主演:德魯·巴里摩爾希瑟·拉克里爾馬丁·西恩 路易絲·弗萊徹大衛·基恩
類型:恐怖 驚怵
地區:美國 對白:英語
時長:114 分鐘
在安迪(David Keith飾)和維姬(Heather Locklear飾)還在上大學的時候,他們為了賺錢參與了一次實驗,服用了一種叫做Lot-6的化學品。他們結了婚,現在已經擁有了一個9歲的女兒莎林。莎林有一種特異功能,她可以靠自己的意念點燃東西,這可能要歸因於安迪和維姬曾經參與的那次實驗,同時,安迪也擁有了某種超能力,可以讓人們做他希望人做的事情。那次實驗的操作者是一個秘密的政府部門,代號為“商店”,執行人是約瑟夫博士,他開始派人追查兩個人的下落,並且派出了一個狙擊手,要殺掉兩人。而他們沒有預料到的是,安迪和維姬擁有的超能力可以幫助他們擺脫追捕,一場大戰即將上演。
Andrew and Vicky McGee met while earning money as guinea pigs for an experiment at college. The experiment was shrouded in suspicion and mystery, and seemed to be related to psychic abilities. The two were married and had a daughter Charile, who has the ability to start fires by merely thinking about it. Naturally, the government takes a great interest in Charlie, and operatives from the secret department known as "The Shop" want to quarrantine and study her
Andrew and Vicky McGee met while earning money as guinea pigs for an experiment at college. The experiment was shrouded in suspicion and mystery, and seemed to be related to psychic abilities. The two were married and had a daughter Charile, who has the ability to start fires by merely thinking about it. Naturally, the government takes a great interest in Charlie, and operatives from the secret department known as "The Shop" want to quarrantine and study her.
"本片由著名作家史蒂芬·金的暢銷小說改編,Mark L. Lester執導。本片的導演最初選定為約翰·卡朋特。據卡朋特說,Universal製片公司的高層出於票房考慮將其安排去拍攝The Thing (1982)。Martin Sheen倉卒出演,他的劇本是從別的演員那兒臨時抓來的。史蒂芬·瓊斯所寫的書""Creepshows""上說,David Keith是角色安迪的第十四號候選人。"
德魯·巴里摩爾 .... Charlene 'Charlie' McGee
希瑟·拉克里爾 .... Vicky McGee
馬丁·西恩 .... Captain Hollister
路易絲·弗萊徹 .... Norma Manders
大衛·基恩 .... Andrew McGee
喬治·斯科特 .... John Rainbird
迪克·沃爾克.... Knowles
William Alspaugh ....proprietor
Lisa Anne Barnes ....serviceman's Girlfriend
Steve Boles .... Mailman
Etan Boritzer .... DSI Technician
Art Carney .... Irv Manders
Keith Colbert .... Mayo
Curtis Credel .... Bates
Scott R. Davis .... Bearded Student