關於我們About us
中國公益清潔行動(CCCA)是由清潔行業熱心公益的社會人士和企業共同發起的一項公益計畫,我們關注福利院公益清潔、公益清洗、清潔健康宣傳、綠色清潔及清潔工福利。China Charitable Cleaning Action(CCCA)is a plan initiated by public-spirited individuals and companies within cleaning industry.We pay attention to charity houses cleaning,free cleaning for communal facilities,hygiene cleaning,green cleaning and welfares of cleaners.
近些年中國清潔行業得到了快速發展,很多企業也開始關注公益事業,通過中國公益清潔行動計畫,企業可以展示自己的社會責任形象,並且得到很好的社會效應。China cleaning industry has developed a lot these years,and many companies get to care about public welfares.Through China Charitable Cleaning Action(CCCA),companies can show their corporate social responsibility (CSR),and benefit the whole society.
我們的行動What we do
1.福利機構公益清潔Charity houses cleaning我們會選取敬老院、兒童福利院等福利機構進行公益清潔服務和清潔用品捐贈。
2.公益清洗Free cleaning of communal facilities
3.清潔健康教育Education of hygiene cleaning
4.清潔主題攝影與視頻徵集Cleaning-themed photographs and videos
5.關注清潔工福利Call for better welfares of cleaners
怎么做How we do it
成為志願者Be a volunteer
無論您是學生還是職員,都可以申請成為我們的志願者,進行清潔服務、項目運作、信息傳播、教育培訓、法律援助、網路維護、平面設計和翻譯支持等志願服務,我們會對參與清潔服務和清潔衛生宣傳的志願者進行培訓。You can apply to be a volunteer no matter you are a student or staff to volunteer cleaning services,programs operation,public relations,education&training,legal assistance,network maintenance,graphic design and translation.We will train the volunteers who are involved in cleaning services and cleaning&hygiene education.
企業支持Support us
清潔產品製造商、銷售商和清潔服務供應商都可以支持我們的項目,具體包括向社會福利機構捐贈清潔設備、清潔劑、清潔工具以及提供公益清潔服務;培訓福利機構的清潔工作人員和我們的志願者;公益清洗公共設施、大型雕塑和地標性建築(非商業);參與我們的清潔主題攝影活動等。Cleaning manufacturers,distributors and service contractors can sponsor our projects,including donations of cleaning equipments,cleaning agents,cleaning tools and services;training for the cleaning staff and our volunteers;free cleaning of communal facilities,sculptures and landmark building(non-commercial);participating in our cleaning-themed-photographs activities.
公益申請Apply to be a charitable object
福利院、學校、社區、公共設施、大型雕塑和地標性建築(非商業)等的負責人可以向我們申請公益清潔項目,如果可行,雙方共同制定公益清潔項目方案並實施。The one in charge of charity houses,schools,communities, communal facilities, sculptures and landmark building(non-commercial) can apply for charitable cleaning program.If possible,we will make the charitable cleaning plan together and carry it out.
Notice:The plan is still under consideration,please feel free to give us suggestion.