
Lesson Lesson Lesson


出版社: 北京大學出版社; 第1版 (2007年8月1日)
外文書名: mainstream English 3
平裝: 339頁
正文語種: 簡體中文
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787301125335
條形碼: 9787301125335
尺寸: 29.8 x 22.8 x 1.6 cm
重量: 1.1 Kg




——程朝翔 教授 北京大學外國語學院院長 教育部高等學校英語專業教學指導委員會委員
——羅立勝 教授 清華大學外語系主任 北京市高等學校大學英語研究會理事長
——梅德明 教授 博士生導師 上海外國語大學英語學院院長 教育部教材審定專家
The most attractive features of this English textbook are its interesting, up-to-date topics and lively, applied exercises and examples… The exercises are clearly arranged, and there is a good variation between real-life dialogues, more formal reading passages, and language skills exercise. All in all, this book is an appealing, easy-to-follow textbook for learners who have gone beyond the elementary level in the study of English.
——Thomas Rendall 北京大學外籍專家史丹福大學博士 曾任加拿大University College of Cape Breton文學院院長 澳門大學英語系主任


Unit 1 Money,Money,Money!Shopping,Money and Fines
Lesson 1 Junk Food
Lesson 2 Fines for speeding
Lesson 3 At a Computer Shop
Lesson 4 Tipping
Lesson 5 Bargaining Tricks
Lesson 6 Talking about the Price of Things
Unit 2 Sand,Surf and Fun!Leisure and Travel
Lesson 7 A Family Discussion of Holiday Destinations
Lesson 8 The Grouchy Traveller
Unit 3 Where Do You Live?Homes and Architecture
Lesson 9 Homes People Live in
Lesson 10 Classifieds
Lesson 11 Why isn't There any Hot Water?
Unit 4 uncork the Champagne!Celebrations,Festivals and Parties
Lesson 12 Attending a Concert
Lesson 13 New Year's Eve
Lesson 14 Easter
Unit 5 Back to School and Back to Work:Studying and Working
Lesson 15 Trade Unions
Lesson 16 Public or Private School
Lesson 17 A Resignation Letter
Lesson 18 Job Interview
Lesson 19 The Working World
Lesson 20 A Brief Resume
Unit 6 Art for Art's Sake:Art,Literature,English and Jokes
Lesson 21 Dog: Man's Best Friend
Lesson 22 Do You Speak English With an Accent?
Lesson 23 The Artists
Lesson 24 Bad Jokes
Unit 7 Numbers,Wires and Scientific Matters:Technology,Maths and Science
Lesson 25 Do I Need Glasses?
Lesson 26 Mobile Phones
Lesson 27 Online Banking
Lesson 28 What Causes Movement?
Lesson 29 sunburn
Lesson 30 Genetically Modified Foods
Lesson 31 Heart Disease
Lesson 32 New Technology
Unit 8 I'm in Love! Dating and Emotions
Lesson 33 The Pick Up
Lesson 34 The Anniversary
Lesson 35 Memories
Lesson 36 First Dates
Lesson 37 Blind Dates and Speed Dates
Unit 9 My Advice is…Persuading, Debating and Advising
Lesson 38 Mary's Party
Lesson 39 Bad Habits
Lesson 40 Part of a Debate


