
it12 athon sion


出版社: 上海教育出版社,上海海文音像出版社; 第1版 (2008年7月1日)
平裝: 182頁
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787544414364
條形碼: 9787544414364
尺寸: 25.4 x 18.2 x 0.8 cm
重量: 299 g


《中學生英語閱讀技巧與提高7》是從美國Teacher Created Materials公司引進的一套英語閱讀叢書。與眾不同的是,該套叢書著重通過各種不同題材、生動有趣的閱讀材料總結出一系列行之有效的英語閱讀技巧,再通過精心安排的練習把這些技巧運用於閱讀實踐中。


Unit1 A Rained-Out Trip
Unit2 The Solar System
Unit3 Baking Blueberry Muffins!
Unit4 Earth's Largest Animals
unit5 Soccer Win
Unit6 Drink, Drink That Milk!
Unit7 Noises in the Night
Unit8 Monkeys Monkey around
Unit9 Cheerful Louis
Unit10 A Quicker Picker-Upper
Unit11 Getting a Clue about Clouds
Unit12 At the Circus
Unit13 The Truth about Tooth Care
Unit14 Happenings at the Airport
Unit15 Lydia's First recital
Unit16 Birds of a Feather
Unit17 A Tasty Treat, a Poison ... and an Argument?.
Unit18 Jonathon's Special Glasses
Unit19 The Busy Life of Honeybees
Unit20 Amazing Salt
Unit21 The Digestive System
Unit22 One Boy's Wish upon a Star
Unit23 Is It a Kiwi or a Kiwi?
Unit24 It Starts with You!
Unit25 When Is a Bear Not a Bear?.
Unit26 The Three Rs
Unit27 Small Girl in a Big Town
Unit28 From an Egg to a Frog
Unit29 How Spring Came to Be?
Unit30 Keeping a Cool Head about Fire Safely
Unit31 Life among the Chimps
Unit32 The Festival of Colors
Comprehension Review


