

劉曉華,女,漢族,工學博士,清華大學教授、博士生導師。 2007年劉曉華從清華大學博士畢業;2009年論文被評為全國百篇優博論文;2013年入選中組部首批“萬人計畫”青年拔尖人才支持計畫;2014年獲得國家自然科學基金優秀青年科學基金資助;2017年4月入選教育部2016年度“長江學者獎勵計畫”青年學者 。 劉曉華作為骨幹人員參加了國家自然科學基金重點項目、“十一五”、“十二五”國家科技支撐計畫等。參編國際ISO標準1部、國家與行業標準4部。發表研究論文近100篇,其中50篇被SCI摘引;以第一作者出版專著3部;獲得授權的國家發明專利20餘項。



劉曉華[清華大學建築學院教授、長江學者] 劉曉華[清華大學建築學院教授、長江學者]

1998-2002 清華大學建築技術科學系,本科生

2002-2007 清華大學建築技術科學系,博士研究生

2007-2010 清華大學建築技術科學系,講師

2011-2015 清華大學建築技術科學系,副教授

2013-至今 清華大學建築技術科學系,博士生導師

2016-至今 清華大學建築技術科學系,教授







[1] 劉曉華,李震,張濤. 《溶液除濕》. 中國建築工業出版社, 2014

[2] 劉曉華,江億,張濤.《溫濕度獨立控制空調系統(第二版)》. 中國建築工業出版社, 2013

[3] 劉曉華,江億.《溫濕度獨立控制空調系統》. 中國建築工業出版社, 2006

[4] 張寅平,張立志, 劉曉華,莫金漢.《建築環境傳質學》. 中國建築工業出版社, 2006.

[5] 清華大學建築節能研究中心.《中國建築節能年度發展研究報告》(2007,2008,2009,2010,2013,2014). 中國建築工業出版社,參著


[1]Tao Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Development of temperature and humidity independent control (THIC) air-conditioning systems in China - A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2014,29:793-803

[2]Rang Tu, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance analysis of a two-stage desiccant cooling system. Applied Energy. 2014,113:1562-1574

[3]Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Exergy calculation and analysis of a dehumidification system using liquid desiccant. Energy and Buildings. 2014, 69: 318-328.

[4]Tao Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. On site measurement and performance optimization of the air-conditioning system for a datacenter in Beijing. Energy and Buildings. 2014,71: 104-114

[5]Kang Zhao, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Dynamic performance of water-based radiant floors during start-up and high-intensity solar radiation. Solar Energy. 2014,101:232-244.

[6]Kang Zhao, Xiaohua Liu, et al. On-site measured performance of a radiant floor cooling/heating system in Xi’an Xianyang International Airport. Solar Energy. 2014, 108: 274-286.

[7]Haida Tang, Xiaohua Liu. Experimental study of dew formation on metal radiant panels. Energy and Buildings. 2014, 85: 515-523

[8]Tao Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance analysis of the air-conditioning system in Xi’an Xianyang International Airport. Energy and Buildings. 2013, 59(4): 11-20

[9]Rang Tu, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance analysis on a new kind of heat pump driven outdoor air processor using solid desiccant. Renewable Energy. 2013, 57(9): 101-110

[10] Tao Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Experimental analysis of an internally cooled liquid desiccant dehumidifier. Building and Environment. 2013, 63(5): 1-10

[11] Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Application of entransy in the analysis of HVAC systems in buildings. Energy. 2013, 53: 332-342

[12] Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Experimental evaluation of a suspended metal ceiling radiant panel with inclined fins. Energy and Buildings. 2013, 62: 522-529

[13] Tao Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance comparison of liquid desiccant air handling processes from the perspective of matched properties. Energy Conversion and Management. 2013,75(11): 51-60

[14] Kang Zhao, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Application of radiant floor cooling in a large open space building with high-intensity solar radiation. Energy and Buildings. 2013, 66: 246-257

[15] Jingjing Jiang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Experimental and numerical analysis of a cross-flow closed wet cooling tower. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2013,61(2-3):678-689

[16] Rang Tu, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance comparison between enthalpy recovery wheels and dehumidification wheels. International Journal of Refrigeration. 2013,36(8):2308-2322

[17] Tao Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Performance optimization of heat pump driven liquid desiccant dehumidification systems. Energy and Buildings. 2012, 52(9): 132-144

[18] Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Simplified calculation for cooling/ heating capacity, surface temperature distribution of radiant floor. Energy and Buildings. 2012, 55(12): 397-404

[19] Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. A new concept for analyzing the energy efficiency of air-conditioning systems. Energy and Buildings. 2012, 44(1): 45-53

[20] Lun Zhang, Xiaohua Liu, et al. Ideal efficiency analysis and comparison of condensing and liquid desiccant dehumidification. Energy and Buildings. 2012,49(6): 575-583

[21] 劉曉華,張濤,鄭宇薇. 採用吸濕劑的空氣濕度處理過程性能分析. 化工學報. 2014, 65(S2): 129-139

[22] 張倫, 劉曉華,高志宏,江億. 輻射地板熱阻的實驗和模擬研究. 太陽能學報. 2012, 33(5): 860-867

[23] 塗壤, 劉曉華,江億. 不同固體除濕方式的熱質交換過程分析及性能比較. 化工學報. 2013,64(6): 1939-1947.

[24] 趙康, 劉曉華,高志宏,江億. 輻射板表面溫度分布均勻性分析. 太陽能學報. 2014, 35(12): 2475-2483


[1] 溶液式帶有全熱回收的模組化空氣處理裝置及其系統,國家技術發明獎二等獎(排名第4),2007

[2] 溶液調濕式空氣處理過程中熱濕耦合傳遞特性分析,全國優秀博士學位論文,2009

[3] 建築環境VOC及濕度控制中的傳質機理及過程特性研究,教育部自然科學獎一等獎(排名第3),2010

[4] 降低大型公共建築空調系統能耗的關鍵技術研究與示範,住房和城鄉建設部華夏建設科學技術獎一等獎(排名第3),2012

[5] 機場車站類高大空間新型空調系統的研究及套用,中國製冷學會科技進步獎一等獎(排名第2),2014


[1] 獲國家自然科學基金委優秀青年基金支持,2014

[2] 入選中組部“萬人計畫”之青年拔尖人才計畫,2013

[3] 入選教育部新世紀優秀人才支持計畫,2011

[4] 入選北京市科技新星計畫,2011

[5] 北京高校青年教師教學基本功比賽二等獎,2013

[6] 清華大學青年教師大賽一等獎,2012

[7] 清華大學班主任工作一等獎,2011







