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(中外假期)原名深圳市海外國際旅行社有限公司,成立於1979年,是深圳市屬最大的綜合性旅遊企業,擁有出國游組團權的旅行社,連續八年榮獲深圳市旅遊先進單位稱號。 深圳市海外國際旅行社有限公司這是經國家旅遊局批准,是具有獨立法人資格的國際旅行社。經營許可證編號L-GD-GJ-000131,是深圳最有實力的旅行社之一,更是一個重視品牌、重視質量、富有朝氣和活力的旅行社。
深圳海外國際旅行社以產品批發為龍頭,致力於各種大中型團隊旅遊的操作,曾成功組織並承辦過國醫委員會前往新加坡、斯里蘭卡、泰國、韓國、香港等地的大型展會;中國平安保險深圳公司赴越南、桂林、北京等地的獎勵旅遊;安泰保險公司赴普吉島獎勵旅遊;日本體力高公司中國經銷商香港、日本等地的商務考察活動。各地赴港旅遊專列團, “千名三八巾幗”游中山,“千名幸福老人”游中山、河源等等。
China Overseas Travel Net (Shenzhen Overseas International Travel Co., Ltd. ) is the largest Comprehensive Travel service firm in Shenzhen. It was established in 1979 and has awarded the Shenzhen Advance Travel Service Unit for the past 6 years.
Shenzhen Overseas International Travel Co., Ltd., approved by China National Tourism Administration with License No. L-G-GJ-000131, has a legal corporation status on its own for overseas services. We away value our brand name and service quality. SOITC, brimming with vigor and vitality, is one of the most powerful travel service firms in Shenzhen.
Based on the company’s spirit of Creating, Hard Working and Efficiency, and the mission of Friendship First, Guest Priority, Prestige First, Reasonable Pricing, we provide people with touring, sightseeing and business travelling at home and abroad. We have our own buses of all kinds, high qualified guides and drivers and management teams. We conduct a system of targets responsibility in our operation to ensure our clients from all over the world obtained super quality products and services. We have developed more than 400 tour lines at home and abroad. The range of service covers board and lodging, transportation, sightseeing, purchasing and amusement.
SOITC takes the products wholesale as a main business and devotes in every kinds of large and middle scale group tour operation. We have successfully organized and undertaken several large group travels at home and abroad such as Chinese Medicine Exhibitions in Singapore, Sri Lanka, Thailand, South Korea, Hong Kong; China insures Shenzhen Corporation to go to places the safely such as Vietnam, Guilin, Beijing reward traveling; Reward travels of Ping An Insurance (Group) Company of China, Ltd. Shenzhen Branch to Vietnam, Guilin, Beijing; Reward travels of Antai Insurance Co., Ltd. to 普吉島, Thailand; Business study tours of China Distributors of Japan Life to Hong Kong; Zhongshan tour for Thousand excellent ladies on March 8; Zhongshan and Heyuan tour for Thousand Happiness Seniors; etc.


