
性別: 女
星座: 處女座
出生日期: 1961-09-11
出生地: 美國,加利福尼亞州,洛杉磯
職業: 演員
更多外文名: Elizabeth Ann Guttman (本名)
imdb編號: nm0197354
快樂的大腳2/快樂腳2(台)/踢躂小企鵝2(港) Happy Feet Two (2011)
貓狗大戰2/貓狗斗一番2/貓狗大戰2:貓咪的復仇 Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore (2010)
Gnomes and Trolls: The Forest Trial (2009)
我姐姐的守護者/姐姐的守護者(台/港) My Sister's Keeper (2009)
62 Pickup (2008)
Gnomes and Trolls (2008)
White Air (2007)
The Unlikely's (2007)
Up-In-Down Town (2007)
風雲才女/對此承諾 Pledge This! (2006)
Mustang Sally (2006)
快樂的大腳/快樂腳(台)/踢躂小企鵝(港) Happy Feet (2006)
Cutting Room (2006)
千屍屋2/屍骨如山2 The Devil's Rejects (2005)
The 100 Greatest Cartoons (2005)
Potheads: The Movie (2005)
30 Days in Hell: The Making of 'The Devil's Rejects' (2005)
"Game Over" (2004)
Stop That Cycle (2004)
Wait (2004)
原野小兵兵 Rugrats Go Wild (2003)
"All Grown Up" (2003)
Powerpuff Girls: Twas the Fight Before Christmas (2003)
霸王美少女/飛天小女警 The Powerpuff Girls (2002)
"ChalkZone" (2002)
草地英熊/鄉村熊 The Country Bears (2002)
The Making and Meaning of 'We Are Family' (2002)
A Baby Blues Christmas Special (2002)
"Star Dates" (2002)
暑假歷險 Recess: School's Out (2001)
真愛伴鵝行 The Trumpet of the Swan (2001)
The Beaver Trilogy (2001)
"What's with Andy?" (2001)
The Rugrats: All Growed Up (2001)
Rugrats: Still Babies After All These Years (2001)
小鬼巴黎行 Rugrats in Paris: The Movie - Rugrats II (2000)
Bob's Video (2000)
Alvin and the Chipmunks Meet the Wolfman (2000)
"Baby Blues" (2000)
The Making of 'Rugrats in Paris' (2000)
Gen 13 (1999)
硬漢部隊:星河戰隊歷代記 "Roughnecks: The Starship Troopers Chronicles" (1999)
We Wish You a Merry Christmas (1999)
"The New Woody Woodpecker Show" (1999)
小豬乖乖/我很乖,因為我要出國/寶貝豬進城記/寶貝小豬嘜2:豬嘜愛漫遊 Babe: Pig in the City (1998)
淘氣小兵兵 The Rugrats Movie (1998)
"The Powerpuff Girls" (1998)
A Rugrats Vacation (1997)
"Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles" (1996)
"The What a Cartoon Show" (1996)
終極傻瓜 A Goofy Movie (1995)
小淘氣 The Little Rascals (1994)
"Aladdin" (1994)
"Duckman: Private Dick/Family Man" (1994)
夜行神龍 "Gargoyles" (1994)
Empty Cradle (1993)
"Problem Child" (1993)
羅倫佐的油/奇蹟 Lorenzo's Oil (1992)
Condition: Critical (1992)
"Eek! the Cat" (1992)
春色一籮筐 Dogfight (1991)
小鬼精靈,瘋狂幻想車 Dutch (1991)
小兵兵 "Rugrats" (1991)
Loverboy (1989)
惡夢初醒 Bad Dreams (1988)
再見人生 Better Off Dead... (1985)
Fandango (1985)
荒唐小混蛋奇遇記 Pee-wee's Big Adventure (1985)
The Orkly Kid (1985)
愛情使你盲目 No Small Affair (1984)
狠將奇兵 Streets of Fire (1984)
Wacko (1983)
One Dark Night (1983)
山谷女孩 Valley Girl (1983)
逃獄風雲 The Escape Artist (1982)
Funny Money (1982)
"Fame" (1982)
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Fabulous Stains (1981)
Street Music (1981)