•中國武漢大學Wuhan University:博士(環境工程)2005 Ph.Dof Engineering(Environmentual Engineering),2005, Wuhan, Hubei Province
•碩士(建築設計及其理論)2002 Master of Engineering(Architectural Design and Theory), 2002, Wuhan, Hubei Province
•學士(城市規劃)1999 Bachelor of Engineering(Urban Planning), 1999, Wuhan, Hubei Province
•Architectural Design ;ConstructiveDetailed Planning; UrbanDesign;
•1. 武漢大學城市規劃系,中國湖北武漢
•1. L IU L in,2006.Alive Arch itecture:the Idea andMethodology on Architecture Ba sed on Groundwork of China,Journal of ChongqingJianzhu University,Vol.28 No. 6:30-33
•劉林,2006年,活的建築:中華根基的建築觀與方法論,重慶建築大學學報,Vol. 28 No. 6:30-33
•1.Constructive Detailed Planning of Machi Ancient Fortress.Yichang City, Hubei Province, 2010.