英文名稱:Woodcutter Simulator
遊戲類型:SIM 模擬經營類遊戲
製作發行:UIG GmbH
配置要求作業系統: Windows: XP / Vista / 7
處理器: 2GHz
記憶體: 1 GB
光碟機: CD-ROM
音效卡: 3D-Sound
HD: 750 MB
DirectX: 9 或以上
外設: 鍵盤滑鼠
顯示卡: Geforce® 6800 Serie ATI® X1650, S3 C. 430GT (min. 128 MB VRAM)或以上, Shader Modell 3.0或
Timber! Thus, in the woods when the big harvesters are used to keep saw off a tree, and then also equal to or exempt from all branches. It continues with the powerful tug, which can either push or pull the logs through the forest. In the sawmill, the user cares about making of large tree trunks handy logs on. Which must be transported by special vehicles to transport trucks and cranes. In this way, it is easy to transport them to the customer.
• Detailed landscape in 3D Graphics
• Different times of the day
• Numerous tasks are waiting for the player
• High score function, this long-lasting fun
• Powerful physics engine
• Profile management for multiple players
• Free play after the masters of all tasks possible
• Great lighting and particle effects