

華中師範大學國家數位化學習工程技術研究中心,副主任、教授、楚天學者、博士生導師。長期以來從事視頻分析、計算機視覺、人機互動、多媒體技術等方面的研究,其研究成果獲得國內外專家的廣泛引用,比如其中一篇被引用了160多次。現已在國內外權威雜誌和知名的國際會議上發表了論文80多篇,其中第一作者的論文有40多篇。獲得了7項國際專利,兩項國內專利。擔任國際著名雜誌IEEE Transactions on Multimedia、Pattern Recognition、Pattern Recognition Letters等的審稿人。曾在新加坡學習工作十餘年,作為工程師/高級工程師從事視頻分析、計算機視覺、人機互動、多媒體技術等方面的研究,近五年來經手的項目經費超過500萬美元。目前的主要研究方向有:圖像視頻處理與分析、視頻事件檢測、教育人機互動、智慧型教育系統。曾在新加坡學習工作十餘年,作為工程師/高級工程師從事視頻分析、計算機視覺、人機互動、多媒體技術等方面的研究,近五年來經手的項目經費超過500萬美元。



[1] 1978年-1982年,武漢科技大學,數理學院,本科/學士學位。
[2] 1984年-1987年,華中科技大學,計算機學院, 研究生/碩士學位。
[3] 1994年-1996年,新加坡南洋理工大學,套用科學學院,研究生/碩士學位。
[4] 1999年-2004年,新加坡國立大學,計算機學院,研究生/博士學位。


1. Xinguo Yu(余新國), Tie Rong, Lin Li, and Hon Wai Leong. A Novel and Robust System for Time Recognition of the Digital Video Clock Using the Domain Knowledge, LNCS, MMM2013, Jan 7-9, 2013.
2. Xinguo Yu(余新國). Localization and Extraction of the Four Clock-Digits Using the Knowledge of the Digital Video Clock, International Conference on Pattern Recognition 2012 (ICPR 2012), Prceedings of ICPR2012, Tsukuba, Japan. Tsukuba Science City, November 11-15, 2012.
3. Li Liyuan, Yan Shuicheng, Yu Xinguo(余新國), Tan Yeow Kee, Li Haizhou. Robust Multi-Person Detection and Tracking for Mobile Service and Social Robots, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B. (SMCB), 42(5):1398-412. April, 2012.
4. Y. Li, X. Yu(余新國), J. Li, G.S. Wang, J.Y. Shi, Y. K.Tan, and H.Z. Li. Vision-based attention estimation and selection for social robot to perform natural interaction in the open world. In Proceedings of ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (HRI 2012), March 5-8, 2012.
5. Xinguo Yu(余新國), W. Han, L. Li, K. E. Hoe, J. Y. Shi, and G. Wang. An eye detection and localization system for natural human and robot interaction without face detection, LNAI 6856, pp.54-65 (TAROS 2011, Sheffield, UK, 31 Aug-2 Sept, 2011).
6. X. Yu(余新國), J. LI, and L.Y. LI. A Rotation-invariant facial expression recognition algorithm using localized eyes and local binary pattern. In Proceedings of International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service(ICIMCS 2011), pp.174-177, 2011.
7. Xinguo Yu(余新國), Kong Wah Wan, Hwee Keong Lam, Chong Yee Lee. Time recognition of video clock for live event alert system, International Conference on Internet Multimedia Computing and Service (ICIMCS 2010), 30-31 December, 2010, Harbin, China.
8. Li Dong, Xinguo Yu(余新國), Liyuan Li, and Jerry Kah Eng Hoe, HOG Based Multi-Stage Object Detection and Pose Recognition for Service Robot, 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision (ICARCV 2010), Dec 8-10, 2010, Singapore.
9. Li Dong, Xinguo Yu(余新國), Liyuan Li, and Jerry Kah Eng Hoe. Fusion and self-adaptation of color and gradient based models for object detection and localization in applications of service robots, Inter national Conference for Social Robot, November 23-24, 2010, Singapore.
10. Xinguo Yu(余新國), Weiwen Kevin Chua, Li Dong, Kah Eng Hoe, and Liyuan Li, Head Pose Estimation in Thermal Images for Human and Robot Interaction, 2010 IIS 2nd International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation (ICSRA 2010), pp. 698 - 701 , Wuhan, China, May 10 - May 11, 2010.
11. Liyuan Li, Jerry Kah Eng Hoe, Xinguo Yu(余新國), and Xinqi Chu. Human Upper body pose recognition using Adaboost template for natural human robot interaction, Canadian Conf on Computer and Robot Vision, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 2010.
12. Ridong Jiang, Yeow Kee Tan, Dilip Limbu Kumar, Nguyen Trung Hieu, Boon Siew Han, Chern Yuen Wong, Liyuan Li, Kah Eng Hoe, Xinguo Yu(余新國), Li Dong and Haizhou Li, “Attention Directed Dialogue System for a Social Robot.” In Proceedings of First International Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems Technology, Kloster Irsee, Germany, December 2009.

13. Liyuan Li, Jerry Kah Eng Hoe, Xinguo Yu(余新國), and Shuicheng Yan. ML-fusion based multi-model human detection and tracking for robust human-robot interfaces, WACV 2009, Dec. 7-9, 2009, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
14. Xinguo Yu(余新國), Panachit K. Ngam, H.L. Eng. Personalized Multimedia Alert Service of Fall Event for Ageing in Place, Intl Conf Internet Multimedia Computing and Service, (Kunming, Yunnan, China), November 22-25, 2009.
15. Xinguo Yu(余新國), Li Dong, Liyuan Li, and Kah Eng Hoe. Lift-button detection and recognition for service robot in buildings, ICIP 2009, pp.313-316, Cairo, Egypt, November 7-11, 2009.
16. K. L. Dilip, Y. K. Tan, C.Y. Wong, R. Jiang, H.J. Wu, L. Li,, K. E. J. Hoe, X. Yu, L. Dong, H. Li. Experiences with a Barista Robot--FusionBot, International Conference on Social Robotics, EI, Aug 2009.
17. Y. K. Tan, D. L. Kumar, R. Jinag, L. Li., K. E. J. HOE, X. Yu, C.Y. Wong, H. Li. An Interactive Robot Butler, 13th Int’l Conf. on Human-Computer Interaction, (Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, CA, USA) EI, July 2009.
18. Jiang R.D. Tan, Y.K., Li, H.Z., Wong C.Y., D.K. Limbu. Development of Event-Driven Dialogue System for Social Mobile Robot, Global Congress on Intelligent Systems , (Xiamen, ) 117~121 EI, May 2009.
19. Xinguo Yu, Xiao Wang, Panachit Kittipanya-Ngam, How Lung Eng, and Loong-Fah Cheong. Fall Detection and Alert for Ageing-at-home of Elderly, LNCS 5597, pp209-216, (ICOST 2009, Tour, France, July 1-3, 2009).
20. Xinguo Yu, Nianjuan Jiang, Loong-Fah Cheong, Hon Wai Leong, and Xin Yan. Automatic camera calibration of broadcast tennis video with applications to 3D virtual content insertion and ball detection and tracking, Computer Vision and Image Understanding, Elsevier, Volume 113, Issue 5, pp. 643-652 (May 2009)
21. Panachit Kittipanya-Ngam, Xinguo Yu(余新國), and How Lung Eng. Computer vision technologies for monitoring system in telephysiotherapy, 3rd Int’l Convention on Rehabilitation Engineering & Assistive Technology, 22 – 26 April, 2009, School of Accountancy, Singapore Management University.
22. Yeow Kee Tan, Dilip Kumar Limbu, Ridong Jiang, Liyuan Li, Kah Eng Hoe, Xinguo Yu, Li Dong, Chern Yuen Wong and Haizhou Li, “An Interactive Robot Butler.” In HCI, 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, USA, pp. 385-394, 2009.
23. Xinguo Yu, Liyuan Li, and Hon Wai Leong. Interactive Broadcast Services for Live Soccer Video Based on Instant Semantics Acquisition, Journal of Visual Communication and Image Representation, (Accepted on 11 Dec 2008.) Volume 20, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 117-130
24. Xinguo Yu, Yiqun Li, and Weisan Lee. Robust time recognition of video clock based on digit transition detection and digit-sequence recognition, ICPR08, Dec 8-11, 2008, Tampa, Florida, USA. pp.1-4.
25. Xinguo Yu, Xin Yan, Liyuan Li, and Hon Wai Leong. An instant semantics acquisition system of live soccer video with application to live event alert and on-the-fly language selection, Proceedings of ACM International Conference on Content-based Image and Video Retrieval 2008 (CIVR08), pp.495-504, July 7-9, 2008, Niagara Falls, Canada.
26. Xinguo Yu. Approaches and principles of fall detection for elderly and patient, Healthcom 2008 (EI), pp.42-47, July 7-9, 2008, Singapore.
27. Xinguo Yu, Xin Yan, and Yiqun Li. Tool-aided semantics acquisition for live soccer video, ICME 08, pp. 893-896, June 23-26, 2008, Hannover, Germany. EI
28. Liyuan Li, Xinguo Yu, and Huang Weimin. Scene context modeling for foreground detection from a scene in remote monitoring, International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC07), Part II, LNCS 4842, pp. 128-139, 2007. (oral presentation).
29. Xinguo Yu, Nianjuan Jiang, Loong-Fah Cheong. Accurate and stable camera calibration of broadcast tennis video, ICIP2007, Vol III, pp.93-96, Sept. 16-19, 2007, San Antonio, Texas, USA. (oral presentation).
30. Xinguo Yu, Xiaoying Tu, and Ee Luang Ang. Trajectory-based ball detection and tracking in broadcast soccer video with the aid of camera motion recovery, ICME 2007, pp.1543–1546, Beijing, July 2-5. (oral presentation). EI
31. Xinguo Yu, Bin Xu, Weimin Huang, Boon Fong Chew, and Dai Junfeng. A framework of context-aware object recognition for smart home, 5th International Conference on Smart Homes and Heath Telematics, 21-23 June, 2007, Nara Prefectural New Public Hall, Nara, Japan. LNCS 4541, pp9-19, 2007. (oral presentation).
32. Xinguo Yu, Nianjuan Jiang, and Ee Luang Ang. Trajectory-based ball detection and tracking with aid of homography in broadcast tennis video, Visual Communications and Image Processing (VCIP) 2007, SPIE, January-February 2007, USA. SPIE-IS&T, vol 8508. (oral presentation).


[1] 2012年國家自然科學基金面上項目,基於多層潛式條件隨機場的情感事件檢測,¥81萬。
[2] 2012年國家科技支撐計畫,監控視頻空時融合關鍵技術與示範,¥170萬。





•澳大利亞維多利亞大學:2 2雙學位博士計畫



ICIMCS 2012 : The Fourth International Conference on InternetMultimedia Computing and Service (ICIMCS 2012) was held in Wuhan, China on September 9-11, 2012. The three-day conference include invited keynote and oral presentations.ICIMCS 2012 provided a forum for researchers and engineers in both academia andindustry to exchange the latest innovations and research advancements inInternet multimedia processing, analysis and services. ICIMCS 2012 alsoprovides the attendees the chances to identify the emerging research topics, aswell as the future development directions of internet multimedia computing andservices.

EITT 2014 : EITT provides a forum for researchers who study technology and education to publish research findings and exchange experiences in related topics. The conference is organized by Society of International Chinese in Educational Technology (SICET).

















2012年01月06日下午,經南山區六屆人大一次會議審議,余新國當選為新一屆南山區人民政府區長 。


