



傑家傳媒logo 傑家傳媒logo



傑家傳媒通過正確分析音樂趨勢、流行趨勢、文化趨勢,挖掘和出品引領市場的符號和客戶群,以傑家傳媒獨有的模式, 培訓系統和核心生產系統為中心,為成為中國及亞洲偶像娛樂產業代表正在不斷地努力。

傑家文化(J-HOME entertainment)作為華語區偶像娛樂產業的新銳團隊。


J-HOME entertainment is acutting-edge team in the Chinese iconic entertainment industry. With powerfulmedia resources and foreign capital, JH co-operates closely with a number ofmedia companies all over the world. It is also the first one to propose the“family entertainer” concept. Integrating all the resources, JH has madeconstant innovations on entertainment products and business models.

Relying on its overseas resources, JH integrates top professional producingteams and dedicates itself to record production, artist management, musicmagazine publishing, web site, artists scouting and artistic training. Adheringto the quality of music and combining new technology and pop music, JH hasbecome a leading digital music enterprise and an important impetus in iconicculture industry

By analyzing music trends, fashion trends and cultural trends, creating andtargeting market-leading signs and customer groups, JH, based on its uniquepattern, training systems and core production system, is striving constantly tobe the representative of iconic entertainment industry in China and Asia.

J-HOME entertainment is a cutting-edge team in the Chinese iconic entertainment industry. With powerful media resources and foreign capital, JH co-operates closely with a number of media companies all over the world. It is also the first one to propose the “family entertainer” concept. Integrating all the resources, JH has made constant innovations on entertainment products and business models.

Relying on its overseas resources, JH integrates top professional producing teams and dedicates itself to record production, artist management, music magazine publishing, web site, artists scouting and artistic training. Adhering to the quality of music and combining new technology and pop music, JH has become a leading digital music enterprise and an important impetus in iconic culture industry

By analyzing music trends, fashion trends and cultural trends, creating and targeting market-leading signs and customer groups, JH, based on its unique pattern, training systems and core production system, is striving constantly to be the representative of iconic entertainment industry in China and Asia.


鄧寧 鄧寧

鄧寧(Denny deng):中國內地男歌手、演員。2006年江蘇衛視“絕對唱響”全國三甲,2007年江蘇衛視“名師高徒”全國冠軍。2007簽約台灣公司發表首張個人專輯《萬夫莫敵》,2011年正式簽約北京傑家文化傳播(北京)有限公司發行EP《rock you》。

代表曲目:《萬夫莫敵》《第二次分手》《rock you》《我不是superman》《你是我的驕傲》《城市名片》等

雙孖JL 雙孖JL



符龍飛 符龍飛


符龍飛(jason):國民偶像男團JL組合隊長。就讀於廣州藝術學院影視表演系,他的特長是唱歌,表演。同時擅長街舞多種舞種以及鋼琴,曾經和周星馳一起拍攝了飲料廣告,還參加了陳坤主演的《新不了情》。在未出道時已經和眾多知名大牌涉及多方領域的合作。所屬經紀公司傑家文化傳播(北京)有限公司。代表作品:《JL》 《baby baby》《我們》《愛的契約書》《表情帝》《萬有引力》

傑家文化傳播(北京)有限公司 傑家文化傳播(北京)有限公司

羅弋(leo):偶像歌手,國民偶像男團JL組合成員。畢業於上海戲劇學院舞蹈學院芭蕾表教專業。曾錄製多期《幸福晚點名》,在節目中以精湛的芭蕾舞技巧和可愛帥氣的外表深受觀眾的喜歡。經紀公司是傑家文化傳播(北京)有限公司》。代表作品:《JL》 《baby baby》《我們》《愛的契約書》《表情帝》《萬有引力》媒。


