研究員, "國家傑出青年基金"獲得者, 中國科學院"百人計畫" 獲得者,男
1985年畢業於華東師範大學生物系1995年 澳大利亞國立大學神經科學博士
1994-1997年 哈佛醫學院 /霍華德.休斯醫學研究院,研究員
1997-1999年 昆士蘭大學生理學系視覺、觸覺和聽覺研究中心,高級研究員
1999-2004年 中國科學院上海生命科學研究院神經科學研究所研究員
2005至今 中國科學院生物物理研究所研究員
Biography & Introduction
1995, Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Australian National University, 1994-1997, Research Associate/Research Fellow, Howard Hughes Medical Institute/Harvard Medical School,1997-1999, NH&MRC Senior Research Officer, Vision, Touch & Hearing Research Centre, University of Queensland, 1999-2004, Professor and Head, Laboratory of Retinal Structure and Function, Institute of Neuroscience Chinese Academy of Sciences. 2005- , Professor, Institute of Biophysics. Assistant director, Institute of Biophysics. Secretary General, Chinese Society for Neuroscience.
Mechanism of signal processing and circuitry formation in the brain, using mammalian retina as a model system; regulation and developmental changes in the dendritic structure of retinal ganglion cells; mechanism of processing of visual signals for motion direction.
其主要論文 (Selected Publications)分別發表在Nature(1997年,封面), J. Neurosci.(1999年,封面), Neuron(1999年), Science(2000年), J. Comp. Neurol.(2002年),Science(2003年,綜述)和J. Physiol.(2004年,封面)。
Wenzhi Sun, Qiudong Deng, William R Levick, and Shigang He. ON direction-selective ganglion cells in the mouse retina. J PHYSIOL (LONDON), 2006, 576(1) 197-202,
Qiudong Deng, Ling Wang , Wei Dong, Shigang He. Lateral components in the cone terminals of the rabbit retina: Horizontal cell origin and glutamate receptor expression. J COMP NEUROL, 2006, 496(5): 698-705
Weng, S., Sun, W. and He, S. Identification of ON-OFF direction selective retinal ganglion cells in the mouse. J PHYSIOL-LONDON, (2005).
Diao, L., Sun, W., Deng, Q. and He, S. Development of the mouse retina: Emerging morphological diversity of the ganglion cells. J NEUROBIOL 61, 236-249 (2004).
Dong, W., Sun, W., Zhang, Y., Chen, X. and He, S. Dendritic relationship between starburst amacrine cells and direction-selective ganglion cells in the rabbit retina. J PHYSIOL-LONDON 556, 11-17 (2004).
He, S., Dong, W., Deng, Q., Weng, S. and Sun, W. Seeing more clearly: Recent advances in understanding the retinal circuitry. Science 302, 408-411 (2003). (invited review).
Sun, W, Li, N. and He, S. Large scale morphological survey of mouse retinal ganglion cells. J COMP NEUROL 451, 115-126 (2002).