

何深靜(1978-),女,廣西北海人,香港大學城市規劃與設計系教授、博士生導師 。2008年1月,作為中山大學“百人計畫”引進人才,受聘於地理科學與規劃學院,任副教授;2010年任院長助理,中組部千人計畫核心成員;2012年任地理科學與規劃學院教授、院長助理 ,主要研究方向為城市更新與紳士化、城市貧困、住房與社會空間分異等 。


11/2002-02/2006,博士, 英國南安普敦大學地理學院






01/2015-至今, 香港大學建築學院,城市規劃與設計系,副教授,博士生導師


哈佛大學設計研究院訪問學者 )





PhD External Examiner, School of Geography, Planning and Environmental Policy, University CollegeDublin, Ireland,2015

PhD External Examiner, Department of Geography, University of Loughborough, UK,2015

Chinese correspondent, Urban Geography Commission, International Geographical Union, 2013 – present

Secretary General, Urban Geography Research Committee, Chinese Geographical Society, 2012- present

2012-今 Urban Studies 編輯

2011-2015 International Planning Studies國際編委

2012 Urban Geography 客座編輯

2011 Environment and Planning A客座編輯

2012至今 《人文地理》特邀編輯



2005年至今,擔任Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, Urban Studies, Urban Geography, Town Planning Review, Cities, Journal of Asian Public Policy, Provincial China, The China Journal, 公共政務評論,國際城市規劃等期刊審稿人












2010年指導經濟地理本科學生參加廣東省“挑戰杯” 大學生課外學術競賽,獲省三等獎、中山大學一等獎



1. Fulong Wu, Chris Webster, Shenjing He and Yuting Liu, 2010. Urban Poverty in China. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Press. ISBN:1847209696,259 pages

2. Samara, Tony, He, Shenjing, Chen, Guo (eds.) 2013 Locating the right to the city in the Global South: Transnational urban governance and socio-spatial transformations, London and New York, Routledge. ISBN: 978-0-415-63564-6, 316 pages


1. He, Shenjing, Chen, Guo (guest editors), Special issue: Interrogating unequal rights to the Chinese city, Environment and Planning A 44(12)

2. He, Shenjing, Lily Kong, George CS Lin (guest editors), Special issue: State, Market and Society: China’s New Urban Space, Urban Geography (forthcoming)

3. He,Shenjing, George CS Lin (guest editors) Special issue: Producingand Consuming China's New Urban Space: State, Market and Society, Urban Studies (forthcoming)

4. 何深靜, 中國新城市空間的生產與演變,《人文地理》專欄主持,2012

5. 何深靜,大事件與城市發展,《規劃師》論壇主持, 2010(12)


1. He, Shenjing, 2013 Evolving enclave urbanism in China and its socio-spatial implications, the case of Guangzhou, Social and Cultural Geography (forthcoming). SSCI)

2. He, Shenjing and Chen, Guo, 2012 Interrogating unequal rights to the Chinese city, Environment and Planning A 44(12): 2794–2800( SSCI)

3. He, Shenjing, 2012 Two waves of gentrification and emerging rights issues in Guangzhou, China, Environment and Planning A 44(12): 2817–2833( SSCI)

4. Qian, Junxi and He Shenjing (corresponding author) 2012 Rethinking social power and the right to the city midst China’s emerging urbanism, Environment and Planning A 44(12): 2801–2816 ( SSCI)

5. Liu, Yuting, He, Shenjing (corresponding author) & Wu, Fulong 2012. Housing Differentiation under Market Transition in Nanjing, China, The Professional Geographer 64(4)554–571 SSCI

6. He, Shenjing, Liu, Yuting, Wu, Fulong, & Webster, Chris 2010 “Social groups and housing differentiation in China’s urban villages: An institutional interpretation” Housing Studies 25(5), pp 671 - 691. SSCI

7. He, Shenjing 2010 “New-build gentrification in central Shanghai: demographic changes and socioeconomic implications”. Population, Space and Place 16(5): pp 345–361. SSCI

8. He, Shenjing, Wu, Fulong, Webster, Chris &. Liu, Yuting. 2010 “Poverty concentration and determinants in China's urban low-income neighbourhoods and social groups”. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 34(2) pp 328-349. SSCI

9. Wu, Fulong, He, Shenjing & Webster, Chris. 2010 “Path dependency and the neighbourhood effect: urban poverty in impoverished neighbourhoods in Chinese cities” Environment and Planning A 42, pp 134-152 SSCI

10. Liu, Yuting, He, Shenjing, Wu, Fulong & Webster, Chris. 2010 “Urban villages under China’s rapid urbanization: unregulated assets and transitional neighbourhoods”. Habitat International 34(1), pp 135-144. SSCI

11. He, Shenjing, Liu, Yuting, Webster, Chris & Wu, Fulong. 2009 “Property rights redistribution, entitlement failure, and the impoverishment of landless farmers in China” Urban Studies 45(9), pp 1925-1949 SSCI

12. He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong. 2009 “China’s emerging neo-liberal urbanism, perspectives from urban redevelopment”. Antipode 41(2), pp 282–304 SSCI

13. Liu, Yuting, Wu, Fulong & He, Shenjing. 2008 “The making of the new urban poor in transitional China: market versus institutionally based exclusion”. Urban Geography 29 (8) pp 811-834 SSCI

14. He, Shenjing, Webster, Chris, Wu, Fulong & Liu, Yuting. 2008 “Profiling the urban poverty in a Chinese city: the case of Nanjing” Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 1(3), pp193-214

15. He, Shenjing, Liu, Yuting, Wu, Fulong & Webster, Chris. 2008. “Poverty incidence and concentration in different social groups in urban China, a case of Nanjing”. Cities 25 (3), pp121-132. SSCI

16. Liu, Yuting, He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong. 2008. “Urban pauperization under China's social exclusion: A case study of Nanjing”. Journal of Urban Affairs 30(1), pp21-36. SSCI

17. He, Shenjing 2007. “State-sponsored gentrification under market transition, the case of Shanghai”. Urban Affairs Review 43(2), pp171-198. SSCI

18. He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong 2007. “Socio-spatial impacts of property-led redevelopment on China’s urban neighbourhoods”. Cities 24(3), pp194-208. SSCI

19. He, Shenjing, Zhigang Li and Fulong Wu 2006 “Transformation of Chinese Cities, Geographers’ Perspectives”. China Information 20(3), pp429-56.

20. He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong 2005. “Property-led redevelopment in post-reform China: a case study of Xintiandi redevelopment project in Shanghai”. Journal of Urban Affairs 27(1), pp 1-23. SSCI

21. Wu, Fulong & He, Shenjing 2005. “Changes in Traditional Urban Areas and Impacts of Urban Redevelopment: A Case Study of Three Neighbourhoods in Nanjing, China”. Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie 96(1), pp 75-95. SSCI

22.He, Shenjing, 2015, “Right to the City: A Liberal-Democratic Perspective (74066) ” in James Wright (Ed.) International Encyclopedia of Social & Behavioral Science 2nd Edition. London, UK: Elsevier.

23.*He, Shenjing 2015. “Book review: Housing Inequality in Chinese Cities. Edited by Youqin Huang and Si-ming Li”. International Journal of Housing Policy 15 (1), pp 97-100.

24.*Li, Si-ming, Chan, Kam Wing, He, Shenjing, 2015 Migration, Mobility, and Community Change in Chinese Cities: Introducing the Special Issue. Eurasian Geography and Economics. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis (in press)

25.*Fu, Qiang, He, Shenjing, Zhu, Yushu, Li, Si-ming, He, Yanling, Zhou, Huoning, Lin, Nan, Toward a Relational Account of Neighborhood Governance: Territory-based Networks and Residential Outcomes in Urban China. American Behavioral Scientist. (forthcoming) London, UK: Sage

26.He, Shenjing, Section editor for Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Studies, Oxford: Willey Blackwell. (forthcoming)

27.*He, Shenjing and George CS Lin (guest editors) Special issue: Producing and Consuming China’s New Urban Space: State, Market and Society, Urban Studies London, UK: Sage (forthcoming)

28.*He, Shenjing, Kong, Lily, & Lin, George C. S. (guest editors) Special issue: State, market, and society: China’s new urban spaces, Urban Geography Abingdon: Taylor & Francis (forthcoming)

29.Wang, Donggen and He, Shenjing (Eds) Urban Living: Mobility, Sociability and Wellbeing, Berlin: Springer (forthcoming)

30.*He Shenjing 2014 Consuming urban living in ‘villages in the city’: Studentification in Guangzhou, China, Urban Studies (online first), 1-25. London, UK: Sage

31.*He, Shenjing, Xue, Desheng, 2014, Identity Building and Communal Resistance against Land Grabs in Wukan Village, China, Current Anthropology 55(9), 126-137. Chicago, USA: University of Chicago Press


1. He, Shenjing 2009. “Book review: Smart Urban Growth for China. Edited by Yan Song and Chengri Ding” International Planning Studies.

2. He, Shenjing 2008. “Book review: Urban China in Transition. By John Logan (Ed)” City and Community 7(4), p399. SSCI

3. He, Shenjing 2007. “Book review: Unemployment, Inequality and Poverty in Urban China. By S. Li and H. Sato (Eds.)” China Information 21 (3).

4. He, Shenjing 2006. “Book review: Emerging Land & Housing Markets in China. By C. Ding and Y. Song (Eds.)” Urban Studies 43 (1), pp241-2. SSCI

5. He, Shenjing 2006. “Book review: China’s Urban Transition. By John Friedmann”. China Information 20 (2), pp326-9.


1. Liu Yuting & He, Shenjing 2010. “Chinese urban villages as marginalized neighbourhoods under rapid urbanization” in Fulong Wu & Chris Webster (Eds.) Marginalization in urban China: Comparative perspectives. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp177-200.

2. He, Shenjing & Wu, Fulong 2007. “Chapter 10: Neighbourhood changes and residential differentiation in Shanghai” in Fulong Wu (Ed.) China's Emerging Cities: The Making of China’s New Urbanism. London: Routledge, pp185-209.


1. 何深靜、錢俊希、徐雨璇、劉斌,2012 鄉村紳士化的時空特徵及其演變——基於廣州小洲村的實證研究,地理學報。(CSCD)

2. 陳嘉平、何深靜 (通訊作者),2012 廣州舊城區傳統紳士化現象及其機制研究——以荔灣區逢源耀華社區為例,人文地理(CSSCI)

3. 何深靜、錢俊希、吳敏華,2011, “學生化”的城中村社區—基於廣州下渡村的實證分析,地理研究30(8),1508-1519。(CSCD)

4. 何深靜、錢俊希、鄧尚昆,2011,轉型期大城市多類紳士化現象探討—基於廣州市六個社區的案例分析,人文地理 2011 (1),44-49。(CSSCI)

5. 何深靜、劉玉亭、吳縛龍、Chris Webster,2010,中國大城市低收入鄰里及其居民的貧困集聚度和貧困決定因素,地理學報65(12),1464-1475。(CSCD)

6. 何深靜、袁振傑、李潔華,2010,廣州亞運會舊城改造項目對社區居民影響研究,規劃師, 2010(12),21-27。

7. 何深靜、劉玉亭2010,市場轉軌時期中國城市紳士化現象的機制與效應研究,地理科學30(4),493-502。(CSCD)

8. 何深靜、劉玉亭、吳縛龍,2010,南京市不同社會群體的貧困集聚度、貧困特徵及其決定因素,地理研究,29(4),703-715。(CSCD)

9. 劉玉亭、何深靜,2009,英國的社區規劃及其對中國的啟示, 規劃師, 2009(3),85-89。

10. 劉玉亭、何深靜,2009,城市低收入住區的產生機制及其影響研究,南方建築,2009(6),79-81。

11. 何深靜、劉玉亭,2008,中國城市貧困的國際研究新進展,國際城市規劃, 2008(4),7-11。 (CSSCI)

12. 劉玉亭、何深靜,2008,中國大城市農村移民居住問題的國際研究進展, 國際城市規劃, 2008(4),19-23。(CSSCI)

13. 何深靜、劉玉亭,2008,房地產開發導向的城市更新—我國現行城市再發展的認識和思考,人文地理 2008(4),6-11。(CSSCI)

14. 劉玉亭、何深靜,2008,論城鎮體系理論框架的新走向,城市規劃2008(2),41-44。(CSSCI)

15. 劉玉亭、何深靜,2007,市場轉型期南京市的住房分異,中國人口科學,2007 (6) (CSSCI)

16. 劉玉亭、何深靜,2007英國的住房體系和住房政策,城市規劃 2007(8) ,54-63。(CSSCI)

17. 劉玉亭、吳縛龍、何深靜、李志剛,2006,轉型期城市低收入鄰里的類型、特徵和產生機制:以南京市為例,地理研究2006 (3) (CSCD)

18. 劉玉亭、何深靜,2005南京城市貧困群體的日常活動時空間結構,中國人口科學,2005(7)(CSSCI)

19. 何深靜、劉玉亭,2005,鄰里作為一種規劃思想:其內涵及現實意義,國際城市規劃,2005 (3) (CSSCI)

20. 李志剛、吳縛龍、何深靜,2004,打造城市規劃的黃金時代—彼得霍爾的城市世界, 國際城市規劃2004 (4) (CSSCI)

21. 劉玉亭、何深靜、陳果,2003,國外城市貧困問題研究,現代城市研究,2003(1)

22. 劉玉亭、何深靜,2003,國內城市貧困問題研究,城市問題,2002(5)

23. 何深靜、于濤方、方瀾,2002,城市更新中社會網路的保護與延伸,人文地理,2002(1) (CSSCI)

24. 劉玉亭、何深靜,2001,反思新時期我國城市發展的幾個問題,現代城市研究,2001(5)

25. 何深靜、劉斌、劉玉亭,中國城市老城區公共住房升級改造探討,中國名城,2012(10)


1. Wenner Gren symposium "Crisis, Value, and Hope: Rethinking the Economy" September 14-20, 2012, Sintra, Portugal (invited speaker)

2. International Symposium on the Production and Mutation of China’s New Urban Space: State, Market, and Society, 17-18 Dec. 2011, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China. (organiser)

3. 2011 annual conference of Urban Geography Committee, The Association of Chinese Geographers, 8-9 August, 2011, Wuhu, Anhui Province, China. (Invited speaker)

4. Urban and Regional Development Forum, 27th September 2010, Guangzhou Geographical Research Institute, Guanghzou, China. (invited speaker)

5. International Conference on China and the Future of Human Geography, 26th – 28th August 2010, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (organiser)

6. 9th International Symposium – International Urban Planning and Environment Association (IUPEA), 3rd – 6th August 2010, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (reviewer)

7. Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, 14 – 18 April 2010, Washington DC, US (session organiser)

8. The fourth China-Japan-Korea Geographical Conference, 9-11 December 2009, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanghzou, China.

9. 2009 Symposium of the Academic Committee of Foreign Studies in Urban Planning & The Journal of Urban Planning International, 4 -6 December 2009, Chongqing, China

10. DFG-SPP projects meeting – 2009 Guangzhou workshop: Urban Informality in PRD – The state, key actors, determinants and trends, 23th November 2009, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (organiser)

11. The Second Sino-German Symposium on Geographical Higher Education, Research and Application, 21-22 November 2009, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanghzou, China. (organiser)

12. The International Symposium on 'Revitalising Built Environments: Requalifying Old Places For New Uses', 12-16 October, Istanbul, Turkey.

13. Annual Conference of the Association of American Geographers, 22 – 27 March 2009, Las Vegas, US

14. The 5 International Conference of the Research Network of Private Urban Governance and Gated Communities, 30 March- 2 April 2009, Santiago, Chile

15. International Conference on Contemporary Urban China Research, 6 – 8 January, 2009, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guanghzou, China

16. International Sociologist Association - Research Committee 21 Tokyo Conference 2008: Landscapes of Global Urbanism, 17-20 December 2008, Tokyo, Japan

17. Workshop on “Dealing with our industrial pasts, lessons from Germany and China” 29-30 November 2008, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China (organiser)

18. Workshop on Informal Dynamics of Global Cities, 13-14 November 2008, Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

19. Workshop on Comparative Urban Marginalization and Poverty Studies” 12 -13 June 2008, Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK (organiser)

20. Workshop on New Town Planning and Self-Organisation, focusing on China, 27-28 May 2008 International Newtown Institute, Almere, the Netherlands. (Invited speaker)

21. International Symposium on Planning, Law and Property Rights II, 13th -15th February 2008, Warsaw, Poland

22. “Perspectives on Development V: A University of Wales Colloquium ‘Global and Local Agendas’” 23 – 25 January, 2008, Gregynog Hall, Newtown, Powys, Wales, UK (Invited speaker)

23. International Conference on China’s Urban Land and Housing in the 21st Century, 13-15 December 2007, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

24. International seminar on ‘New-Build Gentrifications: Forms, Places and Processes’, 15 -16 November 2007, the Institute of Geography, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland. (Invited speaker)

25. International Conference on China's Urban Transition and City Planning, 28-30 June 2007, Cardiff, UK. (organiser).

26. Workshop on ‘City B/lights: Narratives of Historical Representation and Physical Regeneration’ Centre for East Asia, University of Bristol, 28 February 2007, Bristol, UK. (Invited speaker)

27. Annual Conference of Royal Geographical Society with The Institute of British Geographers, 31 August- 2 September 2005, London, UK. (Acted as coordinator for organizing conference sessions).

28. Annual Conference of American Association of Geographers, 5th-9th April 2005, Denver, CO, USA.

29. UCRN Conference, Cities in China, The Next Generation of Urban Research: Part 3, 12th-14th Dec. 2004, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.

30. Urban China studies seminar, Oct. 2004, Department of Geography, University of Washington, Seattle WA, US.

31. International Geographical Congress, 16th -20th Aug. 2004, Glasgow, UK.


Urban Social Space Restructuring, National Science Foundation of China , Principal Investigator, 01/2014 -12/2016 .

A political economy analysis of China’s urban redevelopment and its socio-spatial outcomes, National Science Foundation of China , Principal Investigator, 01/2013 -12/2016 .



Urban Social Space Restructuring, National Science Foundation of China , Principal Investigator, 01/2014 -12/2016 .


A political economy analysis of China’s urban redevelopment and its socio-spatial outcomes, National Science Foundation of China , Principal Investigator, 01/2013 -12/2016 .



4. “政體理論視角下的城市更新 及社會空間重構“,中央高校基本科研業務費中山大學青年教師重點培育項目,20萬,項目負責人,2011-2013。

5. “跨學科視角下的中國新城市空間的生產與演變:國家、市場與社會”, 中山大學985辦公室“青年骨幹教師培養”項目,27.5萬,項目負責人,2011.06-2011.12。

6. “廣州的兩次紳士化浪潮及其社會空間後果”,教育部留學回國人員科研啟動基金,4.5萬,項目負責人,2011-2012。

7. “大事件對城市社會空間的影響研究,以廣州2010亞運會為例”, 中央高校基本科研業務費中山大學青年教師培育項目,15萬,項目負責人,2010-2012。

8. “中國大城市紳士化現象研究,以廣州為例”(基金號:40801061),中國國家自然科學基金項目,17萬,項目負責人,2009-2011。

9. “中山大學‘百人計畫’引進人才985科研啟動基金”,15萬,項目負責人,2009-2011。

10. ”揚州市老城區公房改造政策研究”,德國技術合作公司(Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)) 委託項目,18.5萬,項目負責人,2010.01-06。

11. “中國城市社會來臨與智慧城市設計及發展戰略研究”,國家社科基金重大項目,70萬,項目組主要成員,2012-2015

12. “智慧型化城市犯罪機理研究”,中國國家自然科學基金面上基金項目(項目批准號:41171140),60萬,項目組主要成員,2011.8-2015.12。

13. ”中國快速城市化下的移民村落發展:對貧困和貧民窟政策的啟示”(The Development of Migrant Villages under China’s Rapid Urbanization: Implications for Poverty and Slum Policies), 英國經濟與社會發展基金會(Economic and Social Research Council)以及英國國際發展部(Department for International Development)聯合資助項目,33.3萬 英鎊 (333萬人民幣),項目主持人:英國卡迪夫大學吳縛龍教授、Chris Webster教授, 本人為項目組主要成員,2010-2012

14. “管治、邊界與城市公民權”(Governability, borders and urban citizenship), 德國科學基金會(DFG) [SPP 1233, no. BR 3546/1-2],9.8萬歐元(98萬人民幣),項目主持人:Werner Breitung 教授,澳大利亞國立大學Luigi Tomba教授,本人為項目組主要成員,2009-2010。

15. “2010廣州亞運會的社會空間影響” (Social legacy of 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games), 英國倫敦經濟學院三得利-豐田經濟學及相關學科國際中心(LSE Suntory-Toyota International Centre for Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERD)) 資助項目,2萬英鎊(20萬人民幣),項目主持人:英國倫敦經濟學院申鉉邦博士,本人為項目組主要成員,2009-2010。

16. “中國城市貧困與財產權變化”(Urban poverty and property rights changes in China),英國經濟與社會發展基金會(Economic and Social Research Council)及英國國際發展部(Department for International Development)聯合資助項目,260,000英鎊(260萬人民幣),項目主持人:英國卡迪夫大學吳縛龍教授、Chris Webster教授,本人為項目組主要成員,2006-2008。

17. “城市貧困鄰里及新城市貧困人口的生活機遇”(Urban poverty neighbourhoods and life chances of the new urban poor in comparative perspective),英國城市與區域研究基金會資助項目 (Foundation of Urban and Regional Studies, Research Grant),項目主持人:英國卡迪夫大學劉玉亭博士,本人為項目組主要成員,2005-2006。

18. “轉型期中國新城市貧困和低收入社區研究”(New urban poverty and changing low-income communities under market transition),英國科學院研究基金項目 (The British Academy Larger Grant Scheme, LRG-37484),項目主持人:英國卡迪夫大學吳縛龍教授,項目組主要成員,2004-2006。

19. “中國城市社會空間分異和鄰里變化”(Socio-spatial segregation and neighbourhood change in urban China),英國科學院研究基金項目(The British Academy),項目主持人:英國南安普頓大學吳縛龍教授,項目組主要成員,2002-2003。

20 “以房地產開發為導向的舊城再開發--上海的實證研究”(Property-led urban redevelopment in Shanghai),美國紐約州立大學阿爾巴尼分校中國城市研究網路資助項目(Urban China Research Network, The State University of New York at Albany),項目負責人,2003。




Transitional Cities: Urban and Housing Development, Department of Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong, 2015-present


Urban and Housing Theories (BHMP1006), Department of Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong, 2015-present

Applied Social Research Methods (BHMP1003), Department of Urban Planning and Design, The University of Hong Kong, 2015-present

Sustainable Urban Development and Hong Kong, Common Core Course, The University of Hong Kong, October, 2013 (Guest lecture)




Urban and Regional Development in China










Theories and Practices in Human Geography

Transitional Cities: Urban and Housing Development

Urbanisation and Development


Social survey techniques and research methods

Human Geography and Research Methods

World Regional Geography under Globalization

Planning Markets and Land,

Cities in Market Transition and Emerging Economies

Introductory Geographic Information Systems

Geographical Skills

Prospective Students

September – November: Preparation of application Personal statement Research proposal / portfolio References / referees

November – December (1st Round of Application): On-line application due

December – January:Review of Application

February:Announcement of results to applicants

May (2nd Round of Application):On-line application due

June: Announcement of results to applicants


