




2006-2008 浙江大學水利系講師。

2008- 2013浙江大學水利系副教授。

2013- 浙江大學水利系教授。





Peer-review publications

1. Tayfur, G.., He, ZG., Ran, QH., 2014. Finite volume method solution of pollutant transport in catchment sheet flow, HYDROLOGY RESEARCH. v. 45, no. 2, p182-189.

2. YP, Xu., C, Ma., SL, Pan., Q, Zhu., QH, Ran.,2014. Evaluation of a multi-site weather generator in simulating precipitation in the Qiantang River Basin, East China, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. v. 15, no. 3, p219-230.

3. He, ZG., Weng, HX., Ho, HC., Ran, QH., Mao, MH.,2014. Soil Erosion and Pollutant Transport during Rainfall-Runoff Processes, WATER RESOURCES. v. 41, no. 5, p604-611.

4. Shi, ZN ., Ran, QH., Wu, XS., Chen, HJ., 2014. Impacts of different locations on sediment erosion, Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science). v. 48, no. 8, p1362-1369.

史致男, 冉啟華, 吳秀山, 等. 不同降雨區域對泥沙侵蝕過程的影響[J]. 浙江大學學報 (工學版), 2014, 8: 003.

5. Li, W., Liao, Q., Tang, HL., Ran, QH., 2014. Measurement of surface velocity field in mountainous river channel based on image processing, Yangtze River. v. 45, no. 15, p 89-92.

李蔚, 廖謙, 唐鴻磊, 等. 基於圖像處理的山區河道表面流場測算研究[J]. 人民長江, 2014, 45(15): 89-92.

6. Ran, Q., Su, D., Fu, X., Wang, G., 2013. A physics-based hydro-geomorphologic simulation utilizing cluster parallel computing, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences. v. 56, no. 8, p1883-1895.

7. Ran, Q., Shi, Z., Xu, Y., 2013. Canonical correlation analysis of hydrological response and soil erosion under moving rainfall, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. v. 14, no. 5, p 353-361.

8. Xu, Y., Zhang, X., Ran, Q.*, Tian, Y., 2013. Impact of climate change on hydrology of upper reaches of Qiantang River Basin, East China. Journal of Hydrology . v. 483, p 51-60.

9. He, Z., Tayfur, G., Ran, Q.*, Weng, H., 2013. Modeling pollutant transport in overland flow over non-planar and non-homogenous infiltrating surfaces, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. v. 14, no. 2, p 110-119.

10. Ran, Q., Li, W., Liang, N., Xu, YP., 2013. Physics-based numerical simulation of human impacts on island soil erosion, Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science). v. 47, no. 7, p1119-1204.

冉啟華, 李蔚, 梁寧, 等. 人類活動對海島土壤侵蝕影響的數值模擬[J]. 浙江大學學報 (工學版), 2013, 47(7): 1199-1204.

11. Ran, Q., Liang, N., Qian, Q., Li, W., 2013. Investigation of hillslope runoff due to moving storms in flume-scale experiments, Journal of Tsinghua University(Sci& Tech). v. 53, no. 5, p636-641.

冉啟華, 梁寧, 錢群, 等. 移動降雨時空分布對坡面產流的影響[J]. 清華大學學報: 自然科學版, 2013 (5): 636-641

12. Ran, Q., Liang, N., Qian, Q., Li, W., 2013. Impacts of moving rainfall on sediment concentration of soil erosion, Journal of Zhejiang University(Engineering Science). v. 47, no. 5, p803-811.

冉啟華, 梁寧, 錢群, 等. 移動降雨對土壤侵蝕泥沙濃度的影響[J]. 浙江大學學報: 工學版, 2013 (5): 803-811

13. Ran, Q., Su, D., Qian, Q., Fu, X., Wang, G., He, Z., 2012. Physically-based approach to analyze rainfall-triggered landslide using hydraulic gradient as slide direction, Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. v. 13, no. 12, p943-957.

14. Ran, Q., Su, D., Li, P., He, Z., 2012. Experimental study of the impact of rainfall characteristics on runoff generation and soil erosion. Journal of Hydrology.v. 424, p99-111.

15. Ran, Q., Shi, Z., Fu, X., Wang, G., Xu, Y., 2012. Impacts of rainfall movement on soil crust development, International Journal of Sediment Research. V. 27, no. 4, p439-450.

16. A macro-evolutionary multi-objective immune algorithm with application to optimal allocation of water resources in Dongjiang River basins, South China. Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment. 2012-05.

17. Ran, Q., Loague, K., VanderKwaak, JE., 2012. Hydrologic-response-driven sediment transport at a regional scale, process-based simulation, Hydrological Processes. V. 26, no. 2, p159-167

18. Xu, Y., Lin, S., Huang, Y., Zhang, Q., Ran, Q., 2011. Drought analysis using multi-scale standardized precipitation index in the Han River Basin, China. Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A. v. 12, no. 6, p483-494

19. 蘇丹陽, 富強, 樓章華, 等. 基於三角網 DEM 的地形特徵提取算法 [J][J]. 套用基礎與工程科學學報, 2009, 17: 37-37.

20. Ran, Q.,Fu, Q., Su, D., The influence of rainfall moving direction on hillslope runoff generation. Journal of Zhejiang University (Engineering Science). v. 43, no. 10, p1915-1922.

冉啟華, 富強, 蘇丹陽. 降雨移動方向對坡面徑流的影響機理[J]. 浙江大學學報 (工學版), 2009, 43(10): 1915-1922.

21. Ran, Q.,Fu, X., Wang, G., 2008. Numerical simulation of hydrologically-driven landscape evolution (II):Model application. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, v. 16, no. 4, p486-203.

冉啟華, 傅旭東, 王光謙. 水力驅動作用下的地貌演變數值模擬 Ⅱ. 模型套用[J]. 套用基礎與工程科學學報, 2008, 16(4): 486-503.

22. Ran, Q.,Lou, Z., Su, D., Xu, Y., 2008. The application of physics-based numerical simulation in Earth science. Journal of ZhejiangUniversity(Engineering Science), v. 42, no. 8. In Chinese.

冉啟華, 樓章華, 蘇丹陽, 等. 基於物理概念的數值模擬在地學中的套用[J]. 浙江大學學報: 工學版, 2008, 42(9): 1532-1539.

23. Xu, Y, Li, J., Cao, F., Ran, Q.,2008. The application of Coupla in extreme hydrological event analysis. Journal ofZhejiangUniversity(Engineering Science), v. 42, no. 7. In Chinese

許月萍, 李佳, 曹飛鳳, 等. Copula 在水文極限事件分析中的套用[J]. 浙江大學學報: 工學版, 2008, 42(7): 1119-1122.

24. Ran, Q.,Fu, X., Wang, G., 2008. Numerical simulation of hydrologically-driven landscape evolution (I): Model developing. Journal of Basic Science and Engineering, v. 16, no.3, pp. 305-317. In Chinese

冉啟華, 傅旭東, 王光謙. 水力驅動作用下的地貌演變數值模擬——Ⅰ. 模型建立[J]. 套用基礎與

工程科學學報, 2008, 16(3): 305-317

25. Ran, Q., Heppner, C.S., VanderKwaak, and K. Loague. 2007. Further testing of the Integrated Hydrology Model (InHM): Hydraulically driven sediment transport Hydrological Processes, v. 21, p. 1522-1531.

26. Heppner, C.S., Q. Ran, J.E. VanderKwaak, and K. Loague. 2006. Adding sediment transport to the Integrated Hydrology Model (InHM): Development and testing. Advances in Water Resources, v. 29, p. 930-943.

27. Loague, K., Heppner, C.S., Mirus, B.B., Ebel, B.A., Ran, Q., Carr, A.E., Beville, S.H., VanderKwaak, J.E.. 2006. Physics-Based Hydrologic-Response Simulation: Foundation for Hydroecology and Hydrogeomorphology. Hydrological Process, v. 20, p. 1231-1237.

28. Wang Guangqian, Ran Qihua & Liu Lubo. 1998. Computer simulation of evolution of wind-blown ripples. Journal of Sediment Research, v.3, p.1-6. In Chinese.

29. Liu Lubo, Wang Guangqian & Ran Qihua. 1998. Numerical simulation of river flow during cutoff procedure of Three Gorges Project on theYangtze River. Journal of Sediment Research, v.3, p. 48-54. In Chinese.

30. Fang, Hongwei; Chen, Zhicong; Wang, Dianchang; Chai, Hongen; Ran, Qihua; Zhang, Junwu, 1998, Mathematical Model of Influence of Surge Chamber on Water Level Fluctuation of Intake Area for the High Lift Lock. Academic Journal of Tsinghua University, v.38, no.1, p.37-40

31. Wang Guangqian, Zhou Hougui, Liu Lubo & Ran Qihua. 1997. Stability analysis of cofferdam slump and its application in the closure operations of Three Gorges Project. International Journal of Sediment Research, v.12 -3, p. 139-154.

Conference papers

1. Ran, Q., Qian, Q., Li, W., and Fu, X., 2013. The hydrologic response in a steep mountainous catchment in southwest China, Eos Transactions AGU, Fall Meeting Supplement. Abstract H31H-1204

2. Ran, Q., Qian, Q., 2013. Impact of Earthquake Induced Landslides on Hydrologic Response in Jianpinggou Catchment. IAHR Congress.

3. Ran, Q., Tong, J., 2013. Incompressible SPH Simulations of Bed Scour under Dam Break Flow. IAHR Congress.

4. Ran, Q., Su, D., 2011. Regional scale hydrologic simulation utilizing cluster-based parallel computing, Eos Transactions AGU, Fall Meeting Supplement. Abstract H33H-1408.

5. Su, D., Ran, Q., 2011. A physics-based approach for the assessment and prediction of shallow landslide, Eos Transactions AGU, Fall Meeting Supplement. Abstract H33H-1408.

6. Loague, K., VanderKwaak, J.E., Carr, A. E., Heppner, C.S., Ebel, B.A., Ran, Q., Mirus, B.B., 2005. Physics-based hydrologic-response simulation: A quantitative foundation for hydroecology and hydrogeomorphology. Eos Transactions AGU, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H21I-01.

7. Heppner, C.S., Q. Ran, J.E. VanderKwaak, and K. Loague. Adding sediment transport to the Integrated Hydrology Model (InHM): Development and testing. Eos Transactions AGU, Fall Meeting Supplement, Abstract H21I-01

8. VanderKwaak J.E., Loague, K., Heppner, C., Carr, A., Ran, Q., Ebel, B., Mirus, B., 2004. Integrated Hydrology Model (InHM): Development, testing, and applications. DYNAS workshop on Numerical Modeling for Hillslope Hydrology, INRIA Rocquencourt, France.

9. R an Qihua, Wang Guangqian & Liu Lubo. 1999. Computer simulation of evolution of wind-blown ripples. River Sedimentation, edited by Jayawardena A W, Lee J H & Wang Z Y. Balkema, Rotterdam, p.721-726.



“地表水文動力過程與坡面流形成機理 ”,國家973計畫項目專題任務。





