y. R.

Surface Science, 2006, 600, 5117-5122


8. 國防973項目子專題(負責人)(2010-2013)





3. 中國科學院項目(負責人)(2007-2012)

2. 教育部歸國留學人員啟動基金 (負責人)(2006-2008)

1. 山東大學引進人才科研啟動基金(負責人)(2004-2009)


